FIRST time grow CFLs and now starting LED 90w quad spectrum aeroponics


Well-Known Member
and 2 airstone
im doing a closet grow with a grow tent, i have a rubbermaid tub with a aeroponic system. i also recently added 2 air stones which seem to be making the plants with larger roots happy,im doing 6 plants in netpods with hydroton, i have a small 6' air king fan and a exhaust fan which has a homemade carbon filter at the end. i have been using 3 blue plant cfls from home depot 380w total and heat was an issue but the plants seemed to be happy. i just purchased a 90w led quad specturm light from ebay and am very impressed with how damn bright this thing really is. the plants seem to be happy other than the fact that during the making of a youtube video i unplugged the water pump to the aeroponics and forgot to plug it in for about 3 hours. however they lived another day but i lost about 3 leaves. ive been using this led light for about 3 days now and havent seen to much of a differince in growth however the day i got the led light they had just popped up about 4 inchs over night , so im hoping to see something pretty soon.
ok now my problems and questions are
1. today i noticed a few spots(holes on leafs) only on one plant but it doesnt seem like bugs. maybe drops that got burned from those hot ass cfls? any ideas?
2. im using these nutes i bought from amazon that were i guess for some aero grow unit but i read alot of good things (UltraGrow Liquid Nutrient Set 3 Part - Aerogarden Compatible) plants seem to like it. also i use only distilled water.
3. what should i do use only the led or both the led and only 2 cfls? temperature seems to be okay when i have two on around 90-95degrees max. check out my youtube videos and u can get a better look at the set up and the plants. tell me if they look good stressed or whatever. THIS IS MY FIRST GROW!!!


Well-Known Member
Your leaf tips are really starting to curl up; try to get the heat down if you can. Otherwise, lookin good!

Any close ups of the "holes"?

Try using just the LED light and see if that brings your temps down. Also, what is the temp of your res water? You want that to me much colder than 90F+.


Well-Known Member
ill post pics of the holes soon but they are very tiny holes. since ive had the led light the res water has been around 80, anything u would do differint?


Well-Known Member
That's not too bad; I would try to get it even lower, like in the 70's. Roots don't like warm water. A lot of people have to use res coolers to keep it in ideal temps. Pain in the ass if you ask me, that's why I'm a soil grower.


Well-Known Member
yes im starting to realize how much of a pita it really is however im all for the quicker and larger yeilds that so many have mentioned with aero


Well-Known Member
"quicker and larger yields"

A soil grow can kick any hydro's ass if the grower knows what they're doing :)
I beg to differ. I use rock wool on a drip recycle system and I grow monsters. Soil is great for outdoors but indoors you tend to get bugs more for they hide in the soil you buy sometimes and rock wool is 100% sterile media I mean neutral and as for aeroponics the roots get more oxygen which helps with nutrient intake thus rapid growth and a larger yield.


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. I use rock wool on a drip recycle system and I grow monsters. Soil is great for outdoors but indoors you tend to get bugs more for they hide in the soil you buy sometimes and rock wool is 100% sterile media I mean neutral and as for aeroponics the roots get more oxygen which helps with nutrient intake thus rapid growth and a larger yield.
Ok, I've never had any bug problems, ever. Air pots allow extra oxygen to enter the soil, and with the addition of perlite to soil the roots have no trouble getting enough air. I have nothing against hydro, just don't like it when people always assume hydro = more yield in a shorter amount of time. All depends on the grower.


Well-Known Member
I do 18/6 veg and 12/12 until the last week of flower then I go 10/14 while I'm flushing to get more resin


Well-Known Member
Nice, I was considering 24/0 untill I flower. Whats the differince between 18/6 in ur opinion? Just trying to decide what is better?


Well-Known Member
Give the plant time to rest. While light are off the roots grown and as the roots grow so does the plants.The more the roots the better the plant will produce.


Well-Known Member
Ok, good info. I have a rooting hormone for cloneing. Should I add any of this to my water? Will this help or hurt the plants? Ive been curious but dont wanna hurt my babys


Well-Known Member
what kind of rooting solution is it? You don't want to use the rooting gel but the solution maybe depends on the brand


Well-Known Member
no its just a powdered hormone i bought from amazon i think its called "Green Light Organic Rooting Hormone" its for dipping cutlets in to start clones but i wonder what would happen if i either just dipp my roots in it now what they are doing good or put a tablespoon into the res????


Well-Known Member
dude how many ounces did u get from this fucker? lol its beautiful. my wife looked at it and was like hell no u aint growin one of those! lmao


Well-Known Member
first video looks like where moisture rested on leaves and the light made it burn or you have a caterpillar get some insecticide