
Ok, so Im a part of this email group with my fraternity. Its basically a little information, with a bunch of BS, and conversation about current topics. There is this one little prick younger kid who has balls of steel on the email group. He is a coward in real life, but such a tough guy on the internet. Directly telling people "fuck you, bitch" and many other emails that take the whole energy of the email chaion to a new level, almost waiting to be retaliated on. Problem is, this kid is the vice prez (recently elected) and he is on a suuuuuper power trip. So much so that if he could see him self right now I think he would be very embarassed...so I figured id help him see

I was recently charged with felony assault (later dismissed), so obviously im not allowed to do anyhting physical, or even think about it haha (ive learned my lesson anyway)

Had this been 6 months ago, this young buck WOULD have lost a few teeth, seriously. ...

I really like the high ideas that were thrown around to "launder your money" in that thread, so I was seeing if I could get the same sort of responses here.

I have no interest in hurting this kid, hes a complete twerp. But he did respect old balls (frat term for old guy) a few of us, and that simply will not fly. Im leaning towards public embarrasment, or a really really big mind fuck.

MAn, If I could get any insight on a great way to get my revenge without hurting this kid, and having it traced back to me that would be awesome.

Remember: He is in college, and very entertained by the idea of vagina...he doesnt get much but if I was going for public humiliation it would have to be infront of all of the sororities. :clap:

Please help out a RIU friend :)


Im thinking about hiring one of my friends to follow him around campus with a loud speaker exclaiming what a douche/tool this kid is....A random person, noone has ever seen. A big muscley asshole with lots of tattoo's. Standing within feet of you, telling everyone around at all times how lame you are and how cool you think you are...How would you guys personally feel if someone did that to you on or around a college campus? now imagine you were really trying to be cool and this happened...Im entertaining this idea, but def need a few more...


As above. Not worth the bother
I guess thats the expected reaction when you are on a forum of marijuana users, who tend to be more on the liberal side...After hearing from 4 people that I should let it go, I decided to smoke a bowl and let it go hahah, casue I really dont dislike him, but man I wanted to be the one to teach him that shit doesnt fly. Guess im not God, thats not my job hah


I guess thats the expected reaction when you are on a forum of marijuana users, who tend to be more on the liberal side...After hearing from 4 people that I should let it go, I decided to smoke a bowl and let it go hahah, casue I really dont dislike him, but man I wanted to be the one to teach him that shit doesnt fly. Guess im not God, thats not my job hah
To clarify before I am bombarded. I do not know your political prefrence, nor do I care, I was just saying the reaction I got is an expected one from docile pot smokers...not that it is a bad thing at all, I am one...Just learning the docile part


Well-Known Member
"He is a coward in real life, but such a tough guy on the internet." <--- Most punks are. ;)

it applies to all 'internet thugs' (punk ass kids).

But.. as everyone else has said, just let it be. Let someone else make a fool out of themselves.. to get back at the kid.




Well-Known Member
put 1000.00 dollars in my paypal account and I wil write him a very strong letter telling him he should be nice on the internet......................

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Post ads on craigslist in the "men seeking men" section and put his phone# in the ad. I would setup an email acct dedicated to the ads. You don't want gay emails on your personal email(unless you're into that kind of thing.) If he's the prez like you say, access to his phone# should be easy to obtain, maybe even photo? The ads might get deleted if they're too raunchy, but you can just post it again. :)

I did this to an ex-girlfriend, but played it off like she was lookin for a sugar daddy. I had some revealing photos of her to include in the ad. I don't know how many calls she got, but she had to change her number after a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Send out a E-Mail to all your fraternity friends including him with a pettition to exclude him.
If it passes just add his E-Mail to your Spam, tell him you'll hold him personaly accountable for any thing he say's about you.
If that don't work Lock him in his locker... stuff him a trash can. put a Kick Me sign on his back..


Well-Known Member
You could always do the old fashioned pants gag......just pull his pants down in front of all is girly friends, and if he is 'acting big' chances are hes Over compensating for a lack of dick size... im sure that would bring him down just a couple of notches..


*slap myself to snap out of previous mindstate* those last 3 responses are what im talking about! Thats good stuff right there....I really like the Craigslist Idea, seems easy and effective. Just what im looking for...

Atleast for a few minutes I told myself I was gonna drop it...


Well-Known Member
now that you posted this and agree to use some of it how untraceable are you now? Not going to debate im hideing behind a vpn or proxy..........if anyone wanted you bad enough its easy to do..............so if this kid dies due to your revenge as you stated you are now accountable for his death.......even if he gets run over by a car in an accident.......you have posted on the internet REVENGE................good luck..............Ive reported you to the Geek Revengers............probley make a movie out of it........REVENGE OF THE NERDS>.....oh wait........never mind


Well-Known Member
Post ads on craigslist in the "men seeking men" section and put his phone# in the ad. I would setup an email acct dedicated to the ads. You don't want gay emails on your personal email(unless you're into that kind of thing.) If he's the prez like you say, access to his phone# should be easy to obtain, maybe even photo? The ads might get deleted if they're too raunchy, but you can just post it again. :)

I did this to an ex-girlfriend, but played it off like she was lookin for a sugar daddy. I had some revealing photos of her to include in the ad. I don't know how many calls she got, but she had to change her number after a week or so.
i second this or better yet get a transvestite it would be better to get someone to set up on a blind date with a transvestite hooker


Well-Known Member
why not just confront/bitch him out in front of all his friends about how hes always talking shit on the internet.