Official Michigan Dispensary List Official

their are 2 in Bay City. one on Henry, and one on Salzburg.

I have heard their is one in Pinnconning and one in Freeland as well, but i have no confirmation on them.
also HEARD one is coming to Auburn. Their is another one of the twin bridges clubs in Midland as well on M 20.
pricey. by the gram all the way up, over 500.00 for decent mid high per oz. 15 miniumum up to 25 or so i guess. also 20.00 join fee i understand.

the one on salzburg i understand has prices from under 10 to around 18 on the high end. SOUNDS MUCH more reasonable to me. stopped in when i was seeking info on getting my card. very cool guy i spoke with, helped out alot. think i ll be going back in the next day or 2 if not today. need to give them a call first.

thats what i got for the Bay/Mid/Sag area. i ll post more as i get more solid details.
as a caregiver for 5 and a home grower that charges no more than 300..... I hope you go out of business with those prices. you are raping people for profit and thats not why this law was enacted.

I'm guessing you haven't read to many of the threads around here to know what people claiming to be caregivers are "offering" patients.

They are selling their patients their own meds at the rock bottom price of $250 an ounce.
And they referr to people like myself who give free fresh meds to my patients as a "mother Theresa type" caregiver.

But no shit though.
I'm guessing you haven't read to many of the threads around here to know what people claiming to be caregivers are "offering" patients.

They are selling their patients their own meds at the rock bottom price of $250 an ounce.
And they referr to people like myself who give free fresh meds to my patients as a "mother Theresa type" caregiver.

But no shit though.

Free is just ridiculous IMO nothing is free in this world and your really screwing yourself over here because marijuana does have great value, If you simply gave your patients their meds for under 50% of the value they could sell half and have their meds for free for making a simple phone call possibly even turning a profit while having free medicine on your dime and your labor - but 250$ an ounce? 300$ an ounce? those numbers are absolutely ridiculous! I put my fees around 40% of what the patient knows they can get for it from a relative or close friend who is also a patient, which is usually 100$ to 180$, coincidentally that is roughly my cost to grow the meds, regardless, giving away something which is basically currency for free is just plain ignorant and your only hurting yourself unless your so rich that you really don't need ANY money.
Well first off, I said I give my patients free meds, I never said it was a limitless supply at no cost.
And that point was made clear when I was referred to as a "mother Theresa".

And sorry man, $100 to $180 and ounce to grow ?
Save that for your victims, I mean patients.

Less then $30 an ounce for medical grade cannabis from a 12 week 12 plant grow.
And thats a high estimate since I never grow just 12 plants for 12 weeks.
CS Consignment has 12 strains today, 6 different levels of hash, and medibles. Prices on meds are 15/g. Hash and medibles will vary.

Just opened May 23rd. Very clean and professional!!

CS Consingment works with great lakes compassion club who offer a variety of services. For example, they work with a doctor in assisting people in getting there certification.

Phone number: (231)894-0094

Located at:
2982 Alice street
Whitehall, MI 49462

across from Hickory Knoll golf course.
Currently in Lansing Michigan

I know that there are supposedly 70 dispensaries a few have had some problems. I found a listing of many in lansing here at
Michigan Medical Marijuana Growers

There is a lot of the Dispensaries located on Michigan Ave right on the way up the road to the Michigan State Capitol building ... one even is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week Michigans first!
so would this be a good place to say detroit is nasty and u michigan people are weirdos with your hand on your map and your fair to midland and your traffic jam for 200 miles on 75 every dam weekend ????
Free is just ridiculous IMO nothing is free in this world and your really screwing yourself over here because marijuana does have great value, If you simply gave your patients their meds for under 50% of the value they could sell half and have their meds for free for making a simple phone call possibly even turning a profit while having free medicine on your dime and your labor - but 250$ an ounce? 300$ an ounce? those numbers are absolutely ridiculous! I put my fees around 40% of what the patient knows they can get for it from a relative or close friend who is also a patient, which is usually 100$ to 180$, coincidentally that is roughly my cost to grow the meds, regardless, giving away something which is basically currency for free is just plain ignorant and your only hurting yourself unless your so rich that you really don't need ANY money.

There are two things in this world no one should ever pay for cause they are free, water and pussy.
if anybody goes to the dispensary in allen park.... stop. them fuckers are trying to get 420 an oz and 220 a half blah blah blah bullshit. ...... its all unflushed bullshit as well
There are 6 in Otsego County so far.

Vanderbilt Holistic Apothecary just south of Vandy on west side of Old 27.

Choice Collective just south of Otsego Memorial Hospital on east side of Old 27/North Center

Natural Remedies on east side of Old 27 South across the street from Tractor Supply

Compassionate Caregivers just south of Jim Wernig Chevrolet on east side of Old 27 South

Bay Medical on south side of M-32/Main West of I-75 @ Super WalMart Entrance.

House of Cannabis on Dickerson Rd next to UPS.

Gaylord - The Golf Mecca and now the Medical Marihuana Mecca!
I have another dispensary for your list.
Club Medz
2840 E Court st
Flint MI 48506
[email protected]

mt. pleasant-

ann arbor-
librty clinic
above mongolian bbq

ann arbor-

corner hamilton and pearl

oak park-
big daddys
northend st.

patients and caregivers united
blackstone st.

coffee shop style.

farminton hills-
medical swap meet sundays 3-7
32407 Northwestern Hwy Farmington Hills

wayne/washtenaw cannabis club
gratiot ave

tri city cannabis compassion club

michigan clone zone
517 404 7856

big daddys/ccc of MI
810 375 2023 or email [email protected]

modern age
saginaw st. downtown pontiac

i have a few more that i know of but i need to get more info and ill post them.
so would this be a good place to say detroit is nasty and u michigan people are weirdos with your hand on your map and your fair to midland and your traffic jam for 200 miles on 75 every dam weekend ????

agreed .