Dropastones Northern Lights #5 Grow Journal

Hey y'all I smoked some of that branch I took for a tester this morning and holy crap I got stoned a hell off that scruff. The buzz really blew me away and it was just the scrub from the very bottom of the branch. I haven't even touched the top of the branch yet. It's definitely better than the last batch and I'm very pleased with it. I'm also very pleased with the results I got from the 600 watter. That was one of the best moves I've made, moving from a 400 to a 600. I'm considering pulling the one plant as soon as the pot drys out. I'll leave the other one in there for another week to a week and half, the hairs aint even started turning yet on that one. I'm getting excited to start round 3 and get this mini sog running, it should get very interesting to say the least.

That's it for now, check y'all later.
HI DROPA!!!!!!!!:leaf:
Your garden is so beautiful. Yur plants so healthy and green!!!!!!! :-P:-P
Ok , am i stoned out of my mind or did you just say you smoked a BRANch? lmfao
i never knew you could smoke a branch? hahahah i guess ill have to try it some time!!!!!! :-P:-P:-P:-P have a wonderful weekend!!
Peace, Amber
Hell now reading what you wrote earlier sounds F-ing tasty too damn cant wait for my 2nd harvest lol! Also the above post cracked me the hell up!
HI DROPA!!!!!!!!:leaf:
Your garden is so beautiful. Yur plants so healthy and green!!!!!!! :-P:-P
Ok , am i stoned out of my mind or did you just say you smoked a BRANch? lmfao
i never knew you could smoke a branch? hahahah i guess ill have to try it some time!!!!!! :-P:-P:-P:-P have a wonderful weekend!!
Peace, Amber

Hell yeah doc, you aint never heard of smoking a branch before LMAO. Yeah I guess I should have reworded that a little. Like I said though I was stoned as hell. I'm thinking she's gonna get the chop tonight. That way I'll have many branches to smoke LOL.

Thanks for stopping by doc, always glad to have you in my thread.

Good morning to all my friends here on RIU. I decided to chop down one of my ladies last night and I took a few pre manicured shots of the whole plant. In the past I've always trimmed me buds right after the chop. But with this low humidity in my area I've noticed that they've been drying out to fast for my liking. So this time I'm gonna hang the whole plant upside down leaves and all. I'm pretty sure doing it this way I'll get a much slower cure time. I'm estimating around a QP off this one plant.

Here ya go.





















Here's a few shots of the the root ball. As you can see there is no root circling but at the same time you can't see many roots. So it looks like the air pots are doing there job by air pruning the roots and causing them to send more shoots through out the pot.






Manicured bud shots still to come in a week or two.

now thats a thing of beauty :clap: im so jealous drop. looks like those air pots do, do a good job at pruning the roots. i cant wait to be able to pull a qp off 1 plant like that.
Ok where do I sign up for a weekend internship and dropa's bitch to get my hands around those top shelf colas and check out that bitchin floor

Thanks my friend, Everybody on my thread is just too kind with all the great comments but it's still greatly appreciated. I wanna send out a special thanks to all that are following along.

Now it's back to business. Here's plant # 2 just starting it's 10th week in flower.








Nah I didn't flush either one of em bro. I flushed on my last round with these so I'll be able to tell if there's a difference between the two. I do know for a fact that the quality is a lot better this round. I've been smoking this bud for two months now and built a tolerance to it. But when I smoke some of this new stuff it just blows me away.
thats why im growing multi strains :) so what kind of high is it? how much does it take to get high? whats it taste like? smell? can we get some pix of your girl hanging up :)
:) so what kind of high is it? It's a heavy hitting stone and couch lock for sure. How much does it take to get high? I can take like 3 to 4 hits and be good for hours, although I tend to smoke more. whats it taste like? smell? I'm not that good at describing tastes from this plant, all I can say is that it tastes and smells fruity. Imagine if you will, eating and smelling a box of fruity pebbles lol. Can we get some pix of your girl hanging up :)Sure let me get a cpl of pics and I'll post em in a bit.

Okay here's Plant # 1 Hanging.



It seems like it's drying slower this time around. My last harvest dried out so fast, all buds were crispy to the touch in like 2 to 3 days and then they were promptly jarred. I had another tester branch that I left all the leaves on and it hung for 6 days before it was dry enough smoke and jar. When it comes to drying herb, the slower the better. I think I read in that truth about flushing thread that it's better to dry the whole plant before trimming because even though the plant has been chopped the buds will still pull moister from all the fans when drying resulting in a longer cure. In a sense, I believe the bud still lives until it dies from lack of moisture (please someone correct me if I'm wrong about this assumption). I don't have patients for much of what I do but when it comes to growing and drying my herb I have all the patients in the world.
Sounds right to me drops, lady looks good upside down. I recently just started to try drying with leaves still on. I kinda like trimming fresh as i think the leaves are easier to cut off. I removed all the big fan leaves though, we'll see what the difference is. Usually i hang dry for 10-15 days in a 65 F 50% RH closet with a little fan on the floor to circulate the air a little. I dont jar untill the buds are COMPLETELY dry, like till the steams snap on the fattest nugs.
What's up Audi? I've heard both ways. Wait until branches snap or while they still have a bend in em. I usually just wait until the whole bud feels good and crispy on the outside but still moist on the inside. That way when you jar em the dry crispy bud will wick out the moisture from the center. Kinda like drying from the inside out. Then once the crispy part of the bud re hydrates I open the jars for a while till they start feeling crispy again. Then repeat the process over and over until it's just the way I like it. I wish I had a good place to dry me bud where I could control my humidity and temperature. Right now I'm at 50% RH and 72 degrees. If I want it any cooler than that I'll have to freeze for a few days and I don't see that happening. I'm surprised there hasn't been somebody who has done a diy humidor. You could do the ultimate cure with one of those. I'm gonna go do a Google search on one right now.

I don't know much about humidors but I have found that some humidors come with temp and humidity control. I got this from yahoo answers it's an explanation of how a humidor works.

The purpose of the humidor is to keep your cigars at peak freshness. Ideally, conditions for your sticks should be at about roughly 70% relative humidity and 70 degrees F.

In your humidor, you will have a humidification system in which you will put the solution - usually 1:1 distilled water and Propylene Glycol. The PG acts as an agent that keeps the Relative Humidity inside your humidor balanced. A hygrometer will measure the RH so you can be assured you are at the correct level. Be sure you calibrate your hygrometer.

Given proper care, your cigars will keep for years.
Some people really value properly aged cigars (they will develop a "bloom" over time - a fine white crystal that looks like powder).

Please note that Spanish Cedar works very well at maintaining a humidor at the proper humidity. Do NOT buy any humidor containing aromatic cedar - this is NOT the same type of wood.
If you do a search for humidors here on RIU, there's a few threads on the subject.

My line of thinking is this. If you could build a container of some sort, that you could control the humidity to say 55% with a temperature of say 65 degrees constantly, you would have the ultimate dry/cure box. Kinda like set it and forget it. No more burping jars twice a day for up to a month. Ya dig?

Although this is a great idea in my mind. I don't think I'll be doing this anytime soon. I need to do a little more research on the subject first.
