New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!


Just some idiot
Ron Paul is NOT a republican!!! He's a libertarian; get it right before you bash him. He is running on the republican ticket because a libertarian or independent doesn't have a choice; you have to be part of the "franchise". Ron Paul will legalize marijuana; I saw him on YouTube saying that.
Ron Paul will try to legalize it, he just needs congress and what not to help him. Isn't it funny that they helped a criminal president start an unfounded war but they probably won't support legalizing marijuana. And like I keep saying we want decriminalized not legalized. If they legalize weed the gov't is going to control, you will have to abide by their rules which will be horrible. i.e. no growing, can only buy weed distributed by the gov't etc. Decriminilization would be like what Amsterdam has, cause it is still illegal over there last time I checked it's just tolerated/decriminalized over there. Meaning a nice fine or a small amount of jail time if caught with excessive MJ. If it's legalized you are expected to stop buying and or growing the killer, I don't think so...


Sector 5 Moderator
Hey, I'd go for decriminalization too. Ron Paul, being a medical doctor rather than a bottom dwelling lawyer or political scientist like the rest of the scumbags, knows that pot does have significant benefits for medical use; I've heard him say it before. I see this a a chance to make some major, long overdue, changes to an insanely corrupt system. Our constitution is the most brilliant document written in the last thousand years by some of the most brilliant men to ever suck air. George Washington paid the soldiers of the First Continental Army out of his own personal fortune (farming - not politics). He did not even want to be president the first time, much less twice, neither did Thomas Jefferson want the thankless job. The media is constantly spewing yellow journalism to mindless sheep and they actually believe what the news tells them. To me this isn't about legalizing pot; that's just a benefit. To me it's about getting back to constitutional government, getting rid of the Federal Reserve, the IRS, income taxes, bringing our troops home from foreign soils, smaller government, less government interference in our lives, stopping sending money overseas when we need it here, stopping spending money we don't have as a country, stopping subsidizing lazy people, letting other countries take care of their own business, getting out of the role of being "world policeman", punishing the criminals that have been sucking the life blood out of our treasury, getting us out of the united nations and world health organization, and making treason a criminal act again. I was a young person in the 60's and 70's and we sure raised a lot of hell back then. I was only in one riot personally but we as a group got the countries attention, made our demands and got things done. Sure we got screwed by LBJ (may he burn in hell) but we were not afraid to fight for what we believed in. We did it back then and we can do it now.

Here are the links to a hour long (sans commercials) Glenn Beck show on CNN. It's good stuff for anyone that doesn't know what Ron Paul is about and what he would do as POTUS.

YouTube - Ron Paul on Glenn Beck - Part 1 12/18/2007
YouTube - Ron Paul's Full Hour of Honest Questions [2 of 5] (12-18-07
YouTube - Ron Paul's Full Hour of Honest Questions [3 of 5] (12-18-07)
YouTube - Ron Paul's Full Hour of Honest Questions [4 of 5] (12-18-07)
YouTube - Ron Paul's Full Hour of Honest Questions [5 of 5] (12-18-07)


Well-Known Member
I think a discussion of what the differences are , between legalization and decriminilization. Most folks that I have heard talk about decriminalizing are saying possession would no longer be a felony, its not a crime its a misdemeanor. Like it is now in Texas. Of course the fine can be $4000.00 not sure I like that. Ann Arbor has that kind of a law, no criminal record just pay a fine.
Legalization depends on how the law is written. 'they' can't and won't do it as I have stated many times. This is the reason 'we' need to be the ones to 'do it'. 22 states have the ballot initiative available. A well written ballot initative spelling out what if any involvement we want the 'government' to have doesn't have to give control or the money to someone else. If it's poorly written and punitive in nature, 'we' the growers will just keep on doing what we are doing.
Sorry, I don't want to jump the thread. Ron Paul being elected President will shake up ' the establishment'.


Well-Known Member
REPUBLICANs SUCK there the ones who got use in this in the first place. voteing for someone who says they will stop the war on drugs is not good anuff for me what about tax cuts,health insurance,education? vote because someone is the best man or woman for the job. anyone can make fulse promises and REPUBLICANs are good at that. it takes more then one man to stop a war.
Sooo vote for the best man or woman for the job or never vote republican?? I'm sorry for just contributing to the mess but this kinda stuff that is everywhere is lame! If you've got something really important anti-republican message say it in your own words on your own thread with logical arguments. It says nothing of character to simply talk shit anonymously online. Anyone can bash an idea but who can actually replace it with a better one?? If not you then why not allow a positive space to continue with their idea even if your totally opposed for your own biases. electing a democrat or republican isn't "losing." Division is losing. :peace:
Lets unite in disagreement!


Active Member
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that is NOT a member of the CFR. Obama, Hillary, MCain, republican or democratic they are all controlled by the same people. I'm sure it doesn't matter whoever wins though besides Ron Paul. The outcome will be the same.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that is NOT a member of the CFR. Obama, Hillary, MCain, republican or democratic they are all controlled by the same people. I'm sure it doesn't matter whoever wins though besides Ron Paul. The outcome will be the same.
Mm hm.. in case some of you don't know- Ron Paul has called to rally the troops for a march on Washington, the date isn't set yet.. but it's in the works. :blsmoke: We need to wake up the people!


Well-Known Member
So because we create new technology the government should punish us right? Yeah.. that makes sense. The point is, that we don't need this excessive amount of taxes- do we even remember what started the American revolution?! The current state of this country is sickening- the amount of bullshit we put up with just keeps gettin' higher- WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE.
Im not an american, but its bloody great to see people thinking the way the rest of the world does!! Something needs to be done with your government , you guys live in a totalitarian state! People say america is the land of the free , i wouldnt live there at the moment. Fuck that , another school shooting today as well .

I hope you guys vote for the right guy/gal this time , and not fuck up like last 2 times.


Well-Known Member
Im not an american, but its bloody great to see people thinking the way the rest of the world does!! Something needs to be done with your government , you guys live in a totalitarian state! People say america is the land of the free , i wouldnt live there at the moment. Fuck that , another school shooting today as well .

I hope you guys vote for the right guy/gal this time , and not fuck up like last 2 times.
You're right. I'd go as far as saying that the majority of Americans have no real perspective on geopolitics. And those that do are invariably dumbed down by a barrage of relentless infotainment known as the corporate mainstream media. world history has a lot to do with where we are today. Our current government is by no means a democracy, it is an American style of fascism where corporate elements and government powers are serving each others interest. I think that the correlation of Caesar crossing the Rubicon to take over Rome, or when Hitler started the Reichstag fire and blamed it on the Communists is in line with Bush Jr. allowing 9/11 to happen as a pretext to endless warfare on a tactic known as terrorism. All because where one group is strong enough to push another around and stands to gain by it, it will do so. Our country's biggest money maker is the military industrial complex which requires unnecessary and unlawful wars to keep profits up for the price of our blood.

Democracy is a system which is supposed to be rule by the people not the few. The fact is that, unfortunately, VOTING DOESN'T WORK especially now with fucked up voting machines which can be hacked into. I'm sure that you've all seen the bumper sticker that says, "FREEDOM ISN'T FREE" well I would have to agree with that sentence. And i don't mean that it costs taxpayer dollars to have freedom. This is why i'm voting for RON PAUL because it sends a message to the evil few who control the world that no matter how much bullshit they throw my way none of it will stick to me.

Oh and about the war on drugs. Yes Ron Paul as president CAN decriminalize Cannabis even if the house and senate and congress are against him. Here's how, when the federal government put someone in jail, he pardons them. That is the smartest way to end the war on drugs, pardon nonviolent offenders and the judicial system will follow suit.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Goethe