Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Man that sucks. Moneys not the most important thing, but it's right up there with air! lol That is pretty greedy though.

Oh and the fire hydrant vid WAS hella funny!
Just got my FDD glass in the mail today :)

Already put some shatter in the dish :D


Here is that vaporizer wand that I got from ElevatedAlchemy.....this guy is fkn amazing.....hw will make anything....give him a shout if you have an idea....anything!!!!! marbles..pendants..gong slides..spoons..oil products...dishes..dabbers...anything......I only am praising this guy so much cause of his wonderful customer service....had it blown the next day and in the mail asap....and....when you email him....reply in as little as an hour....I'm not blowing the guy...he is just what every glass blower should be!!!!

picture does not do this thing justice....such tight wigwags...their is actually grey swirled in with the teal but you cant see it...:(
I can totally see the grey in those wig wags... nice glass man!

Benassi, find me an online retailer that sells atom smashers! ALtech doesn't carry them
Sr. Verde, Well well once again you stoners have peaked my interest by name dropping with no description. A friendly little google search later and I finally find what you guys are talkin about. They seem pretty awesome. There's a nice review over at TC about it too, dude was real thorough. Although I'm sure all of this you guys already knew. Are there any other concentrate "innovations" out there like the atom smasher? I know most of em spoons, slides, ti swings, domes. I like weird stuff to smoke out of I find it entertaining when i take my hits to watch the smoke traverse the pieces.

Here is that vaporizer wand that I got from ElevatedAlchemy.....this guy is fkn amazing.....hw will make anything....give him a shout if you have an idea....anything!!!!! marbles..pendants..gong slides..spoons..oil products...dishes..dabbers...anything......I only am praising this guy so much cause of his wonderful customer service....had it blown the next day and in the mail asap....and....when you email him....reply in as little as an hour....I'm not blowing the guy...he is just what every glass blower should be!!!!

picture does not do this thing justice....such tight wigwags...their is actually grey swirled in with the teal but you cant see it...:(
thats for tha buddha vape? that the piece that goes in the vape it self hey the bowl if you will nice dude really nice
Sr. Verde, Well well once again you stoners have peaked my interest by name dropping with no description. A friendly little google search later and I finally find what you guys are talkin about. They seem pretty awesome. There's a nice review over at TC about it too, dude was real thorough. Although I'm sure all of this you guys already knew. Are there any other concentrate "innovations" out there like the atom smasher? I know most of em spoons, slides, ti swings, domes. I like weird stuff to smoke out of I find it entertaining when i take my hits to watch the smoke traverse the pieces.


dude give me that link! :lol: i haven't seen the review.. maybe benassi has

don't hesitate to ask questions or jump in you guys thats what this threads about ;)
I read up on the atom smasher after talking to benassi lastnight....alot of people seem to bash it saying it leaves alot of left gonna stick with my dome...that is once I finally hit some BHO....uuugghhhh......anyway...yeah LED....that is for the is the wand that actually holds the bud and inserts into the glass hood with the heating can see the screen in the pic.....I was hoping it was gonna have an icepinch after the gong fitting but I guess there was a little mis communication during the initial custom request...wanted to get away from the metal screens,but ohwell....that thing only cost me $40.....dude has mad sic skills and is wicked fast!!!!
Sr. Verde, Well well once again you stoners have peaked my interest by name dropping with no description. A friendly little google search later and I finally find what you guys are talkin about. They seem pretty awesome. There's a nice review over at TC about it too, dude was real thorough. Although I'm sure all of this you guys already knew. Are there any other concentrate "innovations" out there like the atom smasher? I know most of em spoons, slides, ti swings, domes. I like weird stuff to smoke out of I find it entertaining when i take my hits to watch the smoke traverse the pieces.


The only other concentrate innovation that is somewhat recent is the Health Stone. Little coarse stone that you put into a slide and put a dab on top of it or some budder, earwax, etc... and use a windproof torch lighter (preferably butane) and it vapes into the stone. I've become acquainted with the guy who made them a while back when he was just starting up, now it's getting bigger just like the Herb Iron.


dude give me that link! :lol: i haven't seen the review.. maybe benassi has

don't hesitate to ask questions or jump in you guys thats what this threads about ;)

There's probably a thread over there about it, lemme do a search.
Ah yes. I saw those things on ALT I just wasn't sure how they worked. They look interesting enough. Are there advantages to the stone versus a dome?

Personally I haven't noticed the difference in any oil vape piece. It's all preference I guess? I like the dome over a swing for sure because every video I see of a big swing dab they lose hella smoke, and when I hit one I saw a bit too.... I've NEVER lost ANY smoke with my vapor dome and I can pack 0.1 dabs with my size nail.

I like Atom Smashers because they're similar to oil spoons or bowls. You can get multiple hits out of your bowls or dabs instead of burning all of it in one huge hit. Plus they look FUCKING EPIC
The only other concentrate innovation that is somewhat recent is the Health Stone. Little coarse stone that you put into a slide and put a dab on top of it or some budder, earwax, etc... and use a windproof torch lighter (preferably butane) and it vapes into the stone. I've become acquainted with the guy who made them a while back when he was just starting up, now it's getting bigger just like the Herb Iron.


There's probably a thread over there about it, lemme do a search.

Chad is the man!

i <3 BHO