Well-Known Member
kool deal.. you know anyone fro world wide on here?
Never had any issues with them... If I order singles they come with a piece of original packaging for peace of mind
There is a feedback page here
Also there is Thread here
And I believe mr west has been getting from there for years
The last time I ordered they arrived the following day
hell yeah... i orderd from world wide... the have a single seed selection option... i figure out of the four autos i orderd, all from diffrent breeders, i should be able to pick a breeder i like... if not, i will order another random batch of seed breeders till i am happy... thanks for the input homie... keep me updated on that pandora... ay new piks?
Hi - I'm working on my first (super-stealth) grow. I have three fem seeds that just sprouted. My set up is pretty basic, but I have spent a couple months working on it. I have a carbon filter air purifier, oscillating fan, CFL's on top and sides, reflective material surrounding all sides and top, FFOF plus the FF fert grow & bloom on hand, RO water (installed in house), digital thermometer/humidistat all set up under the basement stairs. Since I'm growing low-ryder auto's I have been reading (and reading... and reading...) and even though this is my first post, I really feel at home here on this thread... well enough to ask a few questions before I put these three babies in the soil... If someone wouldn't mind adopting me?
#1 - All three seeds sprouted, and they all look identical & healthy. I have one big bucket (like the big orange home depot type 10 gal maybe?). I was only really setting up to grow one plant in the one bucket - and got the PPP (pure power plant) seeds - but then they didn't come and didn't come, and so I learned about and ordered the low-ryder autos - both sets of seeds arrived about a day apart and I have since come to love the idea of the auto strain so picked those to sprout. My question is this - can I put all three of these auto's into the same bucket or would that cramp them too much? I was thinking if they did have enough room then I'd hang a HPS bulb shining right down in the middle of them... Maybe I have to wait to be sure of the sex of them, then just toss two (perfectly good) females in the trash *cringe!*!? I suppose there is room in there for two more buckets too, but I sure don't want two more buckets yet I also sure don't want to waste two perfectly good plants either! WWYD?
#2 - (a-e) I have the dry FFOF soil, straight out of the bag, in the bucket now, with drainage holes cut in the bottom of the bucket, which rests in a raised reservoir to catch what runs out without setting in a puddle. When I go to put the seeds in, I was planning on soaking the soil with the RO water until it is fairly wet and drained out the bottom. I have a few PH tests on hand. (a) My ph should be between 4 and 6, right? (b) How often do you test? (c) What is water buffer, do I need that with RO water? I read on here last night all about catching rain water, and I'm very intrigued by that idea - but don't have the time at THIS moment to figure that out but need to get things planted safely and right so they have a good start in life so I can put all this stuff away *I'm already paranoid and I'm not even smoking anything*. I read also that FFOF is too hot for seedlings but that it's also important to get your autos planted into where they will grow up without being transplanted since they live such short lives. I also have on hand some Miracle grow seed starter potting soil. (d) Should I put them in the MG in peat pots, and then set the peat pots right into the bucket of FFOF and let them start like that instead of directly into the FFOF? (e) Or maybe instead of MG I could mix like 1:1 FFOF and Vermiculite (that I also have on hand) and set the peat pot into the bucket?
#3 The temp/humidy down there is pretty chilly and dry - usually under 70 but not below 60. Humidity seems to hover around 35%. The room they will be in is pretty sealed up. Will the lights and the water from the bucket increase the humidity and heat enough or should I get a space heater and vaporizer running down there before I set the babies in the soil? I could easily make a dome to go over the bucket, perhaps that would be a better and safe idea?
#4 I also want to grow other stuff down there, start veggies that will go outside and other herbs, part as a cover and also part functional. Would I need to wait until I do that until these girls are done and curing or would they be bothered by other things growing around them, and no I would not introduce anything other than seeds since I am aware of the potential for bugs and don't want that. I did spray all the walls and floor and ceiling with pesticide before anything else to keep any spiders that might be down there already away.
I have MS. I'm in an unfriendly-to-MJ state, though they are fighting to legalize it constantly (fingers crossed!! three times!! plus my toes!!) and I'm just wanting to make enough for my own personal medical use - and my Mom has leukemia and at some point I will want to share it with her too when she eventually will need treatment, hopefully many years yet down the road. Thank you - for all the information that has been shared with me - it has really helped me 100% along the way.
*everything in this post is fictional and for entertainment purposes only
What light schedule are most of you auto flower growers going with?
i have ...under 20.4 my easy ryder was 19inches and yeilded over an oz...i now have 3 easy rider's who have been under 18/6 from birth that are 18in, 17in, and 16in...all look as good if not better than 20.4...ive def noticed more frostyness on them for sure....but no drastic difference..ive been running them on 12/12 the last week or so.....yea yea "dont run autos on 12-12" well im doing it anyways...ill let yall know!
This is the exact reason I don't use Attitude anymore.
(maybe they will read this).![]()