Male or Female?? Are these Bud Forming or Sacks of Pollen??


Male or Female?? Are these Bud Forming or Sacks of Pollen??

Hi there ppl...

im into 2weeks of flower, all of a sudden ive had these sacks appear!!? im pretty sure they look like pollen sacks!??!!:shock: can you ppl confirm this??:o

i have 32 plants in flower, out of them 15+ have suddenly had these appear on them...:fire:

i will add pixs

as the web site i brought them from said they where all feminised seeds!!??:?: (WWW.PUKKAPENG.CO.UK):wall:

please need good advice:clap: on what to do or can be done as im feeling really dizzy, im confused as i dont want to rip the plant out of the set and bin it..!!! :sad:


tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Cannabis male or female is literally black and white. Other than impatience to diagnose it really is impossible not to work it out.

edit: 15 out of 21 ounds like a pretty acceptbale number, if they were a pack of reg seeds, so for fem seeds looks like you've been conned.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
wow, half of your crop gone....thats gotta suck big time.did you have a bout of high temps?i had 6 hermi on me once.temps got up to 105, i truely feel your loss, lol.better nix those fuckers asap, good luck with the rest of your grow.....


Active Member
Male or Female?? Are these Bud Forming or Sacks of Pollen?? Hi there into 2weeks of flower, all of a sudden ive had these sacks appear!!? im pretty sure they look like pollen sacks!??!!:shock: can you ppl confirm this??:o i have 32 plants in flower, out of them 15+ have suddenly had these appear on them...:fire:i will add pixs as the web site i brought them from said they where all feminised seeds!!??:?: (WWW.PUKKAPENG.CO.UK):wall: please need good advice:clap: on what to do or can be done as im feeling really dizzy, im confused as i dont want to rip the plant out of the set and bin it..!!! :sad:
You had to have confirmation when you already knew beyond a doubt that the plants in the pictures are male. I know that it's not the best feeling when you discover a third or more of your grow is not what you wanted. If the seeds were really fem, could your plants be hermies? Get them out of the area where your females are growing, that is, unless you want seeds.


Well-Known Member
just checked that site...totally bogus...they are selling super silver haze and the church at $30 for 30 seeds and fem at that...i wonder if any of the real breeders know they are selling bunk bagseeds as their scam...always research before buying the old saying goes..if its too good to be true,it probably is.


Well-Known Member
to be honest...i dont feel bad for the should have been obvious that place was fake...did you happen to look at ANY other seed bank and see that their prices was much higher and varying in price?i mean damn...$30 for 30 seeds for every strain they sell


Well-Known Member
got this right off their site...being a graphic designer i can tell this is fake...hell anyone could..


Active Member
he may have just wanted to share his misfortune and make people aware of the site he got his seed from
I was responding to his questions about the sex of his plants. I've had a similar experience and I know that sometimes we need and want confirmation of what we already know. I don't have any idea of how reputable the seed company he used is, but hope that they didn't get their seeds mixed up; and his plants just hermed. No mockery on my part just pointing out our need to be validated when we expect and want a different outcome.


Well-Known Member
my friend ordered from them against everyones advice, got 5x10pack of various strains and got ...
33 males
14 hermi`s
3 females that didnt hermi but only yielded about an ounce of shitty wispy bud each plant

so yeah stay away from them