Just Got Jacked While Dealing

I left a word out, but I fixed it for you above and i'm sure you're smart enough to have seen my point.
I don't need any help editing my posts from grammar-challenged skeevy drug dealer-sympathizers.

Yeah your right.

1.Skeevy cannabis growers
2.Skeevy cannabis growers
3.Skeevy cannabis growers
Justify that statement.

I am a personal use grower in your state, judging by your location.

I do not support the cartels by purchasing their product on the black market.

I am a member of the (M)arijuana Policy Project (MPP). An organization which lobbies Congress and state Legislatures for cannabis policy reform.

If I knew of someone who was ill and needed it, I would share part of my bounty with them for FREE. I would not charge them for it as a 'caregiver.'

All of my activities take place on my own property and I take pains to ensure stealth. This means the chances of me being intercepted by law enforcement are much lower than a person who purchases. This further means the likelihood of me ending up as a crime statistic used to justify the War on Drugs is much lower.

And if I am apprehended by the coppers I will not plea. I will insist on a jury trial where I will explain what I do and exactly why I do it to the jury. Freedom, liberty, and free will. If I am convicted I will accept my punishment.

Just how do I hinder re-legalization again?
I think retaliation is a bad idea too. You're dealing with low life scum that was willing to rip off a friend's friend for $400 worth of weed.

That being said, I would however do some research and stalking. Catch as many of those involved alone as possible and jump them. I would sneak up on them and beat the fuck out of them (individually) and also rob them of whatever they had on them. I would also not make them aware it is YOU who is doing the jumping. They are just out for a stroll and BAM bat to the back of the head, several kicks to the ribs, and then remove everything they have on them. I would straight up take their wallets too. Not that you are going to use anything besides the cash in it, but fuck those cunts. I would steal it just to spite them.
I think retaliation is a bad idea too. You're dealing with low life scum that was willing to rip off a friend's friend for $400 worth of weed.

That being said, I would however do some research and stalking. Catch as many of those involved alone as possible and jump them. I would sneak up on them and beat the fuck out of them (individually) and also rob them of whatever they had on them. I would also not make them aware it is YOU who is doing the jumping. They are just out for a stroll and BAM bat to the back of the head, several kicks to the ribs, and then remove everything they have on them. I would straight up take their wallets too. Not that you are going to use anything besides the cash in it, but fuck those cunts. I would steal it just to spite them.
assault with a bat is just as bad as assault with a gun
I think retaliation is a bad idea too. You're dealing with low life scum that was willing to rip off a friend's friend for $400 worth of weed.

That being said, I would however do some research and stalking. Catch as many of those involved alone as possible and jump them. I would sneak up on them and beat the fuck out of them (individually) and also rob them of whatever they had on them. I would also not make them aware it is YOU who is doing the jumping. They are just out for a stroll and BAM bat to the back of the head, several kicks to the ribs, and then remove everything they have on them. I would straight up take their wallets too. Not that you are going to use anything besides the cash in it, but fuck those cunts. I would steal it just to spite them.
better to be up on assault and possible murder charges than losing a little bit of dignity. fucking idiots. I cant believe this thread is still going, come on wyteberry lets go medicate.
if you do decide to retaliate if you get busted i would make up something like "he was hitting on my girl". just keep the cops out of it. in something like this its best things are solved just as they started...in private. that forces them guys to either give themselves up by saying they stole your money or you get a few slaps on the wrist for beating the shit out of someone. i doubt they will snitch themselves out to bring you down with them. they might though if you try stealing something from them. to them the fight was payback. any more then that and they may try to seek payback of their own and things will just go back and forth until something serious happens.

i doubt they would try to get murder charges on you. if it was a previous incident people calm down. if you go over there with weapons though they will think more of it. dont make it bigger then it is. its just $400...or the dude hit on your girl or something.
better to be up on assault and possible murder charges than losing a little bit of dignity. fucking idiots. I cant believe this thread is still going, come on wyteberry lets go medicate.

That's why you don't let them know it's you. I would certainly never confront them to their faces. Even if you think you are more bad ass than them it will just invite confrontation and draw attention to yourself. But what are they gonna do when they get knocked out by a baseball bat, kicked, and robbed, and they never saw who did it? Come find you just because they think you might be retaliating? They are piece of shit niggers for what they did, and they probably have lots of people that want to do that to them. You could also fuck up their car. I would find great satisfaction in slitting their tires especially if they didn't know who did it.

I would remove myself from the situation as much as possible. Karma is a bitch, but she needs some help sometimes.

Also I would probably never get myself into a dicey situation like this in the first place.
Damn, this thing still going !?
Aint nothing gonna happen or be revenged !
It's all hype and special effects...............................LIKE HOLLYWOOD MOVIES !!!
I don't know if they are black or white or whatever, but anyone that does that shit is a straight up nigger and deserves a bat to the skull.

Whats your definition of nigger?
Besides that what white kids you know goes around robbing people for weed?
Just the thought of that makes me laugh:clap:

Nigger = a racial and derogatory slang term used towards African-Americans

Nigga = ANYONE that acts ignorant or unruly

Check a dictionary.

YOU got robbed by NIGGAS !!!

Nigger = a racial and derogatory slang term used towards African-Americans

Nigga = ANYONE that acts ignorant or unruly

Check a dictionary.

YOU got robbed by NIGGAS !!!
no nigger = and ignorant person
nigga = non ignorant person who still gets treated like a nigger
no nigger = and ignorant person
nigga = non ignorant person who still gets treated like a nigger
nigger - 3 dictionary results
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[nig-er] Show IPA
—Usage note
The term nigger is now probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War. Definitions 1a, 1b, and 2 represent meanings that are deeply disparaging and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes to cause great offense. Definition 1a, however, is sometimes used among African-Americans in a neutral or familiar way. Definition 3 is not normally considered disparaging—as in “The Irish are the niggers of Europe” from Roddy Doyle's The Commitments —but the other uses are considered contemptuous and hostile.

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive .
a black person.
a member of any dark-skinned people.
Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.
"Um.....Excuse me, dear sirs? I have consulted with some fellows on an internet marijuana chat forum, and they have advised me that I should come here and politely request my cannabis back as it was worth $400. Soooooooooo if you could justtttt.." STAB STAB STAB STAB STAB!

That's how I'm guessing it went for the kid.

And if you try to steal a fucking GRAM of my weed with a knife, you better fucking KILL ME.