Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2

The stalk is about about as wide as an american 25cent currency until about 65% up, I haven't used the fan in a few months because It wasn't a good time. it's pretty lanky indeed. it looks exaggerated in the picture though too
Brick Top

You are correct, that was a very astute guess there ... yes, that was me asking the following:

Originally Posted by tafbang
I'm using every resource. I'm giving it water food, I heard plants like it...

I am curious. What is; "water food?" What company produces it or is it some homemade concoction? Either way I am unfamiliar with; "water food" so if you would be so kind as to educate me as to what; "water food" is I would be most grateful.

So tafbang, what is; "water food?" I am genuinely curious to learn about something I have never heard of before and since you use it and said you heard that plant's like it I felt you could bring me up to speed on what; "water food" is and who makes it or if it is a home concoction and how it is used and in what proportions etc.

So ... what is; "water food?"
Stop spamming my thread please, and quit trying to be cute : ) and quit thinking of a comeback. just be respectful or exit.
its water food man...you know? water....food...."water food" man, is this your first time on rollitup,lol

Sorry ... I just don't get it ... and yes, this is my first time on RIU, I am brand new. I just had my 6,119 posts from another site transferred here, you know, like switching banks and moving your money from the old one to the new one.
Stop spamming my thread please, and quit trying to be cute : ) and quit thinking of a comeback. just be respectful or exit.

I asked a legitimate question in response to one of your messages where you said you feed your plants; "water food." I asked; "What is; "water food?" I am genuinely curious to learn about something I have never heard of before and since you use it and said you heard that plant's like it I felt you could bring me up to speed on what; "water food" is and who makes it or if it is a home concoction and how it is used and in what proportions etc."

Is there some reason why you do not want to tell me, and anyone else who might be curious, what; "water food" is? I honestly want to know what; "water food" is because in my now 39 years of growing I have never heard of; "water food" a single time and am curious if you are onto something new and good.

So, what is; "water food," .. or why won't you tell me what; "water food" is?
Taft, I am not trying to be mean or anything...just that I also wonder what "water food" is. Are you saying that you just water your plant and don't give it any food?
Sorry ... I just don't get it ... and yes, this is my first time on RIU, I am brand new. I just had my 6,119 posts from another site transferred here, you know, like switching banks and moving your money from the old one to the new one.

sorry, it was a lame joke
Thank you for the response, though is does seem a bit odd since you did say; "I'm using every resource." Still, thank you for answering my question.

So somebody says that I should try to get more lamps and light, and my response is I'm using them all. please stopppp
So somebody says that I should try to get more lamps and light, and my response is I'm using them all. please stopppp

come on taffy...the only thing keeping this thread alive are you stupid lil comments so do you really want all the attention to go away? thread dies otherwise, ha-ha-ha
Originally Posted by Brick Top
Thank you for the response, though is does seem a bit odd since you did say; "I'm using every resource." Still, thank you for answering my question.

So somebody says that I should try to get more lamps and light, and my response is I'm using them all. please stopppp

Chill lil buckaroo .. I was genuinely appreciative of your having answered my question rather than avoiding it. But I just could not help but draw some attention to your answer and the dissimilaritybetween it and the statement you made just previous to saying that you feed; "water food," that of course being; "I'm using every resource."

Clearly it is a shining example of how definitions and perceptions vary from person to person.

Best of luck!
I watered with 3% peroxide a couple times. just a small amount. and my friend gave me some 5-10-5 nutes and I tried a small amount for 2 waterings and a proper dosage on a 3rd watering, it made my plants get really light green but the way it made the plant look made it look sick, so I refrained from using the nutrients. I'm just hoping for this big plant to get done so that I can really start working on the small one next to it that looks to be my best female strain