Blew my first bulb - 1000w digilux HPS

Ugh, I woke up this morning to find the light off, and my nextgen ballast blinking at me. Upon further inspection, the HPS rod was hanging down and touching the glass. This sucks as it only has one month of 12/12 on it. I got it online, so I hope they will warranty it. Gotta switch back to the old 400w for a few days... how gay!! This is the first bulb I have ever burned out. I hope this isnt common with the digilux, I really like them. Is it common for a bulb to arrive with small scratches and manufacturing marks. Not really scratches so to speak, but like mechanical lines and indentations that look like they were created when the bulb was hot. When this one arrived it had a few scratches on it, and I emailed the vendor and they said it will be fine.
anything you can feel with your fingernail is not good. This is why you should only buy bulbs at your local store, you can get a new one the same day, buying online is a crapshoot.
Well, I got this one from sunflowersupplies for $69 shipped. Not to bad of a deal. Thats 50% less than what my local store wants... Now do I go buy a new one, and return the replacement when it arrives? Hmmmmm

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I agree with the above

I also recently had a bulb burn out on me, 14 days into 18/6.

Brought it back, swapped it out for a hortilux, and they removed the $30 cost of the burned bulb from the hortilux! Good deal.

I also will say get the hood, ballast and bulb from the same shop. That way the shop who sold you the bulb won't blame it on the shop that sold you your ballast!

This is what I have found, for the small personal grower ;)
These were the pics I sent the vendor. If you look closely you can see the scratches/markings on the bulb. This bulb is spotless, every mark you see is engraved into the glass.



Well-Known Member
Some of us don't have to resources to buy locally and are continually ever so carefully ordering supplies online. Perhaps they were so cheap because they were something like 2nds. Like the stuff they sell at the dollar store.


Curious to see the outcomes as I was planning on getting some digilux's for my new lumatek 400w...
Well, I got this one from sunflowersupplies for $69 shipped. Not to bad of a deal. Thats 50% less than what my local store wants... Now do I go buy a new one, and return the replacement when it arrives? Hmmmmm
Looks like you got what you paid for, a bulb that burned out and left you stranded, totally worth the savings.
Well, this bulb and ballast actually came DIRECTLY from CAP. Nextgen ballast and digilux bulb. It arrived in less than 24 hours(seriously, this thing was here in 20 hours), drop shipped. I can only image this is the same way local stores get their goods.
Well, this bulb and ballast actually came DIRECTLY from CAP. Nextgen ballast and digilux bulb. It arrived in less than 24 hours(seriously, this thing was here in 20 hours), drop shipped. I can only image this is the same way local stores get their goods.
your missing my point, you can blow 10 bulbs in a row and get a new one the same day it blows from your local supplier. Let us know if you get your replacement in 20 hours.


RIU Bulldog
digital ballasts blow out bulbs a lot faster than magnetic ballasts. Long story short, the bulbs of yesterday aren't compatible with the ballasts of today. Now im seeing ads for "digital" bulbs, and wondering if its true.
digital ballasts blow out bulbs a lot faster than magnetic ballasts. Long story short, the bulbs of yesterday aren't compatible with the ballasts of today. Now im seeing ads for "digital" bulbs, and wondering if its true.
he is using a DIGIlux bulb, It is designed to work with a DIGITAL ballast.


Well-Known Member
digital ballasts blow out bulbs a lot faster than magnetic ballasts. Long story short, the bulbs of yesterday aren't compatible with the ballasts of today. Now im seeing ads for "digital" bulbs, and wondering if its true.
Umm his bulb is designed to work with digital ballasts :/ google is your friend :)
Yeah, those digilux bulbs are really working. Like I was saying, those digi bulbs are a scam and the sad truth is that digital ballasts burn out bulbs faster than magnetics
wrong, your spreading untrue rumors. Digilux bulbs are excellent bulbs and digital ballasts work fine and don't blow bulbs
Magnetics are half the price and twice the weight, they may be a little more reliable,but I have yet to see a digital ballast wear out a bulb prematurally.
this guy got a bad bulb through the mail, lots of things happen in the mail.


Ugh, I woke up this morning to find the light off, and my nextgen ballast blinking at me. Upon further inspection, the HPS rod was hanging down and touching the glass. This sucks as it only has one month of 12/12 on it. I got it online, so I hope they will warranty it. Gotta switch back to the old 400w for a few days... how gay!! This is the first bulb I have ever burned out. I hope this isnt common with the digilux, I really like them. Is it common for a bulb to arrive with small scratches and manufacturing marks. Not really scratches so to speak, but like mechanical lines and indentations that look like they were created when the bulb was hot. When this one arrived it had a few scratches on it, and I emailed the vendor and they said it will be fine.
I had the 600W MH digilux do the exact same thing to me it was on its first week of use. The warranty did cover everything but as soon as this bulbs life is up, I won't be buying digilux again thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks. their the brightest bulb on the market and they come with a warranty. Ive sold quite a few of them and have had no returns.
I do not sell nexgen ballasts however.
I sell lumateks and phantoms, my bet would be your ballast or a bad shipment.


Active Member
i just bought a brand new 1000 watt hps and my bulb has a bunch of scratches that kind of worry me. should I just use it or take it back? im kind of unhappy with my local hydro store they had a deal on a light $ 300 out the door.. i bought it and didnt pay much attention to it.. turned out theres a big hole on the box of the reflector that was taped up and another big hole on the box the ballast came in then the bulb has a big swirl scratch in it with like 2 little dots. i can def feel with my fingernail and im worried they might be deep enough to crack the bulb. its the same tho most of the scratches look like they came from when the bulb was made. i had a bulb with one before and it had the same little dots and it endedthey also had all the boxes stacked to where the holes were on the back side up against the wall so i didnt see them. almost looks like it was bought and used and returned. i understand things happen during packaging and all the equipment looks pretty new but the bulb really worries me..ive had really bad luck with bulbs lately i got a 600w htgsupply light that came with a htgsupply bulb. bulb burned out within 48 hours of getting it so i sent it back and bought a standard 600 watt bulb i think it was phillips from my local shop. it blew within a week and took my ballast with it.. sent the ballast back and took the 600 watt back to the shop and traded it for 2 430 watt son agros and one of them blew within a week.. when i traded them the 600 i didnt get a reciept so they wont replace the 430 bulb that blew.. i got my new ballast and bulb from htg supply so ive been using them and decided to upgrade to a 1000.. after all that im very uneasy about hooking up this bulb though.. the shops here like can never even answer a question about a product. the guy couldnt even tell me if they had a soilless mix that was sterilized with no nutes in it.. he said ya umm we got ocean forest.. ocean forest has a lotta nutes lol... couldnt tell me the kelvin rating of the bulb.. i wanted a 6500k mh bulb and he didnt even know what a k rating was.. its a joke


Active Member
i just read that and realized i forgot to finish a sentence half way through. i had a a 430 wattter that had similar scratches and dots in it and used it for a long time with no issues and it still works just lost most of its intensity.. but the scratches on this bulb are a LOT deeper i couldnt really feel the scratches on that bulb u could just see them..


Active Member
after i posted earlier i decided to check out another bulb i bought with my hps setup. i got a maxlume 600w mh bulb.. i took it out and the tube inside is aall black and has crud all over it like the bulb has been used