Well-Known Member
make sure to have someone with you the 1st time you try it, someone you can trust. It's all about the environment you're surrounded by. Everyones own experience is there own. personally i did all these things & i still had a bad trip, tried them once & never will again.
DUUUDE same for me!!! except i was told i MAY have eaten too many.. so when i tripped everything seemed slowed like i was fading away, my hands and FEET got COLD AND CLAMY it sucked man! Toy Story 3 was playing.. and everyone talked slow and had an awkward silence when anyone was about to respond..
Acid was dope.. i did a back flip over a dog, but i felt that i did the back flip in my HEAD! than i was flying in a forest in the fall because SOOO many leaves were on the ground.. than my friend told me i was dead and gone forever so shiit went downhill from there..
I just know that Acid does NO permanent damage to ur body.. the only thing u have to worry about is tripping balls and thinking everyone around you is ur enemy..
for acid its just like.. your brain ACTUALLY believes w/e your thinking.. you dont have time to think about it.. thats the closest i can get to explaining it.
so thats why ppl say surround yourself with good ppl..
just an FYI i hear that you have to eat a SHIT LOAD of shrooms to die.. if i knew that in my first try i woulda 'let go' to the fading feeling and maybe then id trip in my head and not be so focused on trying to hang on to my life and stay in this world.
when i did it i just thought "fuck! my life was so set and i just messed it up doing this, I wish i just never did it and stuck with weed"
oh and P.S. it was my best child hood friend that said this, he literally saved my life on many occasions when i had alcohol problems
he deeply regrets what he said during my acid trip and he was up all night trying to comfort me cuz i was just FREAKING out..
but the thing was.. i wasnt freaking out.. like.. i felt calm in my mind.. but my body was freaking out but I just had no control or memory of what i was doing, i kept snapping in and out of what was REALLY going on. it was pretty scary so when i snapped back into the room i just stared at the floor because that was the only way i felt I could just 'wait out the trip' without making a big scene.