911 call excuse for cops to come to your house

Old Man

Active Member
Lots of crazy shit happenin to lots of people, I'm not comparing my experience to anyone else's. Cops came to my house once when my girl friend called 911 because she was freakin as she does from time to time. Parameds took her to mental health, cops asked me to pull the 10 or so plants, and I did. It seemed like the cops overlooked the plants for a while, they asked what I was growing in the other room, I said basil and that was the end of it for a while. Later, when I was looking for some shoes for the girl to wear, there were too many people around from too many agencies and the cops asked me to pull the plants. I don't think they can bust you for pot if there is a 911 call for an unrelated issue, but I'm no lawyer and freedom, well there's just no way to compare it to incarceration so I'm not sure if there's a point I'm trying to make.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with title here. The vast majority of people who have continuous problems with the authorities cause their own problems.

It's always the people who live in drug infested neighborhoods where police concentration is higher, the people that dabble in questionable/illegal activities and act suspiciously in public that say "fuck the cops."

I'm sorry but some degree of profiling is necessary in law enforcement, and if you fit the profile maybe you need to think about changing a few thing in your life.

Low key my friends, low key...
yea i guess people should change what race they are??.... thats one of the most ignorant posts ive seen in this forum


Well-Known Member
i dont see how Unicks post is saying you should change your race. He is saying dont dress like a thug and you will be looked at less as a thug. In return have less shit to deal with


Well-Known Member
yea i guess people should change what race they are??.... thats one of the most ignorant posts ive seen in this forum
yeah man, he didnt say anything about race. I think you equated black when he said drug infested neighborhood. Looks like you are the racist.


Well-Known Member
oh so i guess drug infested neighborhoods are usually white neighborhoods??? im not racist im actually mixed half white half black. and people shouldnt have to change the way they dress to prevent from being harrassed by police. im pretty sure freedom of expression is supposed to be one of our country's most cherished values... the only reason i immediately brought up race was because racial profiling is the most common type of profiling used by police... ive experienced it first hand. try not to say fuck the police and racial profiling when ur walking down the street minding ur business and you get tackled by police others coming with guns drawn you have a cast on your arm from a recent surgery that goes above the elbow and they continue to force your arm behind your back to put you in cuffs that wont even fit around the cast anyway... some bitch cop with a pissy ass attitude comes and stomps on your 200 dollar sunglasses while ur pressed to the ground. and in the end they find out im not the person their looking for but i "fit the description"... no apology no nothin except a scratched up face and chest and a busted ass pair of sunglasses.... just because i happened to have some color in my skin in a mostly white area. and its worse in the "drug infested neighborhoods". cops drive down the street and randomly stop people just to run their name and check for warrants... no probable cause no regard for the law at all. the reason people say fuck the police is because theyre just as unlawful as the people that they are arresting. im sorry if some of you have been somehow sheltered from the reality of what the police are doing on these streets but dont try to tell me that its somehow my fault or something im doing


no the cops where just cutting you a break.
NOT TRUE !! it varys from state to state see norml.org. but where i live if your plants are spotted for a call not related to drug enforcment . all they can do is confenscate the plants. no charges will be brought against you as it is a violation of your rights!!!but if they felt like it they could start an investigation to try and obtain a warrant in the near future!

cops do profile i talked to a personal cop buddy of mine yesterday night.. example: they cant search a black mans car for being black.. but if he is wearing gang cloths driving a cadilac in a shitty part of town you can bet your ass thats cause for a search... if your dumb enough to fit typical cop profiles than you deserve to have the swat team kick your door down at five in the morning. sorry but its the truth. some of you need to pull your heads out of your asses and get real. the cops are doing their jobs and your making it easier for them!!!


oh so i guess drug infested neighborhoods are usually white neighborhoods??? im not racist im actually mixed half white half black. and people shouldnt have to change the way they dress to prevent from being harrassed by police. im pretty sure freedom of expression is supposed to be one of our country's most cherished values... the only reason i immediately brought up race was because racial profiling is the most common type of profiling used by police... ive experienced it first hand. try not to say fuck the police and racial profiling when ur walking down the street minding ur business and you get tackled by police others coming with guns drawn you have a cast on your arm from a recent surgery that goes above the elbow and they continue to force your arm behind your back to put you in cuffs that wont even fit around the cast anyway... some bitch cop with a pissy ass attitude comes and stomps on your 200 dollar sunglasses while ur pressed to the ground. and in the end they find out im not the person their looking for but i "fit the description"... no apology no nothin except a scratched up face and chest and a busted ass pair of sunglasses.... just because i happened to have some color in my skin in a mostly white area. and its worse in the "drug infested neighborhoods". cops drive down the street and randomly stop people just to run their name and check for warrants... no probable cause no regard for the law at all. the reason people say fuck the police is because theyre just as unlawful as the people that they are arresting. im sorry if some of you have been somehow sheltered from the reality of what the police are doing on these streets but dont try to tell me that its somehow my fault or something im doing
FUCK YOU!! sheltered from the truth.. get real man seriously GROW THE FUCK UP !!! you know this is typical any encouter a black man has with the police is like this.. what about the black cop that shot a white American veteran while he was face down on the ground getting searched and he pumped five bullets in his carcus for trying to get up off the ground.. the news doesnt give a shit about that!!! how bout the fACT that not all cops are white so how can the police force be a bunch of racists.. !!!!!!??????once again the police are trained to make you fear them and trained to make you spout out information that you dont need too. use your brain!!! and if you truly believe that your rights were violated consult a lawer.. dont sit here and bitch about how the police are unlawful.. some cops absolutley... most cops.. just doing their job!!! so get real..


yea i guess people should change what race they are??.... thats one of the most ignorant posts ive seen in this forum
absolutley unbelievable you are the ignorant one... playing the race card.... like a little child throwing a temper tantrum..fuckin unbelievable .. just get out of this thread!!


Active Member
They are also training paramedics and firefighters to detect "illegal activity" and report it to police.


really.. what state are you in ? are you a firefighter??? who told you that??? because in my state that is an absolute falsehood.. firefighters and paramedics have no affiliation with cops!! cops do their jobs..... firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics do their jobs!!!


Well-Known Member
yes dogs are good ide a,, BUT if they riad ur pad ,, tehy will shoot the dog right in teh head ,, actully it just happened yesterday in the detroit MI area ,, dearborn heights cops raid a house ,, tazer a handicapp man ,, shoot their dog dead & found 1 gram of weed ,, nosy neighbors calld cops & said there is alot of traffic at teh house ,,,, son is handicappd dad is BIG man ,, so they have alot of friends & family bring stuff to them,,, IE food daily needs ,, that kind of stuff ,, cops are gettin to nosy these days ,,, ,, in detorit MI ppl get murdered everyday by gunfire & ur gonna go bust somone for a gram of weed ,, u fuckin fucks go eat a donut
This was a good friend of mine . Rob and randy . They had a 1/4 of weed and were "suspected" of selling pills .(prescription) There on ALLOT of meds for different things.
I used to come by every other day or so to check up on them . My g/f was at there house a few hours after everything when they got home . I can get pics of everything if ya want. Fu#$% up sh$% They had just raided there house less than 5 monmths before and got nothing and knew they had dogs. They shot it out of spite. And tazed Robbert for turning his head when they shot the dog . They shot her in the head but it skipped off her skull and into her neck/back area.
The good news is jessie (the american bulldog) Is in good shape last i heard . I'm a little noided to go by there anymore . It's a shame as they need all the help they can get . Now all there friends think they might get shot in some bunk raid.

If anyone wants more info . Pics or anything drop me a pm and i'll see what i can do .


Well-Known Member
you know this is typical any encouter a black man has with the police is like this.. what about the black cop that shot a white American veteran while he was face down on the ground getting searched and he pumped five bullets in his carcus for trying to get up off the ground.. the news doesnt give a shit about that!!! how bout the fACT that not all cops are white so how can the police force be a bunch of racists.. !!!!!!??????once again the police are trained to make you fear them and trained to make you spout out information that you dont need too. use your brain!!! and if you truly believe that your rights were violated consult a lawer.. dont sit here and bitch about how the police are unlawful.. some cops absolutley... most cops.. just doing their job!!! so get real..

so your not sheltered from the truth, you know that this is going on, and your ok with it?? its ok that this is the typical encounter a black man has with police.??.. maybe im misunderstanding what youre trying to say. i never said that the cops were being racist. i said that they were racially profiling. i racially profile all the time in my head i think everyone does. but when the police use it to harrass people is when it crosses the line. and racial profiling isnt the only problem with the police. like you said, they commit attrocities towards people of all races for all kinds of reasons... white black purple and green cops alike they all do it. some of the cops that ive had bad experiences with were black. i never tried to say that it was white cops that were doing this im talking about police in general. and unless this white american veteran was a friend of yours ( whether or not thats the case im greatly sorry for what happened to him) then it obviously got some kind of media attention. and its not like black people being harrassed by police gets any kind of media attention. this shit happens on a daily basis across the country and we MIGHT hear about one or two extreme cases every so often. im not even sure where your disagreeing with me here. i am equally appalled by what happened to this veteran and if anything it supports my earlier post: many cops are just as unlawful as the people they are arresting. and all i was trying to do was give some justification to peoples dissatisfaction with the police. ur probably right most police are just doing their jobs, but in the neighborhoods that have the greatest dissatisfaction with police i would say that this isnt the case... these are the places that the police get away with this shit because the people whose rights they violate are not in economic or legal position to do anything about it. if you live in project housing you probably cant afford to hire a lawyer from the cochran firm.. and i dont know who youre trying to tell to use his brain... ive been in all kinds of predicaments with the law and theyve never gotten shit on me or any of my people... ive spent hours in interrogation on two occasions and i didnt say a goddamn thing. i havent been convicted of shit and i havent spen a single day in jail (as long as a night in a holding cell doesnt count...). im not really sure why u brought this up as it seems to me to be quite after the fact when it comes to police harrassing people on the street. and ur right i could have hired a lawyer but for what??? i spend thousands of dollars on a lawyer to get my money back for some sunglasses and maybe a small settlement for pain and suffering(which i highly doubt would happen anyway) and at the very most the officers will have some small comment on their record???? it just doesnt make sense for me to waste my time doing that. so anyways, im pretty sure im being real...


Well-Known Member
absolutley unbelievable you are the ignorant one... playing the race card.... like a little child throwing a temper tantrum..fuckin unbelievable .. just get out of this thread!!
what other card is there to be played? how else do police profile people?? by their clothes? oh so i guess it just so happens that the clothes they profile happen to be the clothes most commonly worn by black people?? u like to talk a lot of shit but u havent come up with any logical arguments to support your position. u can sit there and call me names all you want but your not proving anything


Well-Known Member
to be honest.. im not even sure what it is your trying to say jake? all your doing is disagreeing with me but you havent put forth any position of your own


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure this thread was started out of dissatisfaction with the police and how they use unlawful means to try to stop us from practicing our beautiful hobby... if ur not so dissatisfied, then maybe it is u who needs to leave the thread?


Well-Known Member
absolutley unbelievable you are the ignorant one... playing the race card.... like a little child throwing a temper tantrum..fuckin unbelievable .. just get out of this thread!!
I don't know if I can even respond to this statement in a tasteful manner. How old are you?