How much bud do you smoke?

How much do you spend on weed weekly?

  • $0 - $100

    Votes: 19 33.3%
  • $100 - $400

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • $400+

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • I grow my own the rest of you are suckas!

    Votes: 28 49.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
gram a day or so, so somewhere around 365+g´s a year.

smoked for 17 years and usually around that figure, so thats 6205 grams or so.


Well-Known Member
i go through a half oz every week. so an oz every 2 weeks.
still isnt enough tho :(

i would smoke more if i had the money. outdoor grow soon though :D happy times


Well-Known Member
When I was growing in Alaska, it was an ounce a week...

Now that I am not growing and in college, it's turned into a quarter a week...

Being that the ounces are let go at 250, it's a simply 250 dollars a month to keep me happy and stoned... very good bargain in my opinion!
about where I am at. 1/4 a week. Thou if the wife and I are really cooking , it be a 1/2 week. Especially if a harvest is done.


Well-Known Member
I average maybe an ounce a month so just under a gram a day and maybe a gram a week in hash. I puff all day but just a couple puffs at a time so I can keep my mind. Once everyone is in bed and I am alone I break out some hash and put it on top of a nice nug in the bowl for the night. heh


Well-Known Member
about a gram a day by myself, tends to be more if sharing with company. But really guys? Half ounces and ounces a week? That's retarded, must be terrible quality so you need to smoke more of it, or you have no life and sit around all day smoking yourself into oblivion. Either way, I dont envy you.


about a gram a day by myselfQUOTE]

I can't even see a gram. I spill a gram and don't bother to pick it up. A gram is two tiny joints or one fatty. Definitely not enough weed to get high for very long. I smoke about 1 1/2 oz of killer buds per week. I actually have chronic back pain and even that much pot barely helps with the pain. It mostly makes me forget the pain and allows me to sleep at night. I eat one chronic cookie and smoke a joint and I can get 4 or 5 hours of undisturbed sleep. The rest of the time smoking it just helps me to forget about the pain for while.


Well-Known Member
Like I said...smoking yourself into oblivion...and congrats on having mountains of pot, was that comment supposed to make me jealous or think youre some kind of cool guy now? I could smoke an ounce a week if I wanted too, it just doesnt suit my needs to smoke much more than a gram a day. Thanks for calling out my post specifically, man, I mustve hit a sensitive spot with you, sorry bro


Sorry if i sounded angry that was not my intention at all. Just wanted to say that there are folks out there who function fine while smoking 1/4 oz of good weed a day. Most people would be smoked into oblivion by that much. Most of my friends can't keep up and have to beg for mercy.

I grow enough of my own to keep me in weed for the year. This is why I think the rule for 8 dried oz is ridiculous. I harvest about 6 lbs of dried buds from my 6 plants without any special growing experience. It makes me nervous to have that much but I grow outdoors and can get only one crop.

Sorry if I came off as angry I was just trying to point out my experience.


Well-Known Member
No hard feelings mate! I can see how my first post could rub some the wrong way. Sounds like your situation requires heavy smoking and you have the means to suffice, so more power to you. Thanks for sharing and offering up different points of views.


Well-Known Member
about a gram a day by myself, tends to be more if sharing with company. But really guys? Half ounces and ounces a week? That's retarded, must be terrible quality so you need to smoke more of it, or you have no life and sit around all day smoking yourself into oblivion. Either way, I dont envy you.
I smoke a minimum of 14 grams of some grade a bud that would knock your dick in the dirt and I have a life. Your just a light wieght and dont smoke throughout the day like we do.


Well-Known Member
Hell I just take a few tokes every night,,,Unless I go and party. The reason I don't buy is cause I grow,,,because I lost all desent connection's and the dealer's not all were really Lame along with the weed.


Well-Known Member
I smoke a minimum of 14 grams of some grade a bud that would knock your dick in the dirt and I have a life. Your just a light wieght and dont smoke throughout the day like we do.
Wow, buddy watch your mouth calling people you've never smoked with happy for you that smoking half ounces every week does the trick for you. But because I have a job where I can't be getting high like when I was a kid, and I only smoke about a gram of top shelf at night, doesnt mean I cant hang with the snoop dogg's of the world. And i'll put my dro up against the pepsi challenge any day of the week buddy. You sir, have smoked yourself retarded if you think I truly care that you smoke a halfo a week.