Morning Glory Seeds?..

Just get some little clay pots @.25 inch standard and fill it with merical grow cactus soil. Soak the pots in distilled water and let the access water drain out. Place seeds on the soils surface(I put around 6-10 seeds in each pot) and put the pots in ziplock bags about 5-6 inches from some CFL's(I used 1 85 watt 6000K to germinate). I leave the light on for 18 hours and off for 6 every day with a flowering timer. Within a few days you should start to see a little hairry white ball come out of the black seed. The hairs will attach themselves to the soil and the ball will turn green and grow a tap root.

Make sure you air out the bags about 1-2 times a day(I just opend mine for about half hour once a day and let a fan blow over them).
awesome. namaste, sensei. What do I do once I see a taproot? leave them in the pot? And won't I have to transplant them into larger pots eventually?
After they are about 2 months old you can take a safty pin and dig them up. You do not need big pots for them and I'm sure you could leave them in their 2 inch pots for well over 6 months.
I was thinking about growing some peyote, but decided against it bc i heard it takes that long. how do I get them ready in 3 years? I know you can buy tissue and start them from that, kind of like cloning weed. what kind of soil, pot, and light should I use, how often do I water/feed? thanks!

Forget that, get a San Pedro cactus, same basic shit cept it grows way faster and it's even easier to take care of. There's special cactus soil you can get it at a nursery. You don't have to water it often at all, like once a month or so.
I've tried smokeing,eating,and grinding them into a drink

Each time i grinded up 200

I never got any kind of high from them

I think it's because the store i got it from sterlizes them.But im not positive.
hey, aatahoochie, when can I extract the lsa from my heavenly blues? it's not flowering yet, but how long after I see flowers do I need to wait before using the entire plant?
Haha you got the same idea as me dude. I Bought some the other day, the OSH didnt have heavenly blue or any other supposedly potent ones, so after 10 min of trying t choose from 4 types, my frend threw them on the ground and said close your eyes and pick one up. I picked up sum called glacier star, so hopefully they work. I heard each plant has dif type of high, so i might get some more and mix them when i extract the LSA. But yea i think you wait a lil while after the pods show up.
If your plants will survive outside all year then just wait until the pods dry out and turn brown(try to catch them right before they drop the seeds). Mine die because it gets to cold here. So, I just wait until the end of the year and dig up my plants roots and all. I would try to wait until the plant dies from the weather before doing an extraction. If weather is not an issue then leave the vine alone and enjoy many seeds forever.

The pods will form after the flowers fall off, they look like this.:mrgreen:


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Okay for everyone who wonders about morning glory seeds I have 16 packs 0f morning glory seeds their packages says their is 1.7 grams. I counted one package of seeds and the count was 27 so I did a rough average of 25 * 16 = 400 seeds at apx. 27.2 grams. My reading has suggested this is a perfect amount for a first time LSA user. I plan on doing a water extraction Saturday and will document my full experience if anyone would be interested?

Morning Glory Seeds Packages =
Heavenly Blue = 4 PACKAGES
Flying Saucers = 5 Packages
Scarlett O'Hara = 3 Package
star of yelta = 2 package
early call mix = 1 package
tall mix = 1 packages

All seeds were purchased at Walmart and yes I will wash them first to remove any pesticides/toxins before the extraction. If there is support for this or any suggestions let me know !
Not all contain the alkaloids you are seaking. Try heavenly blue, flying saucers, pearly gates, and milky way for the morning glory. also try to obtain some Rivera corymbosa and Argyria nervosa.

I am pretty sure those seeds arn't treated. I heard they inject rats at petshop with shit that kills snakes, is that true?
Okay for everyone who wonders about morning glory seeds I have 16 packs 0f morning glory seeds their packages says their is 1.7 grams. I counted one package of seeds and the count was 27 so I did a rough average of 25 * 16 = 400 seeds at apx. 27.2 grams. My reading has suggested this is a perfect amount for a first time LSA user. I plan on doing a water extraction Saturday and will document my full experience if anyone would be interested?

Morning Glory Seeds Packages =
Heavenly Blue = 4 PACKAGES
Flying Saucers = 5 Packages
Scarlett O'Hara = 3 Package
star of yelta = 2 package
early call mix = 1 package
tall mix = 1 packages

All seeds were purchased at Walmart and yes I will wash them first to remove any pesticides/toxins before the extraction. If there is support for this or any suggestions let me know !
I don't know those last four types, but the first two I do know contain alkaloids. Please, try some blends in the extraction. Let us know how it goes!:mrgreen:have fun
Not all contain the alkaloids you are seaking. Try heavenly blue, flying saucers, pearly gates, and milky way for the morning glory. also try to obtain some Rivera corymbosa and Argyria nervosa.

I am pretty sure those seeds arn't treated. I heard they inject rats at petshop with shit that kills snakes, is that true?

not true on the rat least not at petsmart...
rolln1up: what do you mean they all don't contain alkaloids, I needs some evidence, reports or something.

Go ahead and try them out, all I'm saying is the last few are not even the same species as the first 2. Who know's what they do contain(something toxic:confused:), just be careful and maybe you should look for your own reports before consuming things you know nothing about.

gogrow: not true on the rat least not at petsmart...

I was using that as an example. I know it is not true, but a lot of people think it is, just like seeds being treated with poisons for the soul purpose of poisoning anyone who eats them. That would be illegal and is a lie also, now seeds from plants treated with pesticides is a different story.
I don't know...I have heard that plants that are known to be used recreationally, are often 'treated' so that they make you sick rather than making you trip. I'm growing some heavenly blues myself (can't wait until I see those big beautiful flowers :-) Check out Erowid for more info on LSA and morning glory...scroll down and read the faqs and trip reports...they're a plethora of info, but not always reputable-just human experiences, and every psychoactive works differently for every person...know thyself, my friend. It should also convince you that most reputable providers of shamanic herbs only offer the MGs that are potentially psychoactive-Heavenly blues and flying saucers, e.g. Best of luck, and do educate yourself. I have about 400 HB MG seeds, but I'm too chicken to try them after reading all the reports of people saying it's not worth it to puke for hours and feel miserable just to trip for a while.
I have some experience with LSA.
First i have experience about Morning Glory & Second i have experience about
Hawaii Baby Woodroses (heavy LSA)

at least if u want nice trip with morning glory i advice u to eat 300-600 seeds it's medium to strong dose.
Morning glory is little bit moore smooth than Hawaii.

i have use Hevenly Blue seeds, i brought in a local flower shop!
first u must wash the seeds, before use, wash seeds in normal fairy or samothing soft soap (dish) then u must crush the seeds so tiny as possible!!!

if u get the seeds so so tiny crush like dust, then seeds can be strongest condition!
eat the dust with water! take a rest be cause u will get feelings of nause ( it called the toxic stage ) after 30min-1h the mild nause gone away and u feeling ingredible!!
trip last's 6-8h maybe more... additional feelings can last 12h.

but when comes Hawaii be careful!!!
u need 4-8seeds!!

7-9 seeds can be VERY STRONG DOSE, but dont worry.. its not leathal yet! but it can be heavy to your mind!

so first timers i advice to take no more than 4 to 6 seeds. 4 seeds is not strong and u not possible see hallucions! but yu get your body high and mid high and nice colors and fleelings!

if you want hallucins u must eat at least 5-10 seeds, but not first time! (it depends seeds size!! & how u eat or use) i ll tell recipe in the end!
hawaii u can order in smartshops! and glory too!

Hawaii baby woodroses recipe!

boil a one class of water, let it cool little bit just a 2-3mins!
because use is oraly, onset is affected by the last food that was
ingested, so try not to eat 4-6hours!! before u eat the seeds!
dose usully take is 4-6 seeds!
but some users advice eat not more than 3-5seeds for begginners. ( ill say 4-5 is nice to beginners!)
this recipe makes seeds work more efficiently!
remove any remaining husk and dust top of the seeds!
then cut & chop the seeds up in small bits with knive or pair of scissors (what smallest it be strongest)
put them in the cup and pour half cup of hot but not boiling water on them.
leave it at least 1½h to cool down in room temp! not in fridge oor freez...

alkaloids dissolve in the water at some point in cooldown process!
the Drink the water and eat all left overs seeds on bottom of cup use spoon and chew the seeds troughly and drink little water more!

then take nice rest place 40min-1h30min u get the trip and at least spookin u up about 6-10h

in the begin u get that mild nause, i know its not nice.. so i advice u to smoke some ganja, it helps very much in that nause!!

3-4 seed : light
5-6 seed : medium to strong
7-10 seed : Heavy Strong!
(remmeber hawaii is special LSA seed! not light stuff, and dose depends on seed size, some times 4 to 5 seeds can be nice strong if they are big seeds)

Morning Glory
200-300 seed : light
350-500 seed : medium
550-750 seed : heavy strong
ill advice not eat more than 650 seeds, because theres a some point when u can take over, and yu get relly hot feelings and dizzy... but dont panic, youll get hot and dizzy first but it goes away!! do some test first if they are not so effect, eat more next time!)



im not anymore eating those seeds, but i can give advice... ( well someday ill maybe eat some seeds, if its right time) i have in my box druids fantasy (make from morning glory and ginseng, damian and passionflower! and utobian bliss balls and e-trips all its natural and made by the LSA seeds and herbs!
and u can smoke morning glory but u not get much out.. use the seeds in empty stomache!! ur feelings of nause depends how long time ur last meal was?? so keep stomache empty at least 4 to 6h!!!!! u wont puke, because its nothing to puke!!!

so u have to taste some shaman nause feelings in your body and its not so bad!, it only take 30-40mins that baddest feeling and its not so bad either! so when its gone you will get nice price it!!!!! and ill forgot after 3-4h taking hawaii seeds ull get another up lifth!! its like extacy then.. it goes higher and that strong trip point will last 1½h to 3h.

but you have to eat at least 5 medium to big size seeds or at least 6 to 8 seeds!
begginners puke.. be strong.. youll get very nice price after begin nause.!