911 call excuse for cops to come to your house


Active Member
the other day the cops came to my house and said someone called 911 and hung up...which nobody did, we were all sleeping.....he proceeded to say he wanted to take a look around just in case...lucky for me my room is well hidden and he didnt find anything but the second he was gone so were the plants...might be paranoid but i dont think i am my friend got busted the same way....so i am moving in a few weeks and i will start over...but i will have no land line for this particular reason..


Active Member
yeah cops are fukin assholes ,, & they liek to try that reverse psychology & mess with ppl ,,, example ..`. 1 day cops came to my house & said i broke into a house .. ( which i did not ) ,, i told them i did not ,, then he says ,, well we just talked to jon ( my good friend) & jon told us that u both went into the house ... WTF ever ,, dumm fuckers,,, 10 mins later they went to jons house & told him the same thing they told me,,, ( he just told us you guys did it ,, tell us teh truth ... ,,, fuk cops. ((((( this is why u should always look ,, peek thru blinds ,, before u answer or open the door ,, get caller ID ,, dont answer private #s ,,, i am thinking about hooking a 9 amp line to a doorbell ,, ( look before i sent currents ) to make sure its not a girl scout ringing my bell to sell cookies ,, if its a cop flip the toggle switch & shock his ass ,,, them mutherfuckers wanna use their taser on me ,, fuck you ..... ,, they find a baseball bat in my back seat & say ,, son why do u need this bat..?? * well u dum mutherfucker i carry the bat for the same reason u carry ,, a baton ,, mase.. 9mm,, shotgun ,, taser ,, handcuffs , & a CB radio to call 9 of your boys ... fuckin pussies ,, ,, .. pull me over walkin down the road & see that i am drunk ,, son we gonna have to take u to jail for bein drunk in public ,,, WTF thats why i am walkin ,, OK NEXT time i drink i will make sure i dont walk ,, if fact ill just hop in my truck & hopefully smash into ur family on my way home ,,, i bet u wished i was walkin them , huh u stupid fuckin assholes

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
those are some wack ass cops lol i got 4 pittbulls sleeping in the living room if that ever happen to me i'll jump the back window and i'll let them come inn


Well-Known Member
those are some wack ass cops lol i got 4 pittbulls sleeping in the living room if that ever happen to me i'll jump the back window and i'll let them come inn

Thats funny...

One thing i learned... Get a huge dog. I got a 124 pound german shephered since it was a pup.... aggressive fucker too. Barks at everyone and anything that passes around my house. I love it. I know when people pass, what goes on...He hates man in uniform. I can tell his barks when the mailman comes, or when the water guy drops off the containers to the cops..

And usually when cops come they never want to come in because i say hes just too aggressive. (rarly they come by, one time just because of a robbery in the area)


Active Member
yes dogs are good ide a,, BUT if they riad ur pad ,, tehy will shoot the dog right in teh head ,, actully it just happened yesterday in the detroit MI area ,, dearborn heights cops raid a house ,, tazer a handicapp man ,, shoot their dog dead & found 1 gram of weed ,, nosy neighbors calld cops & said there is alot of traffic at teh house ,,,, son is handicappd dad is BIG man ,, so they have alot of friends & family bring stuff to them,,, IE food daily needs ,, that kind of stuff ,, cops are gettin to nosy these days ,,, ,, in detorit MI ppl get murdered everyday by gunfire & ur gonna go bust somone for a gram of weed ,, u fuckin fucks go eat a donut

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
nahhhhh they rated my friends house over stolen autoparts no one was home only the 2 pitt and the first 2 cops that walkd in the house end it up shooting each other in the foot well the dogs got shoot 4 times each and still didnt open the lockjaw


Well-Known Member
those are some wack ass cops lol i got 4 pittbulls sleeping in the living room if that ever happen to me i'll jump the back window and i'll let them come inn
swat busted in my house and 3 of my other buddys about an year ago when a guy i knew shot 2 people. they massed both of my dogs and some how ran them into my bathroom. one of the other guys that has pits they massed them too and had a guy with one of them dog poles. they also did this around 5 am. i woke up to my front door being busted open and 3 guys running in my roon putting assult rifles in my face. not the coolest thing they did


Well-Known Member
yeah cops are fukin assholes ,, & they liek to try that reverse psychology & mess with ppl ,,, example ..`. 1 day cops came to my house & said i broke into a house .. ( which i did not ) ,, i told them i did not ,, then he says ,, well we just talked to jon ( my good friend) & jon told us that u both went into the house ... WTF ever ,, dumm fuckers,,, 10 mins later they went to jons house & told him the same thing they told me,,, ( he just told us you guys did it ,, tell us teh truth ... ,,, fuk cops. ((((( this is why u should always look ,, peek thru blinds ,, before u answer or open the door ,, get caller ID ,, dont answer private #s ,,, i am thinking about hooking a 9 amp line to a doorbell ,, ( look before i sent currents ) to make sure its not a girl scout ringing my bell to sell cookies ,, if its a cop flip the toggle switch & shock his ass ,,, them mutherfuckers wanna use their taser on me ,, fuck you ..... ,, they find a baseball bat in my back seat & say ,, son why do u need this bat..?? * well u dum mutherfucker i carry the bat for the same reason u carry ,, a baton ,, mase.. 9mm,, shotgun ,, taser ,, handcuffs , & a CB radio to call 9 of your boys ... fuckin pussies ,, ,, .. pull me over walkin down the road & see that i am drunk ,, son we gonna have to take u to jail for bein drunk in public ,,, WTF thats why i am walkin ,, OK NEXT time i drink i will make sure i dont walk ,, if fact ill just hop in my truck & hopefully smash into ur family on my way home ,,, i bet u wished i was walkin them , huh u stupid fuckin assholes
Listen big guy... Your attitude is the reason you have problems.

All you people who say FUCK THE POLICE... well maybe if you picked your battles, and when they did something that breached one of your rights and freedoms as a citizen of your country you DO SOMEHTHING ABOUT IT.

Plus what you guys dont understand is, you're breaking the law. So as bad as these cops are, they aren't doing anything but their jobs.

Low profile = no police.

LaMafia Bak420

Active Member
yea i'm not talking about swat just cops with no warrants trying to fucking invade privacy well my dogs aint gon really like people invading their house even if my g/f went in my house with out me the dogs will tair her shyt up and those poles aint gon do shyt hopefully


Active Member
I have to agree with title here. The vast majority of people who have continuous problems with the authorities cause their own problems.

It's always the people who live in drug infested neighborhoods where police concentration is higher, the people that dabble in questionable/illegal activities and act suspiciously in public that say "fuck the cops."

I'm sorry but some degree of profiling is necessary in law enforcement, and if you fit the profile maybe you need to think about changing a few thing in your life.

Low key my friends, low key...


Well-Known Member
No warrant, no entry! If they have one, shut the fuck up, don't say a word! NOT A WORD! When you get your phone call, call a lawyer! Doesn't get simpler than that.


Well-Known Member
Well said.
I agree. Know your rights and use them.

All the thug talk is just ridiculous. If they have a warrant, it's too late. If they don't, your dogs are unnecessary.

Common sense won't help you sound scary, though, so keep that in mind.


Well-Known Member
Listen big guy... Your attitude is the reason you have problems.

All you people who say FUCK THE POLICE... well maybe if you picked your battles, and when they did something that breached one of your rights and freedoms as a citizen of your country you DO SOMEHTHING ABOUT IT.

Plus what you guys dont understand is, you're breaking the law. So as bad as these cops are, they aren't doing anything but their jobs.

Low profile = no police.
thank you keep your fat mouthshut keep your grow to your self quit sellin out of your house and you wnt have cop probs... i'm a cop son i get high all dayevery day stoner to the core yet i manage to grow inhis house so if your havin cop probs it your fault... they have a job too and they are just doin if you dealt with stupid ass crack head and smart ass teenager you couldnt kick the fuck out of wouldnt you be pissed off too


Well-Known Member
If you got busted under those circumstances and it went to court they would have to show record of you making the call from your home phone. Obviously they couldn’t do so and I would think they being educated persons of the law would think about that first before using such a method. If you would have gotten busted under those circumstances you would be off the hook (no pun intended) likely even before it got to court.


Well-Known Member
how about this for an idea did your friend rat you out??? Did anyone of your friends rat you out...i mean if one got busted how sure are you he didnt tell them about your grow.


Active Member
you guys need barry cooper in your lives. if you sdon't know who he is go to youtube and hear his campaign speeches. he says if a cop ever comes and says someone called 911 and hung up, then you tell the police through the door without opening it that there must be some mistake and after they check the records if they feel the need to come in then tell them to kick the door in because you aren't gonna open it cause you didn't call.


Well-Known Member
And you believe that. So if lets say i smack my women around and she calls the police and doesnt have time to say anything just gets knocked out and the phone gets hung up. your telling me that a i can just ask for the phone records and everythings golden