Club 600


Well-Known Member
Awesome, I took my Mum to see George last year.....was quite funny, the stage at the Melkweg was so small and as you know there is like 20 peeps in the band...they had to do their thing in shifts, haha.
For all you Dog lovers out there.



Well-Known Member
Your talking about pollinating? If so, you should see within a day. I follow the advice to do it again in a week.
Mind letting me know what signs I am looking for? I see a few pistils that have turned red and shriveled, however considering the amount of pollen I used, I would have expected every pistil to do the same...


Well-Known Member
Mind letting me know what signs I am looking for? I see a few pistils that have turned red and shriveled, however considering the amount of pollen I used, I would have expected every pistil to do the same...
Just what you described BC, the pistils will die and shrivel but some just stay standing. Give her another shot, I'm sure she'll like it! I can't remember what that's called, Bukaki style? I'm not sure but I think mrwest knows something about that. I've heard him talking about it a few times.

~~~~~~~~~GREAT WHITE~~~~~~~~~

ok so let me hear it 600 peeps! I know some of you have to be using this stuff.
I seen them open for Judas Priest in the mid 80's, but somehow I think your talking about something else.


Well-Known Member
~~~~~~~~~GREAT WHITE~~~~~~~~~

ok so let me hear it 600 peeps! I know some of you have to be using this stuff.

ive been using oregonisms myco, it is the same thing but lees than half price for same amount, i am using it on my veggies that i am keeping for my self. i theres some in the garden a few weeks back and a colony is already formed, i also bought this brand cuz it is made in oregon.


Well-Known Member
great white is awesome if you cant get anything else.

Just remember you are introducing LIVE organisms to your medium, so certain chemical ferts may not play well! h202 also may not play too well.

You really dont even need to use TOO much of it. I have a DTW setup for my coco setup and hand water great white once every two weeks. This is even probably unnessary, but coco does dry out rather quick, and i wouldnt want all my pals in the coco to die out :)


Well-Known Member
Everyone can add two tags to this thread. I just did. We already probably have the most likes in a thread, let's have the most tags too.


Well-Known Member
I added my 2. bud pr0n and seed fairy... props to the 600 crew.

My plants have about 17 days left... I've started them on Gravity. Can't wait to see how things turn out.


Well-Known Member
They are like keywords. It's words that in a small way represent a webpage, or video, or thread. I put tags on my youtube videos like: closet grow, medical marijuana, diy, jigfresh, sour kush, sour diesel, etc.... It's nothing important, just a way of categorizing things, cataloging. You can find the tags to things usually at the bottom of them. So the bottom of this page has the tags for this thread.

Out of the tags for each thread they make a 'tag cloud' with the most popular tags larger than the less popular ones. If you are interested in one of the tags you can click it and be taken to a list of threads with that keyword or tag associated with it.

Make sense?
little bit of clone porn and im happy to say i got my hands on a male cut of Crimson berry to cross with my girls in hopes of saving the gentics of my Fat puta


Crimson berry male :) 90-100% indica very fruity