Stealth Cabinet Build!


I have a noob question , im looking into build/buying a stealth cabinet and when in comes to the exhaust fans do i have to outlet it to the outside of the house i.e exhaust vent or does the carbon filter take care of that..? i want to put it in my back room closet but the room is small and no way for me to exhaust outside the house... also are the fans fairly quiet or noisey.?


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on using the windshield reflector to fill the gaps on the folding doors it's flexible and cheap and I had it in my car. The light is coming from china where it was made...and Japan just had a 9.0 earthquake on March 11 and is taking up a lot of the resources in that part of the world. I'll keep on if it doesn't come in a couple more weeks I'll try something else for you guy's. Hey Tomcat welcome to Rollitup and that's a good question not a noob one...just ask the guy's that got busted with FLIR about venting the OP to the outside of the house. And you need a carbon filter it takes care of the smell and pulls fresh air into the grow area keeping temps down and Co2 levels up for the plants...vent into the house and use the A/c to cool the light. And yes the big fans are noisy.


Active Member
Remember, if the times comes and it hasn't arrived you can start germinating with a cheap cfl hanging fixture from Lowes or Home Depot.

And yes, I know about the earthquake.. it's fucking terrible and I've been following it the nuclear reactor situations closely.

Check out this video. I spy, with my little eye.. something green..



thanks Icannabis for the info... has anyone use the cabinets from i was thinking of buying one from them... just need something to take care of 2-3 plants.. not looking for a huge amount just enough for me and the misses.. lol


Well-Known Member
Ok...update!!! I finally got a hold of the Manufacture and talked to the sales rep. he said they just got the lights built and is crating for better protection and is shipping Monday 21. He said it took a while because it was a single run...and in the future they will be quicker about it. We'll see what happens next guy's. That video is scary stuff...and those plants looks suspect. It's funny that guy looks just like my uncle well when he was my I'm sending it too him...see if he gets a laugh.


Active Member
Cool deal with the light shipping soon - are you going to journal the grow with it on this thread?


Well-Known Member
No I'm going to start two threads one for the progress and one for the you can drop the sub if you to full and sub to that one...I just figured everyone wanted to see the light and setup.


Active Member
I'm planning on using the windshield reflector to fill the gaps on the folding doors it's flexible and cheap and I had it in my car.
Might steal this idea for my little cabinet since that material should be pretty sturdy. I'm tired of wrestling with weather stripping trying to keep a seal around the edges that will stay in place for any length of time.


Well-Known Member
Necessity is the mother of invention...I just trying to hold everything together till the light gets here.


Well-Known Member
Icannabis I know you are happy to hear that the earthquake isn't the reason your light was taking so long to arrive. That earthquake was serious 9.0.


Active Member
Might steal this idea for my little cabinet since that material should be pretty sturdy. I'm tired of wrestling with weather stripping trying to keep a seal around the edges that will stay in place for any length of time.
i just recently discovered a zipper with plastic sticky-backed edges. simply use black (or black /white) poly, staple or glue it from the inside and then stick the zipper on, cut the plastic, you have a light proof easy to access door behind your doors. the zippers can be purchased at a hardware store in the tarp area. hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Nylon Rope...I've been doing my outdoor garden and I'm bored so I thought I would focus on that at the moment until the Light and seeds arrive. I bought the plants at a nursery around here so they are a little beat up at the moment. I didn't bring anything from seed because I don't have a green house any longer. well that's the story good growing


Active Member
i just recently discovered a zipper with plastic sticky-backed edges. simply use black (or black /white) poly, staple or glue it from the inside and then stick the zipper on, cut the plastic, you have a light proof easy to access door behind your doors. the zippers can be purchased at a hardware store in the tarp area. hope this helps!
Another awesome suggestion since I've got the poly and stuff laying around and wouldn't have to go get lost in a hardware store... Going to be my next little project the next time I get bored. Funnily enough though, the plants flowering in my cabinet don't seem bothered by the rather large light leaks so far.

I like your hydro/soil/wick system Icannabis.


Well-Known Member
Update...I got my light today in the mail...and I think the pictures speak for themself...this with the fact that attitude seed bank didn't get my order apparently I'm about ready to give up. I'm out 300+ dollars so far.



Active Member
Fucking China.

Don't give up though, the best decision I ever made was to start growing my own. Doesn't speak highly for my life choices I guess though, haha. Start some bag seed with cfl's? Have you contacted the company about a replacement light or a refund? I would push a refund if I could talk them into it, and get something from the US next time.