Ph . . Important or just plain anal.


Well-Known Member
I find the whole ph thing strange. If you bring a gallon of water to a boil then let it cool and bottle it you should have perfectly clean fresh water void of chlorine and flouride.

The only reason I could see to really mess with ph is if you have bad pipes or water. I use a 12oz squeeze bottle for my watering and i put a thimble of urine and a pinch of coffee grounds in it then top it off with water. Plants seem to love it.

Isnt this just a little bit much for a humble soil grower?


Well-Known Member
Never raised roses I see :). They are quite similar plants.

Urine is high in nitrogen and coffee grounds are really high in plant nutrients as well.


Well-Known Member
well.... i used to piss around my outdoor no deer would come near them....but pissing on them...thats crazy.
oh and the water thing, you can just go buy a gallon of distilled has a neutral PH...just like boiled water...almost


Well-Known Member
OMG just buy fertilizer that high in N. And coffee grounds? leave those out for sure. And yes PH is freaking huge...if you dont moniter it somehow then you are gonna eventally get a nute lockout most likely. You need a PH around 6.8 for MJ in soil. Do you know the PH of your soil? Your runoff? Your water? You need to know all off the above...

"Growing without checking PH is like growing blind". ~ SeedlessOne


Well-Known Member
You've been following my stealth like a ninja post ohio. My sprout looks really healthy and is very strong. All pre-boiled water urine and coffee.


Well-Known Member
i water mine right out of the faucet. checked my ph for the first time ever the other day. it was fine. i'll never check it again.


Well-Known Member
OMG just buy fertilizer that high in N. And coffee grounds? leave those out for sure. And yes PH is freaking huge...if you dont moniter it somehow then you are gonna eventally get a nute lockout most likely. You need a PH around 6.8 for marijuana in soil. Do you know the PH of your soil? Your runoff? Your water? You need to know all off the above...

"Growing without checking PH is like growing blind". ~ SeedlessOne
Correction. You THINK I need to know this. Im sure a lot of the precautions taken in growing marijuana only open more opportunities to make a critical fumble. I have done nothing to check or maintain my PH and I will now continue to do so to prove my point. Remember its soil not hydroponics.

Here. You tell my plant that im not peeing on her anymore and see how mad she gets :P



Active Member
coffee grounds are very good for gardening. When i worked at starbucks we would bag the used coffee grounds (a few pounds per bag) and people would come pick them up to throw into there gardens. I also think knowing your Ph is good but not necessary for little hobby growers like me. I wouldnt mind testing my ph eventually tho...its always good to know ^_^


Well-Known Member
Agreed If the plant started to grow under the conditions i am currently growing under then it would be safe to assume that continuation of said growing habits would keep the plant growing as it has been. Which btw i dont know what my ph is but aparantly they like it :) ... must be the pee


Well-Known Member
Correction. You THINK I need to know this. Im sure a lot of the precautions taken in growing marijuana only open more opportunities to make a critical fumble. I have done nothing to check or maintain my PH and I will now continue to do so to prove my point. Remember its soil not hydroponics. obviously havce no idea what you are talking about kid. You asked a qestion and I answered it with the correct answer. Ok great you havce a seedling that you havent checked the PH on....just wait till you get a lockout and you PH gets jacked up...what the fuck you gonna do, guess?? It can ruin your crop. Yeah I know this is soil and not hydro pal. try not to offend anyone next time with your ignorance. Dude hell I open your grow room pics and all I see is mistakes!!


Well-Known Member
And people just buy nutes for your marijuana. Stop jacking off, pissing, and putting coffee on your shit. Yeah it might help, but you think its gonna do better than nutes?


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ i think that having the correct PH is just another important part in having a healthy green stalk, just as you would buy good soil or expensive nutes PH sets the plants into a comfortable setting just like theyre natural habitat.


Well-Known Member
Thats nice seedlessone, I found nothing offensive about my post. I stated how I was going to grow my plant and that is what it should have been left as. This is an experiment thread not your standard three ring circus. Go quote plant protocol to somebody else these ones are mine and I would break your fingers off if you even came near them.

Learn to grow things other than pot. Then come talk to me.


Well-Known Member
No thanks. They have had enough watering for now. They are soakin up the pee.

Riiiiide tha stimutaxx