Headband and Chemdog! 600 watt Hps


Well-Known Member
I recommend you dont do it during flowering. It will definitely affect your yield. Leave her alone and if she get root bound her buds will still grow, if you transplant it will delay your production of buds and plant will focus all attention on establishing its roots leaving you less yield. Thats my opinion on transplanting during flowering, dont do it. I had a root bound plant that budded up just fine and she was seriously root bound. I am still learning myself about growing....LOL Hope that helped.


Thanks BKB!! This is what i'll do for sure! I'll just leave the ladies be =) I really don't think they're root bound at all but was just worried that they may get bounded durring flower.. BKB you're shits looking dank as fuck too mang!


Well-Known Member
Here we go pics are from today.. Day 5 of flower. Just put in the hps today also. Kinda really hot in my box little worried about that.. I installed my little exhaust fan, but didn't seem like it did much. Any ideas on what i can do to help out. I have another vent hole on the bottom of the box that should pull air in but you think if I had a fan there too it'll help out. The outside temps of the box are pretty cool so it would be some cool air being forced into the box when the door is shut. All help would be greatly appreciated! Here's the pics =)



Active Member
HD/Lowes have inexpensive bathroom exhaust fans - which work pretty good for small cabinets and what-not (should move more than enough cfm for a small space).

Plants are looking good mang!


Well-Known Member
HD/Lowes have inexpensive bathroom exhaust fans - which work pretty good for small cabinets and what-not (should move more than enough cfm for a small space).

Plants are looking good mang!
Thanks for the kind words Tao! and i'll be checking on those things tomorrow. I have one of those inline booster fans as an exhaust right now, but doesn't seem to be enough


Well-Known Member
I got a 4" In-Line Booster fan exhausting my Veg Box, its about 2'x2'x3' and my temps are around 80F 32%rH. Works fine and good should help if you get it. I have mine ontop like a chimmney.


Well-Known Member
Alright so the temps above the canopy are around 83 degrees.. is this to hot? I left the door open for tonight, but made some make shift fort around it so when the lights go out it'll be pretty dark still? Here's a quick pic of the fort lol! Childhood days of building forts pays off lol!! :bigjoint:

Theres a fan under those blankets also kinda stirring things up! Hopefully this will be something i can fix soon.. I hate to have to leave my door open on the box if i don't have to.



Active Member
Hey BuddyJesus your plants look great! If you're looking for more ventilation maybe a hole on the top of the box covered with a dark, breathable material might help as opposed to a hole in the bottom, cause heat rises you know? Ventilation and fans are a bitch. Your garden looks wonderful however.


Well-Known Member
Hey BuddyJesus your plants look great! If you're looking for more ventilation maybe a hole on the top of the box covered with a dark, breathable material might help as opposed to a hole in the bottom, cause heat rises you know? Ventilation and fans are a bitch. Your garden looks wonderful however.
Hey shell thanks for the kind words man! You know I actually have 2 holes in the box.. one on the bottom for intake, and one on the top for exhaust.. And the one on the top i have one of those inline booster fans hooked to.. But when i checked on the ladies today they looked way way way better then last night.. Last night i was worried.. Really worried.. But i guess they just needed some water/food lol.. I'll get some pics up in a few..


Active Member
Alright so the temps above the canopy are around 83 degrees.. is this to hot? I left the door open for tonight, but made some make shift fort around it so when the lights go out it'll be pretty dark still? Here's a quick pic of the fort lol! Childhood days of building forts pays off lol!! :bigjoint:

Theres a fan under those blankets also kinda stirring things up! Hopefully this will be something i can fix soon.. I hate to have to leave my door open on the box if i don't have to.

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Not sure what the textbook answer would be as far as ideal temp... But I don't think 83 is too bad in the real world. It's hard to do better than 10 degrees above room/intake air temperature.

This is what I deal with in the tent if it helps: It's usually around 70-75 in the room with the central A/C going. So it's usually about 80-85 degrees at canopy level in my tent directly under the bulb (inc. radiant heat from the bulb heating up the thermometer). Air temp under the canopy is usually in the high 70s. I start seeing heat stress when the temps get up to 90'ish at the canopy for any length of time (happens during the summer here). It seems there's a huge difference between what smaller/younger plants without much root-mass can withstand compared to a plant with a large, well-established root mass... so I pay special attention to temp. when the plants are young - not so much once they are large.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the textbook answer would be as far as ideal temp... But I don't think 83 is too bad in the real world. It's hard to do better than 10 degrees above room/intake air temperature.

This is what I deal with in the tent if it helps: It's usually around 70-75 in the room with the central A/C going. So it's usually about 80-85 degrees at canopy level in my tent directly under the bulb (inc. radiant heat from the bulb heating up the thermometer). Air temp under the canopy is usually in the high 70s. I start seeing heat stress when the temps get up to 90'ish at the canopy for any length of time (happens during the summer here). It seems there's a huge difference between what smaller/younger plants without much root-mass can withstand compared to a plant with a large, well-established root mass... so I pay special attention to temp. when the plants are young - not so much once they are large.
Thanks Tao! I'm pretty sure that i've got it down to where i want it now! Just a lil bit ago the canopy was 77 degrees, and under was around 73.. I just think the ladies were thirsty last night and was what i was freaking out about lol. They seem to be doing way way better now! I also raised my light about 2 inches. I'm going to run it with the door closed here in a lil bit and see what the temps get to.. And see if i have to install the vortex! I'll keep you guys updated for sure! And thanks for stopping by Tao!


Active Member
Can't really beat an inline fan - esp. with a speed controller. Are going to be using a carbon filter?


Active Member
Hey I'm all for going over-board with the filter and exhaust. Pretty much everyone ends up upgrading their lighting or space at some point so at least you won't have to upgrade the exhaust system again... And in the mean-time you can use a speed controller to save on electricity and lower the noise. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm all for going over-board with the filter and exhaust. Pretty much everyone ends up upgrading their lighting or space at some point so at least you won't have to upgrade the exhaust system again... And in the mean-time you can use a speed controller to save on electricity and lower the noise. :weed:
Yes sir! I actually had a speed controller, but can't seem to find it in my pile of equipment! It was only 20 bucks, so i'll prolly just grab a new one.


Well-Known Member
Went and checked out the ladies this morning, and the temps are staying around 78 with lights on, and about 67ish with the lights off. So I think i've got it worked out for the time being.. Just still can't close the door on the box yet. Maybe after I install my vortex i'll be able to. Here's a couple quick pics i took today.. Sorry was with the phone. i'll get better ones up tonight.

