how many light ya got total if you dont mind me being nose (;
3 lights in there. air cooled and sealed.
how many light ya got total if you dont mind me being nose (;
3 lights in there. air cooled and sealed.
sweet..... you runing co2 im takeing since you said sealed room? ive never had a sealed room only vented do you fel that the co2 greatly improved your yield? people claime like 30% increase cuzz of it. should be pulling a good amount over a pound per light!!! that should keep ya bizzy for a little huh!
the LIGHTS are sealed. "air cooled and sealed". the lights, not the room.
i have a separate fan for ventilation. swamp cooler actually.
i like how you spin right off into my CO2 usage. lol, i'm not even using CO2.
they look nice and lush. drastic change of color between the last 2 updates. nice!
subbed and along for the ride.
Damn you have so much space to work with in that room...