Growing Outside in BIG Numbers


Well-Known Member
What is the biggest number of plants me and 2 friends could handle growing outdoors? We are both begginers and were thinking of planting 60 plants. Also I know that it's better to start the plants inside then transplant them outside but since there is so many would it be fine to just plant all of them outside? HE has 1300 acres of land so thats were we would grow. Is April 20th a good day to start growing. lol. I kinda want to start as early as possible though. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
start with 10 or 20. depends on where you live is when you can start. you want to make shure that there isnt going to be a risk of frost before putting outside. You are going to have to germinate the seeds first and let them get a couple of nodes before placing outside! good luck and have fun.


Well-Known Member
start with 10 or 20. depends on where you live is when you can start. you want to make shure that there isnt going to be a risk of frost before putting outside. You are going to have to germinate the seeds first and let them get a couple of nodes before placing outside! good luck and have fun.
I second what he said, except I disagree with one part: you don't HAVE to start them inside, it's just a much better system. You could just germinate the seeds and then plant them strategically and then look after them. With that method you will probably lose many though in the first 2 weeks, so be careful. And yes, you really are better off growing 20 good plants instead of 60 shitty plants. I don't care if you have 8 friends; as long as you're all beginners, it's true. I'm doing a similar grow with a friend this summer, so I know the temptation to go's a bad idea though.


Well-Known Member
Just dont leave a scrap of anything around ... dont make a trail. andset it up so you can harvest befor mid oct.. (start inside and plant outside after last frost.... And last but not least ..

If you get caught kiss those 1300 acres goodbye .(oh dont line up your plants scatter them .Plants dont line themselfs up in straight lines ..People do )


Well-Known Member
Well yal can plant as many as yall want, just deoends on how many you want to water and shit. And are you just gonna plant them in the ground??? And do you plan to use fert??? Because yall are gonna end up with shitty weed if you just feed plain water and plant them in plain dirt. Do as many as you want just done espect them all to live and be famale.

I would just plant 15 - 20 good plants and feed em right, as in planted in good soil, feed fert, and have the best sunniest spot. I would rather have 40 ounces of good weed than 150 ounces of shit weed.


Well-Known Member
ok sounds good ill tell the fellows that we are only going to do about 20. Also i plan to do this right not just throw some plants into the soil. I mean we are going to go to home depot and buy like good soil things to plant into into good nutriens and evrything. So i just hope this does go good. Also what if the plants were to be found do you think they would really try to find out who was planting them? Now remember this is a small ass town in the middle of the country.

THnaks for all the reply's


New Member
ok sounds good ill tell the fellows that we are only going to do about 20. Also i plan to do this right not just throw some plants into the soil. I mean we are going to go to home depot and buy like good soil things to plant into into good nutriens and evrything. So i just hope this does go good. Also what if the plants were to be found do you think they would really try to find out who was planting them? Now remember this is a small ass town in the middle of the country.

THnaks for all the reply's
1300 acres. 13 patches of 20. Start inside. Amend the soil now with slow release ferts, Miracle Gro slow release rose food is what I'd use, some bone meal, and terrasorb. Plant when warm and stay away.:mrgreen:


Sector 5 Moderator
First of all, you said "fellows"; BAD thing!! I can almost guarantee that if 2 friends know about this, word will get out and you will get caught; happens all the time. If you want to grow, do it by yourself and don't tell anyone. Korvette wasn't kidding about losing the farm; they will take it under the RICO act. My advice would be to plant it on somebody elses land right next door to yours. Mind the other advice too; it's good. And get some decent soil too; buy some MG Organic Growers Choice, some perlite, dolomitic lime, blood meal and bone meal and forget the nutes. Water them religiously every 2-3 days, depending on how dry it is. Growing 20 plants isn't hard; it's the harvesting and curing of 20 plants that's the hard part. That's a lot of time consuming work.


Well-Known Member
plant 60, just spread it out.
Bad advice, if you plant 60 and spread em all out then you wont be able to keep track of all them plants. And there is no way you will be able to catch all the males, so your buds would get pollinated. And you wouldnt be able to remember where they all are so it would be impossible almost to water and feed every plant 5 times a week.


Well-Known Member
we could grow more! honestly, for a beginner 15-20 is more than enough. are they good seeds? or baggie? good seeds are safe, but with baggie figure 1/2 will be male and 1/2 of the rest may be hermies. that amount will keep you busy with watering pruning, general nurturing, harvest, drying, curing!


Well-Known Member
we could grow more! honestly, for a beginner 15-20 is more than enough. are they good seeds? or baggie? good seeds are safe, but with baggie figure 1/2 will be male and 1/2 of the rest may be hermies. that amount will keep you busy with watering pruning, general nurturing, harvest, drying, curing!
I disagree, bagseed from your best bud has about 1:3 male to famale ratio, or thats how bagseed has alwase treated me. For someone to say that .5 is male and the other .5 are gonna be hermies is one of the most retarted statements i have ever heard. My first 15 crops or so were bagseed and i got 1 male for every 3 females on average. But yes, buying seeds from a seed bank is better. And i never recomend first timers to ever buy seeds because most first time growers dont have promising results and i would hate to see yall waste $60.00+ on seeds. But if yall do, i also ont recomend buying any fems. They are what is more likely to be hermies than anything.


Well-Known Member
He said that 50% will be male, 25% will be hermies, 25% females....he just put it in an odd way. You got 1 male for every 3 females? That's pretty insane. Wouldn't a lot more people grow from GOOD bagseed if that were the case?


Well-Known Member
If u can, u should plant 15 inside, force flower to determine sex then, clone the females and just plant the clones and mothers outside...Stay off your own land!!!! People lose there property all the time around where i live to the LEO.