Taking Mothers Outside

I have never grown outside before. I want to know if I can take 1 year old mother plant outside right now and plant it outside. It is called Grad Daddy Grape its straight 100%indica between GPD&GA Anyways it is already six feet tall so I figure if I take her outside right now she should get like 15ft am I correct? Also she has been under a 1k HPS 24/7 for the last year. Do I need to put her in the shade to avoid shock? Will the sun be too much for her? She is in a Earth box right now it uses a WIC sysytem. You could run this plant over with a lawn mower and it would not die it is huge I can at any time take 150 clones off her. I figure If I Dig a 4 feet deep hole 4 feet wide and fill it with a mix of Happy Frog and Fox Farm and transplant it in that it should get big. I will Feed it with Botonicare 2 part system twice a month. Steriod her up baby. Has Anyone ever done this can anyone give me some tips?


Active Member
Your gonna need to adjust your indoor light schedule slowing to match what is outdoors. A plant that old will start to flower this time of year.


Active Member
Your gonna need to adjust your indoor light schedule slowing to match what is outdoors. A plant that old will start to flower this time of year.
really? i figured flowering would always kick in at the natural point, come august'ish...


Well-Known Member
I would just clone off her and go with those plant for an outdoor run. If you put her outside now she will start to flower then revert back to vegging it will set her back a month or more the when she revert back to veg it will be time to flower again and will confusing the plant setting it back once again. You see all the set backs will have the plant so undecided it will never finish in time. I would wait till end of May at the earliest more like June 1st would be ideal..


Well-Known Member
really? i figured flowering would always kick in at the natural point, come august'ish...
right now is an early "natural" point as the days are short enough to initiate blooming for a few weeks then it will revert to vegging and then flower in August or whatever and probably hermie from being reverted. Anything under 16 hours daylight is danger territory.


Active Member
depends on your location and the temps, ive done similair with my mothers last year but they wasnt that big, prolly bout 3ft put them out around the end of april she flowered in july topd out around 14ft, my indoor lights for veg stay on 18\6 so i dont think they were shocked by natures light
Thanks so much for the advice! I will cone her and veg um out till later in the growing season and take those outside too. Thats why I figured if I took her outside now it being a bit early it would might finish by october. Hopefully it does not hermaf on me But I am going to try If it works out man I think this baby might hit 15ft so why not this will just be an experiment I re grow my mother from seed every year and my genetics are amazing You cant buy seeds to what I have. so we will see what happens I will post a pic at the full oon in october of what happened thanks to all


Well-Known Member
Slowly lower your 24hr light down to what the light schedule is outdoors. This might take awhile. If you see any flowering starting, you're doing it too fast (obviously).

Once they meet up, throw the girl outside. Mid April - early May is perfect to put a plant out.

She will be massive in September.


Well-Known Member
you could stick it outside during daylight hours and bring it back in for the rest the of time under lights, just don't stick it in full sunlight day one. you'd have to have it in shade for the first days and gradually intrroduce it to sunlight.
You risk bringing spidermites into your grow room though, not worth it IMHO.