thin leaves curling down


Active Member

not sure what is happening to the plants. im probably gunna flush it with some bottled water tomorrow.

its under a 400w MH 18/6 water about every other day. the PH of the water i was originally using was 8.5 (tap) and the lower leaves were pretty sick with that so i started correcting the water with a ph down and generally got it around 6.0-6.75. they still were looking kind of sickly so i made a mild nute solution using a kit that was half diluted and watered them twice with the diluted solution and now they are looking worse like in the picture.

what will make the leaves grow fuller and stick straight out?


Well-Known Member
Few things, I think you are watering too much and also, feedings should be every other watering roughly. A few exceptions to that rule but that's what i've come to understand and has been working great for me. Get a moisture meter to get a better idea of when to water would be my suggestion. Got my moisture meter, which also does soil PH readings, for 8bucks at home depot


Active Member
so i just did a flush with one plain spring bottle per plant and half a bottle per seedling. how long should i not water for now? i do have several moisture/ph meters but they dont work that well.


Well-Known Member
Give it about 3-4 days if you flushed heavily. Possibly even 5 days. Just keep an eye on yer plants. They are going to be pretty droopy for the next few days, don't worry bout it though. after a few days, check the moisture by whichever way you can. Should be ok man, just keep checking em like 3-4 times a day to get familiar with their characteristics. Like I've noticed that my plants ALWAYS look a little down/droopy before the lights go out and when the lights come on they are right back to perky, however if they stay droopy after the lights come on that's how i know they will need to be watered which I do before the lights go out that day. You'll get it bud. But for this right now, just wait a couple days and check em. There's no "formula" unfortunatley to go by to say "Oh yer plants are looking like this, you hafta water here and here." Just gotta learn to read em man.


Active Member
Sorry I hurt your feelings slojo...........I simply said to look at the picture because I think the pictures look similar.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I hurt your feelings slojo...........I simply said to look at the picture because I think the pictures look similar.
Didn't hurt my feelings none, but that pic looks nothing like his plants man. Just wanna make sure he goes in the right direction when tracking down a problem. Knock out the simplest most obvious possibilites first, then go to something weird like a Molybdenum defeciency lol


Active Member
I vote that this is over-watering as well, for what that's worth. if that is soil-less media then you should be watering at 5.8, 6.5 is fine if it's soil

good luck!