Wisconsin Revolt

Who do you support in the Wisconsin Revolt?

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ha, you are a funny fucker. so silly.

half the democrats voted against the thing. obama was out protesting the war before it happened.

but damn near evey republican voted for it.


so silly.

just ridiculous these things you say.

Obama ran on a platform which included stopping the wars in the Middle East. Look at what he is doing . Hell, he started another one. Nobel peace prize my ass. A lot of democrats supported the war, and still do every year. Democrats controlled the government for the last couple years and could of stopped it, if they wanted. Obviously they like blowing shit up and wasting money on it as much as the Republicans. Like I said, both sides are douche bags.
Once again, what does it have to do with Wisconsin? Your link talks about Unions that have no bearing on Wisconsin or is representative of the people struggling to save their rights. Yet you accuse ME of deflection? How much do they pay YOU to be a shill?

Repeatedly the pro Union side of this argument has brought up things the Unions did, why they are important, and why we should continue to support them. You unilaterally talk about how awesome unions are, and fail to separate from the public unions and private unions. Also, you fail to separate unions like the auto workers unions and the teachers unions. If what one union does something good, even 50 years ago, they are all doing good, and all unions should be supported. If one does something bad they are solely responsible and not representative of all unions. If you consider the fight to continue being able to fleece tax payers as a struggle for rights, then what else do you consider a noble struggle?

What have the Wisconsin unions personally done? Either judge them for just their doings or judge them as the collective term "Unions". Which means they are useless or have perpetrated murder and terrorism. Go figure.
Thought I would share this quote with you at 4:27 :mrgreen:

The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.
-Bill Mollison
The poll asks if you support the governor or the people. That's not a valid poll because when collective bargaining takes place, there are two factions: The management on one side of the table and labor on the other. When the public employee unions are on one side of the table and the politicians are on the other side of the table, the "people" are left out of the negotiations. Why is that? Because the union is negotiating with those whom they put into office through the millions in union dues being spent on the politician's campaigns. The unions make the millions in donations to those candidates they support and in return those politicians give promises to the unions in future benefits that eventually cannot be repaid. An example of this would be California and their 550 BILLION in unfunded pension liabilities. Who are the people left holding the bag? The "people" referred to in the poll. That would be Joe Six Pack, the guy who works in a non-union job. In other words, most of us. Government employees should never have been given the "right" to collective bargaining in the first place ... and there is no way they should be able to even threaten to strike. The private sector is one thing when it comes to union organizing and collective bargaining, but it should never be allowed among government employees. In order for the poll to be legitimate, it should have asked: Who are you for, the people AND the governor, or the union bosses and union members?
I was speaking generally about your ideology.

so you were talking about my ideology, eh?

well, let's see...

you accuse me of being a 'broke dick' with my 'hand out'...funny thing about that is my job pays less than my unemployment insurance used to.

also, i do not qualify for food stamps anymore. not that i used them, i just signed up for them to make my medical card that much cheaper to obtain.

reconcile those facts with me being a broke dick with my hand out, if you would please.

As far as you comment on work ethic...please don't make me rant about why you make $10/hr and why I don't have to.

i really don't have to be making that $10 an hour either. i could still support myself on my side gig of supplying organic products to a brimming customer base. and i will be going back to that full time, eventually.

so please, do rant about your work ethic. i'd love to hear you try to explain how you work harder than me.
You asked,

Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, "Obamacare", welfare, unemployment, disability, massive overseas wars, the DEA, the CIA, the EPA, hundreds of 'pork barrel' projects. Income tax revenue benefits private bankers, gas tax builds roads, property tax pays for schools, police, and fire. So basically property owners pay for all necessary public services. On top of that about 40% of my income is taken by government. How it that not stealing? I don't benefit from your entitlements.

very vague, need more specifics.

40% of your income? not likely. top tax bracket is 35% right now.

it would be stealing if you derived zero benefit from the expenditure of those tax revenues. that is not the case though.

i don't benefit from your entitlements either.
Unsure how that is a response to asking how someone came up with a stat that 10% of the people in the country are billionaires and the rest have nothing at all. Thanks for playing though, I suppose.

that was actually a response to your assertion that most anyone can make it to 'the next level' (whatever the fuck that is) if they just tried harder.

bullshit, i say.

it takes a lot of things, but one of the big ones is capital. all the motivation and determination in the world is just masturbatory without some capital.

If you think the world started 20 years ago, then I suppose you could disagree. However, I stand by that statement. Consider that society has existed for thousands upon thousands of years, and at this point in history even the poor and downtrodden in America live in houses with AC and have cars for the most part. How many people do you know who don't have computers, cars, places to live, and good to eat? Only those who have completely given up on life. Even minimum wage can supply all those things if you are responsible with your money, even without taxpayers subsidizing you.

so you are saying that stagnant wages are just dandy, especially since we don't have to chase our prey over long distances and beat it to death with clubs once it tires?

i guess if you look at it that way, the era of the bubonic plague was an awesome time to be alive.

ditto the great depression. just a fine time to be alive!

Ok, you don't get to lecture people on writing and then not use capitalization in the same sentence. That is like saying "Yea, well you smell" in response. Pointless and makes you look like an idiot.

fair enough. i just find it easier and faster to type without capitalizing.

although the fact that you did not argue that you missed typing an 'n' tells me that you were unaware you broke the rule. just sayin'.
Obama ran on a platform which included stopping the wars in the Middle East. Look at what he is doing . Hell, he started another one. Nobel peace prize my ass. A lot of democrats supported the war, and still do every year. Democrats controlled the government for the last couple years and could of stopped it, if they wanted. Obviously they like blowing shit up and wasting money on it as much as the Republicans. Like I said, both sides are douche bags.

both sides are douchebags, but which side had more people that wanted to stop the war BEFORE we got entangled?

who was in lincoln, illinois, the day before the invasion, urging protesters that it was not too late to stop this mistake? (hint: rhymes with schmarack oframa)

basically, i just blew your previous false statement to bits, and you are just crying like a baby at this point.

boo fucking hoo for you.
In order for the poll to be legitimate, it should have asked: Who are you for, the people AND the governor, or the union bosses and union members?

nice try, but it is crystal clear, even to a caveman who lives under a rock, that the people of wisconsin DO NOT support walker's plan. nor do americans in general.
The poll asks if you support the governor or the people. That's not a valid poll because when collective bargaining takes place, there are two factions: The management on one side of the table and labor on the other. When the public employee unions are on one side of the table and the politicians are on the other side of the table, the "people" are left out of the negotiations. Why is that? Because the union is negotiating with those whom they put into office through the millions in union dues being spent on the politician's campaigns. The unions make the millions in donations to those candidates they support and in return those politicians give promises to the unions in future benefits that eventually cannot be repaid. An example of this would be California and their 550 BILLION in unfunded pension liabilities. Who are the people left holding the bag? The "people" referred to in the poll. That would be Joe Six Pack, the guy who works in a non-union job. In other words, most of us. Government employees should never have been given the "right" to collective bargaining in the first place ... and there is no way they should be able to even threaten to strike. The private sector is one thing when it comes to union organizing and collective bargaining, but it should never be allowed among government employees. In order for the poll to be legitimate, it should have asked: Who are you for, the people AND the governor, or the union bosses and union members?

That was my first point when I read the poll.
very vague, need more specifics.

40% of your income? not likely. top tax bracket is 35% right now.

it would be stealing if you derived zero benefit from the expenditure of those tax revenues. that is not the case though.

i don't benefit from your entitlements either.

You don't get it income tax pays for nothing. 35% personal income plus business taxes, ect it adds up ;)
that was actually a response to your assertion that most anyone can make it to 'the next level' (whatever the fuck that is) if they just tried harder.

bullshit, i say.
it takes a lot of things, but one of the big ones is capital. all the motivation and determination in the world is just masturbatory without some capital.
There is the problem of the liberals. They simply don't believe people are held back by their lack of dedication to themselves and their own lives. I call it the 'someone else must be holding me down since I am not successful but I am definitely awesome still' syndrome.
so you are saying that stagnant wages are just dandy, especially since we don't have to chase our prey over long distances and beat it to death with clubs once it tires?

i guess if you look at it that way, the era of the bubonic plague was an awesome time to be alive.

ditto the great depression. just a fine time to be alive!
Yes, that is exactly what I said. All those were fine times. I'd love to be a Jew in 1940 Germany too. You obviously missed the point, which was it is not that bad in the grand scheme of things.
fair enough. i just find it easier and faster to type without capitalizing.

although the fact that you did not argue that you missed typing an 'n' tells me that you were unaware you broke the rule. just sayin'.
You can hardly pick on my grammar or typing. I am not typing like some halftard with unreadable and incorrectly spelled dribble. My suggestion to you is to stop acting like a kid and reply to points and stop personal attacks and redirection.
both sides are douchebags, but which side had more people that wanted to stop the war BEFORE we got entangled?

who was in lincoln, illinois, the day before the invasion, urging protesters that it was not too late to stop this mistake? (hint: rhymes with schmarack oframa)

basically, i just blew your previous false statement to bits, and you are just crying like a baby at this point.

boo fucking hoo for you.

Ron Paul was also out against the war. If I am anything, I am Libertarian. The 'mind your own fucking business' party. Stating something and having done it are two different things. What you did was pat yourself on the back for something you obviously did not accomplish. I can only assume you are purposely doing it, or delusional. Both sides are repeatedly funding and continuing the war in Iraq/Afghanistan. Obama has started blowing things up in Libya, putting a 3rd place for US meddling. This is different how so? Wasting American dollars killing people who don't give a shit about us. Also, I might point out that his vice president voted for the war and Obama himself was not even a US Senator yet. Also, Hilary voted for the war. You don't know how Obama would of voted had he been there. The simple fact is neither side gives a shit and the money is just numbers and has never been real for either of them.
nice try, but it is crystal clear, even to a caveman who lives under a rock, that the people of wisconsin DO NOT support walker's plan. nor do americans in general.

They might not all support it, but this poll is BS. It is definitely biased towards liberals. Hey, Buck, I have a poll for you.

a) you penis in the butt
b) you penis in the throat
c) you aren't sure but are willing to try it in either one.

You have to answer one of those answers - Oh big surprise, the poll results show you like dicks in you.
so you were talking about my ideology, eh?

well, let's see...

you accuse me of being a 'broke dick' with my 'hand out'...funny thing about that is my job pays less than my unemployment insurance used to.

also, i do not qualify for food stamps anymore. not that i used them, i just signed up for them to make my medical card that much cheaper to obtain.

reconcile those facts with me being a broke dick with my hand out, if you would please.

i really don't have to be making that $10 an hour either. i could still support myself on my side gig of supplying organic products to a brimming customer base. and i will be going back to that full time, eventually.

so please, do rant about your work ethic. i'd love to hear you try to explain how you work harder than me.

Well let's see...I can't brag about food stamps, min wage or unemployment insurance so this will be hard.

I got scholarships to go to school, transferred and still double majored in buisness in 4 years.
I then graduated in a mini recession so worked for free for 9 months just to get something on my resume.
Then took a job I didn't want just to afford to get out of the house because it was comparable to BIG 5 experience at the time.
I spent 60% of my time on an airplane living out of suit case...my beloved first apartment felt like another hotel as I was never quite unpacked.

I used that on my resume to get a little closer to what I wanted to do to go to work for a firm that still wasn't "the dream", but I knew would be unparalled experience.
There, I averaged 90-100 hour weeks, skipping weekends and eating at my desk on Sundays, routinely going 60 days without a day off. The pay was shit considering the stress, time and utter hazing. I would pull 48 hour shifts going home only to shower and change regularly waking up at 3 am to have conference calls with London. Even when I was home...I was working all the time. My friends were drinking. I could only smoke rarely because I had to be that focused. I literally could not afford one iota of short term memory loss. As mentally tough as I think I am, it was here I had my first and only panick attack. They slotted me for a large porfolio and when I said I needed vacation time to help with a charity event, gave them ample notice...they said no. I had not used a sick day or vacation day in 2 years and held my ground as I committed my time about a year prior. They fired me that day. I had another job in 12 hours.

I went to a competing firm where I was a manager responsible for over $2 billion a year in transactions. I made more and worked a little less, but I probably made more decisions in 10 minutes than you made in your entire life. My production level was 60% higher than second place at the company.

Finally, I got the opportunity to get on origination side at a different firm (the dream), but had to work 2 years under the top man (now CEO) shoveling his shit and being treated like a piece of fuckmeat. Once again...utter hazing just to get a shot. The amount of multi-tasking was unbelievable. After being yelled at, I finally told my boss..."my brain can handle more, but unless I sprout more arms and a second head...I'm maxed out. We need hire someone to help." We didn't...Out of the 10 predecesors before me...I was the only person under him to get promoted to the big boys. The rest prior buckled, quit or were canned. I'm currently the only one at the firm at my level groomed from the inside. I've seen about 100 go in other directions.

All that to finally get out on my own where I am today, which is no picnic. But, I can get fired, have the economy implode and just about every bad thing imaginable occur, but I have one thing noone can take away which is an invaluable commodity...my experience. I could have dicked off, I could have had more fun...I could have taken more money upfront for less work. I could have done a lot that would have been easier. I took my lumps. I'm not apologizing or interested in whining. Get a plan, execute, make adjustments when neccesary and quit blaming everyone else.