I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

If you were looking at my trichomes under a scope, both of your would know.:blsmoke: Bud development hasnt boomed really yet. trichomes have, but not calyxes. I say 3 weeks.:hump:
Hey billy, I know that you continue to use grow during the bloom cycle. I don't know where you learned to do that, but I heard it is better to just do strictly bloom, from a very very knowledgeable person on the subject.
You must have misunderstood me Livehigh. I use grow in the first 2-3 weeks of flowering(1/2/1/2 during the first week. 3/8g/5/8b during second). during that time, the plant is GROWINGGNNGNGNGNNGNGGN. those first couple weeks of flowering is when the plant really stretches and puts boost into its stems and leaves. I've noticed if you dont give them enough nitrogen in this phase you will get a deficiency. after you see your plant starting to bloom, then you switch to bloom. on my first grow i switched to blooom on the first day of flowering. and my plants hurt in nitrogen def. not on this one, i learned my lesson. switch to full bloom when you see your plants really starting to produce hairs.
damn i must have missed something we are talkin harvest now:) what a great grow to watch i love it great job
thanks man. it has been real fun to watch it mature. things are brewing in my mind for next crop. i only have a week or 2 to start my new seedlings for next crop.:hump:thinking 4 screens of 12.
Ah yeah I understand about the nitrogen. I use CNS17 though and it has enough nitrogen in its bloom formula. I've just heard and seen that switching straight to bloom nutes promotes faster bud sites/formation. Anyways, I wasn't trying to dog ya...you definitely know what you're doing. I just wanted to hear what you had to say on the subject and let you know what I've heard.

Can't wait to see new pics~

budsites only form on branches. potassium and phosphorus have nothing to do with promoting branching. nitrogen is the one that grows the plant big. P and K help produce the buds. There is a transition period between veg and flowering. you need to slowly ease your plant into it. just like when your plants a seedling and you need to ease it into nutes and veg. same with flowering. takes a couple weeks to really start flowering. during that time the plant is still really vegging and not blooming. so to promote more budsites and branching you want more nitrogen during those first 2 weeks.
Hey billybob, huge fan here, not only because you have a really incredible harvest but because no matter how silly the question or comment someone has you are always so patience even knowing that they couldve looked back on your thread and got the answer...or lol when someone half pops in and asked what the screens are for lmao...but you still calmly or so it seem give them an answer. Anyhoo, I notice that you were talking about 4 screens of 12 for your next grow; I also remember you talking about gettting to the back edge of the screen for maintenance on this one and how that was tough. I am about to line up my one amazing plant for a scrog in a closet and to alleviate the concern for not being able to get to the back Im a building a small cart that my pot(soil) can sit in, which give me and my soil a place to drain and empty without moving the planter. SO I was just wondering if you had considered maybe attaching some plywood to some caster wheels that way you can pull each of the 4 screens out and do your work then slide them back into their resting spots???? Just an idea that Im using for myself on a small scale that could possible work for you....
After they stop growing, do the buds keep growing up out of the budsites or do they grow down the stems? I havn't ever been to that point yet heh..
budsites only form on branches. potassium and phosphorus have nothing to do with promoting branching. nitrogen is the one that grows the plant big. P and K help produce the buds. There is a transition period between veg and flowering. you need to slowly ease your plant into it. just like when your plants a seedling and you need to ease it into nutes and veg. same with flowering. takes a couple weeks to really start flowering. during that time the plant is still really vegging and not blooming. so to promote more budsites and branching you want more nitrogen during those first 2 weeks.

Sounds good to me. I never would have even said anything if I knew you only did it the first two weeks. Makes total sense. I thought I saw that you were doing it the entire flowering period.

I cannot believe you put that negative vibe in someone's journal. You really should take that back, he could be working, had a family/relationship issue, on vacation,his internet could be down, his computer could have gotten a virus and blown up, anything but you had to go there.
hahahaha pinksensa. "gotten a virus and blown up" LOL im not even high and that cracked me up
Lets see some pics!

That is a bitchin grow! I'd like to scrog but can't figure out how I'd leach with the screen in place. I'm hopin for 3 or 4 (mayb 5?) girls in my 3x3x7 room and am thinkin I'll have to take em out to leach. Looks like you can just let it spill onto the floor. Very nice. I saved a copy of the 1st big picture pic, hopefully someday I'll have something like that.
Man congrats bro. I wish i had the money to grow like that, well not just the money the freaking privacy. Anyways those plants look beautiful, keep toking bro, you reap what you sew. And you must sew some good seeds hahah =-)peace and love