2 x W600 HPS in an apartment?

I'm just wondering if W1200 of electricity running 12 hours every day is too obvious an amount of electricity for a one bedroom apartment. This dose not including fans and a small mothering/clone room. Have a small CFL setup know but want to upgrade, any help or tips would be much appreciated. this would all be contained in a 4 x 4 grow tent with a carbon scrubber.

One day once pot is legal, we will all laugh at the things we had to do just to enjoy some good ol home grown bud.

Everyday, average normal guy


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt run more then a 600w in an apt setting.

If this is for personal consumption, why would you need so much?

If you plan to go commercial, be smart about it.
i wouldnt run more then a 600w in an apt setting.

If this is for personal consumption, why would you need so much?

If you plan to go commercial, be smart about it.
thank you for your reply, this grow would not only be for me but is more of a team effort. We each get a our own W600. there would also be no other appliances running in this apartment besides the grow tent and mother room, which are locked in the bedroom. would you still consider this to be too risky?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thank you for your reply, this grow would not only be for me but is more of a team effort. We each get a our own W600. there would also be no other appliances running in this apartment besides the grow tent and mother room, which are locked in the bedroom. would you still consider this to be too risky?
Think about the things that could go wrong..like if something needs to be fixed in yur house...and smell, odour control might be an issue in a closed space. just things to consider before you start up. Plus 2 lamps is gonna toss out alota heat yur gonna have to find a way to get rid of. Be smart and stay safe.


Active Member
I have a 800 watt power supply on my computer that I pretty much never turn off, as well as a 1000watt stereo.
dont know if it uses power the same way but there's lots of high powered appliances out there, I wouldn't worry too much
I have a 800 watt power supply on my computer that I pretty much never turn off, as well as a 1000watt stereo.
dont know if it uses power the same way but there's lots of high powered appliances out there, I wouldn't worry too much
thanks for the reply's. I am a perfectionist and have been planing this grow for years (literally). Im not to worryed about smell because i will have multiple carbon filters, automatic freebreez dispensers and maybe an air purifier. My landlord can gladly let maintenance in if need be aslong as they dont go into my bedroom im not worried (will have a decent lock on it but wont look bate). my ap would look normal, nice decor with appliances (that are never turned on), there will even be pictures hanging on the wall (not of me or anyone i know of course) and i will also be muffaling my outtake fan of around 400 cfm, for a 4 x 4 space i think that will keep things smelling fresh. anymore suggestions or advise would be great, thank you.


Active Member
will you be renting this apt for the sole purpose of growing?
That's a big investment for such a tiny op......mine is bigger and it's under my bed hahaha

though I guess rather safe than sorry, good planning is the key to a good grow ......and not getting busted
but just remember when growing with others; loose lips sink ships.
I may also recommend a few timers with a randomizing on/off timer. Walmart carries them for about $7 this will ensure that the lights come on "around " a certain time rather then on cue, pretty sure they turn on at up to 15minute +/- random cycle. Add them to a few lamps around the apt.
also the size of the building has a ton to do with noise, the ambient levels of a 10 unit will drown out most of the fans. We had an ancient ac at my old apt. it was a beast, and you couldn't hear it during the summer when almost everyone else had theirs going too.
will you be renting this apt for the sole purpose of growing?
That's a big investment for such a tiny op......mine is bigger and it's under my bed hahaha

though I guess rather safe than sorry, good planning is the key to a good grow ......and not getting busted
but just remember when growing with others; loose lips sink ships.
I may also recommend a few timers with a randomizing on/off timer. Walmart carries them for about $7 this will ensure that the lights come on "around " a certain time rather then on cue, pretty sure they turn on at up to 15minute +/- random cycle. Add them to a few lamps around the apt.
also the size of the building has a ton to do with noise, the ambient levels of a 10 unit will drown out most of the fans. We had an ancient ac at my old apt. it was a beast, and you couldn't hear it during the summer when almost everyone else had theirs going too.
Awesome, yea already planed on having timers, thanks for the tips its reassuring knowing others are successful at apartment grows. Yes Toronto has some nice sized high-rises. ya the plan is to start small and see where that takes me.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 400's in my apartment but im counting on the fact that my building is so outdated that there is only 1 like pg&e usage counter for the entire 100year old apartment complex iv been here running 1 400w for 12/12 and the other 16/8 for 1 1/2 months and i havent had a knock yet and considering my utilities are included in my rent im sure my landlords having a hell of time figuring out were the power usage is from


Well-Known Member
thank you for your reply, this grow would not only be for me but is more of a team effort. We each get a our own W600. there would also be no other appliances running in this apartment besides the grow tent and mother room, which are locked in the bedroom. would you still consider this to be too risky?
dude if your living there id suggest you actually live there run your lights and your tv's and anything else you wish to run and if your grow is legal like mine is then just be ready if by chance you do get a knock on your door to show them your paper work and explain the situation is legal and then open your wallet and bribe the fuck outa your landlord to not give you a 15day notice to leave


Active Member
He's in Toronto; it's illegal.....

@weed man123...... dude you should try relocating to BC or down here to the states. If you really want to grow big it's better to do it the "Mostly Legal" way;
in California all you need is the $40 for your recommendation and a little gardening know how.
-------just cause I'm paranoid, I'm out on this post.
best of luck homie


Active Member
the power draw is nothing, even alternating so it just looks like something is always running (ie computers/tvs/etc...)
OVERDO the SHIT out of odor filtering and noise control. You need to be there every day, they only need 24 hrs written notice to come in for something. You're going to have to have to be able to move shit around or something. I've never done anything like this in an apartment, but unless I called them they only came out twice a year to change air filters and check for leaks... that's all I have ever had at 3 apartment complexes..
when they changed air filters and leaks did they enter your bedroom at any point? If im not there again there is a lock on the door. yes every day for at least an hour a day i will be there.