Someone Please Explain Obama and Brazil?

jeff f

New Member
so ears goes to brazil and tells them to drill oil offshore while he condemns drillers of our oil. can you libtards please explain to us "common folk" why he would do this?

is this guy seriously this anti US? i dont know where this idiot was born. i dont know if he is a muslim or christian. i dont know if he likes cabbage or arugula. but i damn sure know he doesnt like the US.

what a huge mistake putting this dolt in office. just glad that gitmo is finally closed and he got us out of 2 wars......:fire:


Well-Known Member
so ears goes to brazil and tells them to drill oil offshore while he condemns drillers of our oil. can you libtards please explain to us "common folk" why he would do this?

is this guy seriously this anti US? i dont know where this idiot was born. i dont know if he is a muslim or christian. i dont know if he likes cabbage or arugula. but i damn sure know he doesnt like the US.

what a huge mistake putting this dolt in office. just glad that gitmo is finally closed and he got us out of 2 wars......:fire:
first thing, we ARE drilling offshore, waaaaaayyy more than brazil is. brazil also doesn't drill below 5,000 feet of depth. the Obama administration just started handing out new leases to drill at below 5,000 feet depth. OOOOOPPPSSS!!!!!!!!!!

and gitmo and the wars aren't over because of republican obstructionism and their nazi-like propaganda techniques led us into two unwinnable conflicts.

the most AMERICAN thing to do with these 'terrorists' in guantanamo would be bring them to the US to face trial for the crimes we say they commited.

it's republicans who don't think so and they've convinced extremely brilliant souls like yourself of it.

and it's racist idiots like yourself who think Obama is an anti-american muslim.

and the US has already moved to a phase in it's economy where we can start weening away from oil. There's people in brazil who have NEVER seen a cel phone or a computer. Brazil is about 20yrs behind the US in technology but it's quickly catching up b/c of the monopolized 'capitalist' system in the US.

jeff f

New Member
first thing, we ARE drilling offshore, waaaaaayyy more than brazil is. brazil also doesn't drill below 5,000 feet of depth. the Obama administration just started handing out new leases to drill at below 5,000 feet depth. OOOOOPPPSSS!!!!!!!!!!

and gitmo and the wars aren't over because of republican obstructionism and their nazi-like propaganda techniques led us into two unwinnable conflicts.

the most AMERICAN thing to do with these 'terrorists' in guantanamo would be bring them to the US to face trial for the crimes we say they commited.

it's republicans who don't think so and they've convinced extremely brilliant souls like yourself of it.

and it's racist idiots like yourself who think Obama is an anti-american muslim.

and the US has already moved to a phase in it's economy where we can start weening away from oil. There's people in brazil who have NEVER seen a cel phone or a computer. Brazil is about 20yrs behind the US in technology but it's quickly catching up b/c of the monopolized 'capitalist' system in the US.
wow, just like ears, you blame everyone else. hey dummy, brazil is a very big economy, second largest in our hemisphere, fairly educated with a 90% literacy rate, and very middle class society.

you should read more before you make stupid claims.

and obama banned drilling offshore against a court order.....or dont you remember that either? here read this and educate yourself and quit being a sheep

yep definitely all republicans fault hahahaha

oh, and racist? he is half white....thats the half i hate


Well-Known Member
wow, just like ears, you blame everyone else. hey dummy, brazil is a very big economy, second largest in our hemisphere, fairly educated with a 90% literacy rate, and very middle class society.

you should read more before you make stupid claims.

and obama banned drilling offshore against a court order.....or dont you remember that either? here read this and educate yourself and quit being a sheep

yep definitely all republicans fault hahahaha

oh, and racist? he is half white....thats the half i hate
i took economics courses in college. brazil's economy is only jumping in numbers. most of brazil is still in the 1950's. i've been there. i'm fluent in english, spanish and portuguese, it's b/c my family is part brazilian. you should really stop talking out your ass.


Well-Known Member
wow, just like ears, you blame everyone else. hey dummy, brazil is a very big economy, second largest in our hemisphere, fairly educated with a 90% literacy rate, and very middle class society.

you should read more before you make stupid claims.

and obama banned drilling offshore against a court order.....or dont you remember that either? here read this and educate yourself and quit being a sheep

yep definitely all republicans fault hahahaha

oh, and racist? he is half white....thats the half i hate
i'm just going to add that brazil's education has gotten so good b/c of state-sponsored post graduate education. my cousin has a doctorate's in Civil Engineering, he's working on the stadium's for the World Cup, he never paid a DIME, he doesn't owe SHIT... he can thank his GOVERNMENT.


New Member
wow, just like ears, you blame everyone else. hey dummy, brazil is a very big economy, second largest in our hemisphere, fairly educated with a 90% literacy rate, and very middle class society.

you should read more before you make stupid claims.

and obama banned drilling offshore against a court order.....or dont you remember that either? here read this and educate yourself and quit being a sheep

yep definitely all republicans fault hahahaha

oh, and racist? he is half white....thats the half i hate
Tell us about those Favellas then, Spelling suspect. I believe you are right, without the HaHaHa, it is definently the repukes fault. In fact from my "stupid" perspective, most of the crap in this country is the repukes fault, infrastructure for example, where is the money? The list of faults is long and sad, but one can very well blame the repukes for 90% of it.


Well-Known Member
George Soros owns part of peatro oil company, odumbass MUSLIM. works for George Soros. George Soros wants NWO that is why odumbass is in shit town giving 3 billion dollars that we borrowed so they can drill. The US don't need jobs, alot here think we are going to get it free.
But it dose make you wonder any American will show their birth cefericate because they are proud to be American except odumbass.
Oh yea if you think odumbass thinks this stuff himself you deserve the stupid bastard. My 17 year old grandson has a better idea on fixing the economy than that stupid MUSLIM. LMFAO

jeff f

New Member
i'm just going to add that brazil's education has gotten so good b/c of state-sponsored post graduate education. my cousin has a doctorate's in Civil Engineering, he's working on the stadium's for the World Cup, he never paid a DIME, he doesn't owe SHIT... he can thank his GOVERNMENT.
i speak engrish, or english and i can also read english. and brazil is the second largest economy in the hemishpere and they are fairly well educated, and lots of them have cell phones (you claim they dont) and they walk around with shoes.....and they just got a few billion dollars of ours to further drill for oil and ears stopped our folks from drilling and is continuing to stop them despite his claims otherwise.

and you are still ignorant and ears is still half white and i still hate his half white black ass.

good on your civil engineer cousin. sounds like he isnt afraid to work hard. unlike our pos community shit stirrer in chief.


New Member
as a petroliem engineer USA has alot of bad drilling practices that need to be addressed before they start drilling again know what happened with that BP oil spill i can explain it first off dont think usa didnt play a roll in it first off drilling in USA they practice the HARD SHUT IN METHOD Very bad practice indeed when taking on a kick of anytype a kick is when your formation pressure is greater then well bore pressure ( Drill pipe ) this allowing gasses to enter the well bore
know when most rigs start up they will drill surface approx 350 meters to 1100 M first string casing now once they drilled surface they run in casing to Caseing depth cement plug and cement back reason they do this is to allow for a blow out preventer that will mounted on top of the caseing head thats your life line that goes and your done melt down etc ,
drilling rigs have mud tanks thats to allow for drilling in rocks, sands etc it cools the drill bit etc as you drill you have mud pumps pumping fluid into your pipe and down the hole pickin up all cuttings and bringing them to surface every mud tank has PVT's thats to monitor volumes as you get deeper you should be loosing volume but your are also addin volume mixing gels barite drispac etc
so anyways as for casing surface you will determine with some factors Vs depth your actual MACP maximum allowable casing pressure if you take on a kick now heres the bad practice of usa you have manifolds to adjust MACP but in usa they do hard shut in thats closing the well completely doin this is very bad you can frac the formation causeing bad things even crack your casing cause when you dead end it you can very easily exceed your alowable casing pressure kinda what happened you see where oil was comin out of down below the blow out preventer it broke right off they exceeded casing pressure lol bad bad
doin soft shut in which is in reality only way to do this you slowly close your choke not exceeding MACP thats why you see the burn the flame there slowly releasing the gas in the well bore never exceeding casing pressure this may take some circulation times as you are adding barite and making your mud heavier thus stopping formation pressure entering the well

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i took economics courses in college. brazil's economy is only jumping in numbers. most of brazil is still in the 1950's. i've been there. i'm fluent in english, spanish and portuguese, it's b/c my family is part brazilian. you should really stop talking out your ass.


jeff f

New Member
as a petroliem engineer USA has alot of bad drilling practices that need to be addressed before they start drilling again know what happened with that BP oil spill i can explain it first off dont think usa didnt play a roll in it first off drilling in USA they practice the HARD SHUT IN METHOD Very bad practice indeed when taking on a kick of anytype a kick is when your formation pressure is greater then well bore pressure ( Drill pipe ) this allowing gasses to enter the well bore
know when most rigs start up they will drill surface approx 350 meters to 1100 M first string casing now once they drilled surface they run in casing to Caseing depth cement plug and cement back reason they do this is to allow for a blow out preventer that will mounted on top of the caseing head thats your life line that goes and your done melt down etc ,
drilling rigs have mud tanks thats to allow for drilling in rocks, sands etc it cools the drill bit etc as you drill you have mud pumps pumping fluid into your pipe and down the hole pickin up all cuttings and bringing them to surface every mud tank has PVT's thats to monitor volumes as you get deeper you should be loosing volume but your are also addin volume mixing gels barite drispac etc
so anyways as for casing surface you will determine with some factors Vs depth your actual MACP maximum allowable casing pressure if you take on a kick now heres the bad practice of usa you have manifolds to adjust MACP but in usa they do hard shut in thats closing the well completely doin this is very bad you can frac the formation causeing bad things even crack your casing cause when you dead end it you can very easily exceed your alowable casing pressure kinda what happened you see where oil was comin out of down below the blow out preventer it broke right off they exceeded casing pressure lol bad bad
doin soft shut in which is in reality only way to do this you slowly close your choke not exceeding MACP thats why you see the burn the flame there slowly releasing the gas in the well bore never exceeding casing pressure this may take some circulation times as you are adding barite and making your mud heavier thus stopping formation pressure entering the well
as a petroleum engineer, did your college have an engrish department? holy fuck dude. probably a lot of good info in your post but i cant follow a damn thing. i aint no grammer specialist by far, but use some fucking punctuation man!

jeff f

New Member

owned? thats a good one. "ive been there". yes, so has ears, and he aint worth a fuck.

explain carne sucka, why did dumbo give brazil a few b illion dollars to drill for oil?

btw, saying you been there or owned, not a legitimate response....owned


New Member
George Soros owns part of peatro oil company, odumbass MUSLIM. works for George Soros. George Soros wants NWO that is why odumbass is in shit town giving 3 billion dollars that we borrowed so they can drill. The US don't need jobs, alot here think we are going to get it free.
But it dose make you wonder any American will show their birth cefericate because they are proud to be American except odumbass.
Oh yea if you think odumbass thinks this stuff himself you deserve the stupid bastard. My 17 year old grandson has a better idea on fixing the economy than that stupid MUSLIM. LMFAO
You are one warped dude. Keep it up and maybe some day you will be able to tie your own shoes..............Uhhh, doubtful.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
For the OP:

Obama is encouraging Brazil to drill off shore to try and exploit the supposed super-field the "Tupi"... The problem is that they can barely even reach the oil they have already placed massive bets on drilling, I mean MASSIVE like say 80% of the worlds offshore drilling fleet...and they cant even reach the damn stuff. The US is trying to offer help in exchange for access which puts directly at odds with the "C" of the BRIC countries. But, it puts Brazil in a sensitive situation diplomatically since they have pretty much hedged their entire economic success on the Tupi project and are losing money hand over fist. But they really should have planned it out a lot better, I mean, leasing 80% of the worlds drilling fleet before you have the technology to even reach the oil? What the hell were they thinking? Also, what the hell is happening in Costa Rica? I digress...

And BTW, the Deepwater Horizon is an event so poorly understood that I am shocked at the lack of any journalistic impetus uncovering the story of how much the official tale is complete BS. If anyone cared to dig into the story things get really, really dirty. But, luckily the Boys have been busy scrubbing the record and many early articles and links related to the disaster have been erased, thus it will stay a "disaster."


Well-Known Member
so ears goes to brazil and tells them to drill oil offshore while he condemns drillers of our oil. can you libtards please explain to us "common folk" why he would do this?

is this guy seriously this anti US? i dont know where this idiot was born. i dont know if he is a muslim or christian. i dont know if he likes cabbage or arugula. but i damn sure know he doesnt like the US.

what a huge mistake putting this dolt in office. just glad that gitmo is finally closed and he got us out of 2 wars......:fire:
Obama's in charge of Brazil?

What's a libtard?


Well-Known Member
It's a Stream of Conscience format: Cool enough.. I followed it.

With BP they ignored warnings and used parts not designed for the drilling they were doing in a Shut up and do your job or get fired management program.

We got what they deserved.. They had their damages limited to profits made from the Gulf and who knows what the shrimp really contain as to cancer causing oil dispersant.

Thanks for the drilling post..
as a petroliem engineer USA has alot of bad drilling practices that need to be addressed before they start drilling again know what happened with that BP oil spill i can explain it first off dont think usa didnt play a roll in it first off drilling in USA they practice the HARD SHUT IN METHOD Very bad practice indeed when taking on a kick of anytype a kick is when your formation pressure is greater then well bore pressure ( Drill pipe ) this allowing gasses to enter the well bore
know when most rigs start up they will drill surface approx 350 meters to 1100 M first string casing now once they drilled surface they run in casing to Caseing depth cement plug and cement back reason they do this is to allow for a blow out preventer that will mounted on top of the caseing head thats your life line that goes and your done melt down etc ,
drilling rigs have mud tanks thats to allow for drilling in rocks, sands etc it cools the drill bit etc as you drill you have mud pumps pumping fluid into your pipe and down the hole pickin up all cuttings and bringing them to surface every mud tank has PVT's thats to monitor volumes as you get deeper you should be loosing volume but your are also addin volume mixing gels barite drispac etc
so anyways as for casing surface you will determine with some factors Vs depth your actual MACP maximum allowable casing pressure if you take on a kick now heres the bad practice of usa you have manifolds to adjust MACP but in usa they do hard shut in thats closing the well completely doin this is very bad you can frac the formation causeing bad things even crack your casing cause when you dead end it you can very easily exceed your alowable casing pressure kinda what happened you see where oil was comin out of down below the blow out preventer it broke right off they exceeded casing pressure lol bad bad
doin soft shut in which is in reality only way to do this you slowly close your choke not exceeding MACP thats why you see the burn the flame there slowly releasing the gas in the well bore never exceeding casing pressure this may take some circulation times as you are adding barite and making your mud heavier thus stopping formation pressure entering the well

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
The biggest single misconception about the Deepwater Horizon was that it was an EXPLORATORY vessel, not a PRODUCTION vessel. No oil was ever, EVER extracted.

Reality is that offshore drilling, especially in the Gulf of Mexico, is on a SHARP decline, WAY before the BP "disaster"...


Well-Known Member
i'm just going to add that brazil's education has gotten so good b/c of state-sponsored post graduate education. my cousin has a doctorate's in Civil Engineering, he's working on the stadium's for the World Cup, he never paid a DIME, he doesn't owe SHIT... he can thank his GOVERNMENT.
Pretty sure he can thank all the other CITIZENS of Brazil who paid for his education. Government has nothing, it can give you NOTHING unless it takes it away from someone else first.

You worship government as your god.