serious question about advanced preharvest technique.


Active Member
So I met someone who said he does something where before you harvest your soil plant you fill up a 5 gallon with real hot water not steaming and dunk the rootmass in it for about 5 minutes and then hang the plant upside down for 2 days(with the root mass still attached) and then manicure it. that it does something to make the taste and smell come of out the finished product way stronger and sooner.

Has anyone ever heard of such a thing, apparently he learned it at oaksterdamn he went there for a year.
never heard of it but i did hear from old hippie friend that dropping the water temperature to 62-64 towrd the last week of your flowering phase will produce nice dense plump buds...i will be puttin this to the test in couple weeks
Sounds like great way to fuck up yer plants.
No worries someone will come along soon and tell ya drowning yer plants will increase the potency or some such nonsense.
Probably the same bush hippy thinking that says to boil your roots to get the resin out. The only thing something like this does is force the stomata closed, which makes the drying process much slower, which does improve the cure.
I imagine the plants did evolve to figure that if the water messing with its roots is quite cold then likely its winter time and it better hurry the hell up

But at the same time, how big is the window between that point and killing the roots with cold?

That upside down stuff sounds pretty silly though, plants grow upside down fine so i dont see why flipping it upside down would do anything except make the plant try to flip all its leaves around.
Your totally right but you have the plants mixed up. This tek is supposed to be applied to the meth plant, not cannabis.

I imagine the plants did evolve to figure that if the water messing with its roots is quite cold then likely its winter time and it better hurry the hell up

But at the same time, how big is the window between that point and killing the roots with cold?

That upside down stuff sounds pretty silly though, plants grow upside down fine so i dont see why flipping it upside down would do anything except make the plant try to flip all its leaves around.

Actually the roots need to be warm for phos to be used up and I dont think cold water is going to cause the resin to ripen quicker if you didn't mean the buds.

I've heard alot of dumb talk about stuff like this as if there is resin IN the roots that gets shocked out and shoots to the flowers. Sticking roots in ice, dry ice, now hot water, then hanging them. I can picture the mud dripping all over the plant...try dipping the roots in nail polish remover.