Good Medium To Large Sized Dog?


Well-Known Member
Pursuant to the conversation in another thread what would be a good medium to large sized dog to get? Not a small lap dog but also not a huge bear. The wife and I will hopefully be having a baby in the next year, so that should factor in also. So any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Get a rottie best fameily dog ever and great protection for baby..........they are great with kids...........a bit big for a baby but once they get a year or 2 old then they will be pals for life...................had em whem my kids were babies and trust me they are great baby sitters............My rottie I have now is not use to childer cause welp I dont have any small kids........but I have a friends that come over and he plays with would never know he is a guard dog...........he thinks he is still a puppy when with kids.........oh and Satan is about 125 lbs now.........the one with my kids was about 100 lbs..........had several rotties all passed away from old age..........I hate that.......even an asshole like me loves animals............and gets way to attached to em.......dammit.......there goes my immage............


Well-Known Member
I rescued a Timber wolf from the animal control. They found her young and she was good with people. My roommates boyfriend worked there as a vet tech and they were going to lay her down, he fostered her out and i adopted about a month later. She is gorgeous.... and a real whimp... but she does great at the door, raises hell... I'm still working on convincing her the Pizza Hut guy is cool...


Well-Known Member
i really want a vizsla

or a Saluki

I love sight hounds but I also like pointers. like an english pointer or german pointer, wirehaired pointer. i also like setters but they are girly.

i wouldn't trade my little pups for anything in the world

oooh, anyone else love a bedlington terrier?
maybe a dood can't have a dog like this?


it all bepends on the temparment you are looking for in a dog. i hav a doberman, lab rot mix and a husky rot mix all thre different in personality and temper. check out this site if you wanna do any research.


Well-Known Member
labs are great dogs. easy to train and great w kids. love to retrieve and play in the water. i had a chocolate lab, but not own two rhodesian ridgebacks.


Well-Known Member
Get a rottie best fameily dog ever and great protection for baby..........they are great with kids...........a bit big for a baby but once they get a year or 2 old then they will be pals for life...................had em whem my kids were babies and trust me they are great baby sitters............My rottie I have now is not use to childer cause welp I dont have any small kids........but I have a friends that come over and he plays with would never know he is a guard dog...........he thinks he is still a puppy when with kids.........oh and Satan is about 125 lbs now.........the one with my kids was about 100 lbs..........had several rotties all passed away from old age..........I hate that.......even an asshole like me loves animals............and gets way to attached to em.......dammit.......there goes my immage............
I was gonna say the sane things just got a Rotwieler puppy its a great dog playful energetic and very loyal/protective.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna say the sane things just got a Rotwieler puppy its a great dog playful energetic and very loyal/protective.
Norrefok, my dad's cousin used to run a rottie breeding stable, until he got bitten in the arse by his most loyal dog....


Well-Known Member
Im not an expert but get a puppy so they grow up matter what dog you get and let them play together alot.......they will bond and you have built in protectioin and a compainion for your child..........what ever you do I know you kids will love you for the dog........what ever kind you get............EXCEPT A FUCKING CHIWAWA........not going to spell it right WAWA explains it all.........fucking ankle biters............they should all be put on tacos...........sorry got carried away........


Well-Known Member
Norrefok, my dad's cousin used to run a rottie breeding stable, until he got bitten in the arse by his most loyal dog....
any dog can bite at the right time......they have moods to........hell like you said.........he was looking for a piece of ass.......cant hold that against him.


King Tut
My fave breed is Labs. Mine is a black one and she, like most labs are chill, fun, playful, and VERY tolerant of children.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i second any type of labrador or lab mix. also larger dogs mixed with beagals also tend to result in nice medium sized dogs with good personalities. i don't care for pure poodles but poodle mixes tend to be quite awesome and smart, and they don't shed. rotties are a nice choice if you don't mind the extra size. they can be a handful when they're young so with a baby on the way you might not be up to it. i had a dog as a kid that was a black lab mixed with an springer spaniel. basically got a diesel looking short legged dog that could jump 5 feet off the ground. i would hit up a shelter or two and see what kind of interesting mixes you can find. half breeds have fewer health issues also (usually).

edit: stay the hell away from dalmatians. it's not like the movie. they HATE kids. and people. and rules.


Well-Known Member
i second any type of labrador or lab mix. also larger dogs mixed with beagals also tend to result in nice medium sized dogs with good personalities. i don't care for pure poodles but poodle mixes tend to be quite awesome and smart, and they don't shed. rotties are a nice choice if you don't mind the extra size. they can be a handful when they're young so with a baby on the way you might not be up to it. i had a dog as a kid that was a black lab mixed with an springer spaniel. basically got a diesel looking short legged dog that could jump 5 feet off the ground. i would hit up a shelter or two and see what kind of interesting mixes you can find. half breeds have fewer health issues also (usually).
I agree on your choices.....labs amd mix lags are great..............yea a rottie is a hand full due to size but they seem to relize that and are careful around small babies and other animals..........I have a Cockatile bird that sits on my rottie when he is laying down......never once bit at him even though the bird will peck at his ear sometimes...........and with my two kids rotties just seem to know............not saying tis is written in stone any animal can be rough or mean............depends on how you raise it.........I my self think pit bulls get a bad rap .........never owned one by friends have and only one I met that was mean was one that was treated mean...............but I still think no matter what breed get a puppy so they can grow together...........just me.........


Well-Known Member
if you have a toddler it's not a good idea to get any of the 'working' breeds. they are extremely strong and can knock a toddler into a table or something else way too easily.

don't get any dog known for snapping, the most common dog bite comes from a german shepperd. a little kid slapping a dog like that around isn't a good thing.

don't get any herding dog, those will nip at kids while at play to try and herd them.

i'd suggest a Boxer. those are extremely patient (you can pull on their ears, slap them around, pinch their cheeks etc without them growling) and good with kids.

the original pit bull, the stafordshire bull terrier, had almost all tendency to bite humans bred out of them, so if you can get a pure-bred staffordshire bull terrier, those are very good with kids and medium in size and while theyre super mean with other animals, you have to really piss them off to get them to bite a human... they're called the nanny dog in england. not the same as the american pit bull terrier.

my pick for your needs is the Tibetan Terrier. i attached a pic.....



Well-Known Member
Rotties will not put up with teasing by kids, they remember and retaliate, we always had to walk very carefully over there... like 2 houses down the street.


Well-Known Member
he wasnt raised in your home.....................they are very loyal to the owner and family...if raised in a family.......dogs in a breeders situation aren't pets.............


Well-Known Member
Still it grew up infront of me, they did have kids too, but mostly had to keep them and the dogs seperated unless supervised, these things were super serious bad news if they decided not to like you the day.... I hated holidays as I had to feed them. Magnificent to look at though.

Best dog I ever had was a lassie collie, and yes, we called it Lassie.