Alien Genetics.


Well-Known Member
Do you believe we are spliced with alien DNA?

I believe we are different for a reason, evolution would have taken its time but when spliced with alien dna we rapidly evolved into what we are now.. Look at what we have accomplished in 100 years.

There is only up...
That actually could be true! Nice thinking.

We could have discovered a new way to think a deeper and more intimate way to connect with our-self's
Unlock paths through time and space, while safely in a cave with your own shiny hot light lol
Tomorrow we invent the wheel!
I wish I could claim that as an original thought. I first heard of this possibility through a radio show hosted by the great Art Bell.
Yeah i do for sure Karmapuff, in fact it's one of my core beliefs.

Do some research on the Anunnaki, im sure you will find it very interesting. Be critical though cause anyone can write anything they want on the web.
That was the one. Too bad radio is such a fickle beast. It was sad to see him go. I would like to find the entire library of his shows.

Yeah that would be sweet for sure.. Yeah it suck's no doubt, but he's gotta do what he's gotta do.

Coast to coast is always interesting to listen to though, everything from alien's to bigfoot, gotta love it!
Yeah that would be sweet for sure.. Yeah it suck's no doubt, but he's gotta do what he's gotta do.

Coast to coast is always interesting to listen to though, everything from alien's to bigfoot, gotta love it!

Is it still running? Even so, I can't imagine it would be the same without him.
Oh yess, Coast2Coast nearly every night for me :D Art still hosts from time to time.. (from his home in the Philippines, I believe) But George Noory does a fantastic job as the reg Host.
All your base are belong to us

The reveal is near.
coast 2 coast is a good radio show....and if you can watch "Ancient Aliens", it will leave you with some possible answers and alot more questions lol. Or read some things Eric Von Daniken wrote.
There is only up...

I can see what you mean by that but make sure not to exacurate (however thats spelt!) that idea. I mean if the dinos didn`t go they would be getting us by the pupu now :)

There is a MASSIVE element of luck in our evolution but there might be some aliens involved somewhere.

I would advise the book "Shadows on the cave wall - A new theory of evolution" by Keith Skene.

There is a lot of information in that book that would back up that idea. Certain things don`t add up with evolution, e.g DNA is made out of 4 bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine), sugars and phosphate. Basicly, there wasn`t phosphate around and the conditions can`t be right to synthesize Sugar and the bases of DNA at the same time, let alone join them in a double helix structure and self replicate too!

However in that book this topic subject was concidered. But the writer said I`m not even going to discuss this as its shifting the origin of life deep into the galaxy and into the unknown. If it was delivered by aliens, the aliens themselves must of came to life somewhere so the question lies more in understanding the formation of DNA, RNA and Proteins.

There are also more things which don`t add up, example for every available molecule, there is something called an enantiomer. For information, an enantiomer is the same molecule with the functional group attached on a different side. No additions or subtractions from the molecular structure, some are simply "left handed" and some are "right handed" molecules of the same thing. Different enantiomers can have completely different properties.

So concider for example the bulding blocks of the double helix of DNA and RNA, Sugars. Now the problem here which lies with enantiomers is that for the DNA or RNA chain to form, they must all be the same type of enantiomer, or say all of them must be "right handed". The problem isn`t with the right handed ones not being in abundance or something, its far more worse than that. If a chain of DNA or RNA starts forming from "left handed" enantiomers and a "right handed" one comes along, it will bond to the chain but it WILL NOT allow the chain to get any longer after the wrong enantiomer is attached.

Reading back on myself I sound like a scientist but its a spoiler to have the book wedged open right by me hahahahah

Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it! Tell me about the high too =)
I can see what you mean by that but make sure not to exacurate (however thats spelt!) that idea. I mean if the dinos didn`t go they would be getting us by the pupu now :)

There is a MASSIVE element of luck in our evolution but there might be some aliens involved somewhere.

I would advise the book "Shadows on the cave wall - A new theory of evolution" by Keith Skene.

There is a lot of information in that book that would back up that idea. Certain things don`t add up with evolution, e.g DNA is made out of 4 bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine), sugars and phosphate. Basicly, there wasn`t phosphate around and the conditions can`t be right to synthesize Sugar and the bases of DNA at the same time, let alone join them in a double helix structure and self replicate too!

However in that book this topic subject was concidered. But the writer said I`m not even going to discuss this as its shifting the origin of life deep into the galaxy and into the unknown. If it was delivered by aliens, the aliens themselves must of came to life somewhere so the question lies more in understanding the formation of DNA, RNA and Proteins.

There are also more things which don`t add up, example for every available molecule, there is something called an enantiomer. For information, an enantiomer is the same molecule with the functional group attached on a different side. No additions or subtractions from the molecular structure, some are simply "left handed" and some are "right handed" molecules of the same thing. Different enantiomers can have completely different properties.

So concider for example the bulding blocks of the double helix of DNA and RNA, Sugars. Now the problem here which lies with enantiomers is that for the DNA or RNA chain to form, they must all be the same type of enantiomer, or say all of them must be "right handed". The problem isn`t with the right handed ones not being in abundance or something, its far more worse than that. If a chain of DNA or RNA starts forming from "left handed" enantiomers and a "right handed" one comes along, it will bond to the chain but it WILL NOT allow the chain to get any longer after the wrong enantiomer is attached.

Reading back on myself I sound like a scientist but its a spoiler to have the book wedged open right by me hahahahah

Thanks, Tenner.. You got my noodle ponderin'..

Now, put that in your pipe and smoke it! Tell me about the high too =)

.. just Bubbled some bubble hash.. Rips the back of your skull clean off.. :twisted:
This initially went in the history of your own drug use topic, lol Stoned! FUCK YEAH with that bubble has, never had that beuty :) Enjoy!!

Lets keep going on the alien DNA. 2 more theorys I will present!

One saying the particles of the bulding blocks of DNA came here from outer space. By the building blocks I mean sugars and adenine triphosphate, everyone must know these substances form when electric currents similar to a storm are applied to water, hydrogen, methane and ammonia for a week, this could happen on any planet with a thunderstorm generated by the static friction in the atmosphere. So when the particles of these blocks are coming from outer space, they are "hydrolised" and all the right handed enantiomers of these blocks dissapeared leaving usable material. I didn`t look into hydrolyssis yet but its a possibility anyway.

The other theory relies on the fact that sulphur could be used to generate energy for life to began. It says life could of began on the volcanicly active regions under our ocean like the "sulphur vent" things. In the walls of these "sulphur vents", there were pores which were coated by sulphur and acted as a place where an inorganic replicator could come to life by coincidence and furthermore formed the basis of organic life to begin. This theory is the biggest blow at vitalism in my opinion.

I`m always more full of bullshit than I think :smile: Here goes 3rd one, concider this. The first replicator starts inorganically and leaves its place to our organic life to take place. What IF, we are going to one day, leave the replication to silicon based organisms (skynet!) and they are going to have even bigger success....

Ever wonder where our life is heading by the way?

Shouldn`t of had that spliff and did my report.... Dang!! :grin:
Great reports, Everything in our lives come from outer space. The atoms that me and you are made of are trillions of years old if not older.
I was watching this show a few days ago saying we are made from stars!

The energy and electricity used to power our body's is already tapped into the universal power bank, We only barrow it then return it when we die, along with our organic features the decay and feed the earth which then feeds everything else. The whole purpose for life, is to make life. That's what the purpose of it all is... Everything after that just happens.