Awesome, I will give it a try and let you know how it goes.
you go youYou heard wrong. majority of great strains people have to get via seeds and international mail I literally drive 6 blocks to get at the local club. I remember i was going to drop 60$ on some sweet tooth seeds from attitude, luckily i held off because the same strain was available via clone for $12 a pop. You have to remember, Oakland was the city that pioneered the medical marijuana movement. It wasn't until later that greed and envy set in and all the others states followed suit.
Crip in super fucking awesome bud. and no I didnt hear wrong, I actually drove down there not too long ago and witnessed the massive one ways and asians first hand haha I never seen a Carls Jr ran strictly by asians. and I think maybe ONCE have I seen a subway with an asian person... oh wait never mind I didnt, JUST an observation i made though..i haven't noticed any stinginess, don't know what you mean by "crip" bud though dude. they have some great strains over at the club i go to.