Cfl's 4 Life! (pics)


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man that plant has all kinds of potential you should get some dank buds. Good Luck and keep us posted shes SEXY............................................................We here at hold you responsible for all libel! J/K


Well-Known Member
More lights! More lights!

Looks great! You should hang additional
lights for those lower branches... they
will love you for it! Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
19,200 lumens isnt a lot? Thats more then the sun puts out.
ha no its not, its more than the earth recieves from the sun on one square foot from 93,000,000 miles away! lol. but that is pretty good. just one plant?


Well-Known Member
i have 9 cfl's on top, 3 on bottom. 23 watt,2700k,1600 lumens x 12....

If you can, add some 65,000k CFL's.
One for every 3 27,000k. It will help with supplemental
growth of the fan leaves. Healthier leaves in the
beginning would seem like a lot more available energy
to bud sites during the last weeks of flowering.
This is just something I was thinking about and I could
be totally wrong. Correct me if I am. Again, looking good.