Spaceinvaders BIG Buddha cheese Journal


Active Member
Hows it going peeps!!

just started 2 of big buddhas cheese,
i grew these in 2007 as my first grow and since then i havent had a yeild as big or strain as strong as these were. this is the reason im doing them again! :hump:

So the 2 girls will grow in my tent ( 1.2 / 1.2 / 2m ) not too much happening in the way of ventilation but theres a big oscilating fan blowing between the tops of the plants and the light so is pushing air out of the door of the tent that will be slighty open. The hole at the top of the tent is also letting old air out.
The room the tent is in will have a window open permenantly so plenty of fresh air floating around in there.. temps atm are a steady and perfect 21 degrees :joint:

In multi purpose compost /w perlite and bonemeal,

i'l have them on bio grow through veg and bio bloom/grow through flower along with hammerhead PK 9/18 and molasses.

vegging under a 250w MH,

for flowering il start them off under a 250w HPS then i'l move the 400w HPS in after a week or so...

1 of the girls is out of the soil due to germing a couple days earlier but the other one germed yesterday and is in the soil.

Here is the 1st minx to show her face, and also pics of the grow from 2007 to give me something to aim for!!




Active Member
I'll def be following this grow since im gonna be growing this strain later on this year. You got the same size tent as im gonna be getting and what size pots you gonna be using?


Active Member
I'll def be following this grow since im gonna be growing this strain later on this year. You got the same size tent as im gonna be getting and what size pots you gonna be using?
hi mate thanks for following i'l update every 3 days or unless summit happens.

you wont be dissapointed with the strain, that is if the genes are still up to what they were 4 years ago.

i'l be growing in big pots most probably buckets around the 2 gallon size. seeing as there is only 2 plants im going for monsters!


Active Member
hi mate thanks for following i'l update every 3 days or unless summit happens.

you wont be dissapointed with the strain, that is if the genes are still up to what they were 4 years ago.

i'l be growing in big pots most probably buckets around the 2 gallon size. seeing as there is only 2 plants im going for monsters!
Oh nice and i'm planning on using 2 gallon pots. How many pots do you think i would be able to fit in the tent?


Active Member
Just to say the other girl has been out since yesterday and are both doing good. cant wait to see the results from vegging under the MH as its my 1st time using one.

i'l start them on the bio grow in around 10 days at 1/4 strength. also the light time will be dropped to 18/6 in around a week.


Active Member
Oh nice and i'm planning on using 2 gallon pots. How many pots do you think i would be able to fit in the tent?
not sure how ur going about ur ventilation mate but i'v got that big fan in there which is using a fair bit of space so i'm staying safe with the 2 in there.

also depends how big you wanna get them but if ur going for 2 gall pots aswell i'd say 2 would be safe.


Active Member
thanks alot cruzer!

glad she popped out now its just playing the waiting game.

if i can even get these close to the quality of the 1st cheese i grew i'l be over the moon,


Active Member
all is going well, the bigger seedling you see is around 6 days old and the other 4 days.

been non stop sunny where i live for once so they'v been enjoying the sun on a window sill during the days. saves on the electricty too :-P

they'v been on 24/0 since birth so next week im'a gradually bring it down to 18/6 by 30 mins per day or summit.



Active Member
birthday update today!!

here are the girls, bigger one is about to start her 2nd week, the other is couple days behind and is actually looking rather mutant compared to the other, explains the late crack...

i'm off to get rat arsed cheers guys!!



Active Member
Update!! been busy in the last week so here they are,

looking great just starting there 3rd week lets just hope i can keep them this way..

They have had there re-pot and have taken excellent, 1 of them is in different dirt to the other as im trying them both out in comparison. Not sure what size the pots / buckets they are in but more than enough root space for what i'm looking for.

got them outside today as its a belter of a day and i'm home to put them back indoors once the sun goes down, they are on 18/6 for another few weeks.

added a few drops of N on the last water and i shall start gradually moving up to the reccomended dose every other water.

temps are spot on in the tent when they are in there at around 22 degrees, misting the girls when in the dark and thats about it really nice and simple :bigjoint:



Active Member
A mate of mine has some bubble cheese going also from big buddha. he had no space for this little beauty so she has come to live with me,

shes been vegged for around 7 weeks already, he has beem topping her as you can see.

my plan is to keep pruning her until the others hopefully catch up and i can flower altogether, good thing is she is nice and small so i think i can veg some more.

If anyone can throw me some tips / advice on how to do this succsesfully would be much appreciated! included a pic of the 3 in the tent so you can see what i got going...

