Og Raskals the White x Deadhead Og, Couple of Cali Con Strains n a Bog in a Pear Tree


Well-Known Member
Im interested with the white....
Its a tuff cut to get a hold of.... my friend says he has it and ive seen it vended out at my dispenciary...
But i just cant get a hold of it.... bad timing and too many strains i still have yet too grow.....
ill definately be watching.....
I think raskals white is also refererred to as whitefire....
I think thats the same strain.... either was it should be some dank.....

And those babies look pretty good i wouldnt say there male....
Ogs tend to strech allot like sativas but have very indica looking leaves....
But at this point theres really not much to go off of....
Does look og at this point....thats a good thing with seeds....


bud bootlegger
Im interested with the white....
Its a tuff cut to get a hold of.... my friend says he has it and ive seen it vended out at my dispenciary...
But i just cant get a hold of it.... bad timing and too many strains i still have yet too grow.....
ill definately be watching.....
I think raskals white is also refererred to as whitefire....
I think thats the same strain.... either was it should be some dank.....

And those babies look pretty good i wouldnt say there male....
Ogs tend to strech allot like sativas but have very indica looking leaves....
But at this point theres really not much to go off of....
Does look og at this point....thats a good thing with seeds....
the white and white fire are two different strains i'm almost about 99% sure of.. the white fire is the white x with i think fire og it is.. i have been working on trying to get my hands on some wifi as it's called for awhile now.. still haven't had much luck, but i'm not done looking just yet.. i'm pretty stoked to see how these whites x deadhead's are going to turn out.. they already have a lovely stink to them in early veg.. i just hope that i'm going to get a more white leaning pheno and it ends up looking like a sugar coated cookie, lol.. time will tell, but i think this may be one strain that i'm going to be keeping in my garden for awhile.. well, atleast that is the plan if it turns out as dank as i'm hoping.. time will tell..


Well-Known Member
Your right RB, Raskals "White Fire" and Kromes "the White" are 2 seperate strains. Stinky in veg is a great sign of good things to come your way soon mate hope your filters fresh lol.


bud bootlegger
Your right RB, Raskals "White Fire" and Kromes "the White" are 2 seperate strains. Stinky in veg is a great sign of good things to come your way soon mate hope your filters fresh lol.
lol.. yah, i got a nice new phresh filter going on.. hardly ever used..
and talk about good timing, my ups man just knocked on me door and handed me my sun grip light fixture hangers.. so it looks like the 400 watter is going to go up either today or on wednesday, depending on how i'm feeling.. i also just picked up some mylar from my local hydro store last week, and i've got to put that up as well.. i've always just used the flat white paint that was already in my closet up till now, but they had the big rolls of the mylar sitting right by the door at the hydro store and it was simply calling my name and i just had to pick up it up.. shouldn't be all that hard to put up, but i'm probably going to have to take just about everything apart and out of the closet in order to put up the mylar.. idk, i'll see how it goes.. i've probably got to take a lot of the crap out to put up the 400 watter anyhoo's, so it only makes sense to do it all at once..


Well-Known Member
the white and white fire are two different strains i'm almost about 99% sure of.. the white fire is the white x with i think fire og it is.. i have been working on trying to get my hands on some wifi as it's called for awhile now.. still haven't had much luck, but i'm not done looking just yet.. i'm pretty stoked to see how these whites x deadhead's are going to turn out.. they already have a lovely stink to them in early veg.. i just hope that i'm going to get a more white leaning pheno and it ends up looking like a sugar coated cookie, lol.. time will tell, but i think this may be one strain that i'm going to be keeping in my garden for awhile.. well, atleast that is the plan if it turns out as dank as i'm hoping.. time will tell..
Your right..different strains.... i just went and looked back over my friends posts...
All he does is talk about whitefire and his cherry alien pheno....
I guess there has been allot of whitefire goin around in the last several months... the white is hard to get alone...

So this is how the story was told to me from a grower of whitefire and an intenet friend:

I do recall someone saying this came from elite seeds and not raskals seeds.. Also since elite didn't have the original fire og clone or white clone he used raskals gear in which he found a white dom and a fire dom. Pheno which he crossed and that's how his WHITEFIRE beans were made. So I guess in all they still end up being raskals gear. eL SENIOR KUSHMANE

White Fire in question came from Elite Gen via 44 from a trade..
Although im sure there is a good chance Raskal made them... that doesnt matter at this point =)

Heres how Elite described them

The WF Pheno i have has a Italian spicy hashy type of smell with hints of the OG sour
Its not a big yielder but has similar trich production as blackberry but 1000000% stronger.... BADCHILD

so i guess in my part of town its pretty tuff to get the white....but whitefires bein horded...so im sure ill get it soon ..
just for the cool name.... and because i have yet to blaze it....

44 is actually bicycle racer...hes been on this site....for a long time now....
I grew out his blue dream larry cross....i guess he stopped selling whitefire seeds cause rascal was pissed off about it...
The kushman promised me some seeds...but i cant get a hld of the chitlen...


bud bootlegger
very cool info you got there.. never heard all of that story before.. i enjoyed hearing the background on it for sure.. thanks for the info..


Well-Known Member
Well on the farm rascal has the whole 411 on the white.....
The post im quoting are from people on weedtracker..(my other favorite forum).. a site that is for medical marijauna patients...mostly in southern cal...
Ive been meeting with many of these paients, vendors, growers..... and there really cool and love passing out/trading good genetics...
Something i cant really do on riu ....
Its really a small world.... and i been lucky too know and talk with the masters of kush..... and to grow out there genetics...


bud bootlegger
Well on the farm rascal has the whole 411 on the white.....
The post im quoting are from people on weedtracker..(my other favorite forum).. a site that is for medical marijauna patients...mostly in southern cal...
Ive been meeting with many of these paients, vendors, growers..... and there really cool and love passing out/trading good genetics...
Something i cant really do on riu ....
Its really a small world.... and i been lucky too know and talk with the masters of kush..... and to grow out there genetics...
sounds sweet.. the one thing i've never really liked about buying clones from places like dispensaries and the like is that you don't ever really know what plant it came from.. there are a lot of people out there who are only out to rip you off and will call a clone by any name in order to move more product if that is what it take.. of course, not all places are like this though..
my other problems with getting clones from peps is that i've heard a ton of horror stories about people getting shit like powdery mildew and or thirps that come in on a clone that they picked up..
but on the other hand, being able to simply walk into a "store" and walk out with some wicked ass clones that aren't in seed form does sound like an amazing thing to be able to do.. just seems so far fetched to me at this time..


Well-Known Member
That does happen(very rarely) but not where i go ...

were a communtiy here and the money is really made on flowers not cuts....
People have access to weedtracker... and theyre are many dispenciaries on there... were people can seee whats availible.... comment on there cuts and even post pics of what they bought....
These places usually grow out the flowers first and then sell the cuts....usually a mother is kept... and sometimes when dealing with seeds and crosses of there own theyll narrow down the best pheno and sell it too u ....
Dont get me wrong at 15 dollars or less a cut.... u can understand there will be slkeptisism....but believe me people go in ordering 30 or 40 ...thats allot of money and if they were pushing weak genetics... nobody would buy from them ....they would go somewhere else...
I grew out each strain from a certain dispencairy in sfv (only 20 minutes from my house).... and trust everything is what they say ...
They deal with allot of vendors and dont have to lie ... theyre are good genetics all over cali...especially the southern cali area....
I smoke allot so i know al the flavors and know what to expect from the strains i buy .....
These people are not to differnt form me nor u .. they just network and work many vendors... and since the genetics are theyre why not share them....

Many of the genetics were gifted from regular growers who actually buy cuts from the dispenciaries....(and sometimes theyll have sample of the finished product to smell.... and the flowering and veg rooms are in plane sight)
I actually conversed with the guy who gifted the skywalker og to my dispenciary that i grew out...
Allot of people said when they saw the pics of the skywalker(not my pic someones elses) that it wasnt skywalker og...
And said " its looked just like a chem 91 or just a bomb og"....
The guy who gifted it to the club said a friend had pasted it along to him and he gave it to the dispenciary....
And told me he was told it was from that person.... skwalker can be tough to get ....
After i grew it out confirmed yes it was the keroscene flavor skywalker og that you would find oin the shop being sold.....
so i dont really worry to much....

Your right too about powdery mildew....
It is easy to get when working with clones....
I have never dealt with pm when i purchased seed from the net....
And no matter how graet the disp.. its very easy to get.... seeing as hundred if not thousand of cut from difernet people are in one place ....one cut with pm can infect em all and you wont know until it has spread....
But once youve worked with clones from disp....and not just small grower friends.... youl lknow how to watch for it....and can contain it ....
The degree of difficulty for growing clone from a disp.... is way tougher than seed...imo
Your enviromental control need to be steller ...or else pm will multiply quickly in humid non ventilated enviroments...

However clones are allot better considering if your growing ogs ...cause og seeds will pop out some wierd phenos....
And imo you are only garunteed og or the specific og flavor when cloning it....
Just like if u cloned michael jordan ...youd probly get another michael.....
But if you just took his brother or son and grew him out you wouldnt get the exact same dna .....

Lastly im impatient my clones are about the size of your ...and i bougth them on sunday...4 for 45 dollars....
They hooked me up ..... thats practically the price of shipping from the tudes....


bud bootlegger
oh don't get me wrong, i would be all over clones if they were something i could get my hands on on a regular basis, no doubt about it.. its just that the idea of doing so seems so foreign to me, its hard for me to ever imagine being able to get them that easily...
and it sure sounds like a killer business being able to sell them at $15 a pop.. i would think you could get a nice amount of clones from a nice healthy mother plant and be raking in the dough..
and your right about the clones being the same exact pheno each time, that would be a nice aspect as well.. and of course your also right about seeds being more of a gamble as opposed to seeds.. pretty much if the mother plant has been grown out you pretty much know what your going to get with each clone, unlike growing from seeds..

i guess i just tend to grow from seeds as its pretty much my only option.. i did just get a urkel clone from someone on another site i'm a member of.. it was my first time ever dealing with getting a clone from anyone like that.. the thing looked super healthy even after a couple of days in the post.. i was honestly amazed at how well it came out to be honest.. i may have to start looking into getting some more clones since it worked out so well for me.. the dude i got the urkel from said for me to not be shy about asking for any of his other cuts.. i don't need to be told twice, lol...


bud bootlegger
whut up racer...thax 4 lookin out bro
no problem real.. just make sure you look inside of the package completely.. there's two seperate things in there, the big thing's you can't miss, and another in a smaller bubble envelope thingy.. just don't toss it out with all of the bubble wrap, lol..


Active Member
ok got it bro......its like waiting in a candy store at 5 yrs old........dude this lil girl is so so gnarly all of a suddden....i think there is an 1/8 for a top nug thus far and prolly a half if not a lil more from the rest....fukin a bro... ....
no problem real.. just make sure you look inside of the package completely.. there's two seperate things in there, the big thing's you can't miss, and another in a smaller bubble envelope thingy.. just don't toss it out with all of the bubble wrap, lol..


bud bootlegger
ok got it bro......its like waiting in a candy store at 5 yrs old........dude this lil girl is so so gnarly all of a suddden....i think there is an 1/8 for a top nug thus far and prolly a half if not a lil more from the rest....fukin a bro... ....
fucking a sweet real.. have i ever told you about one of the biggest grows i've ever seen on here by my boy mind melted?? he did a dwc under a 250 and a few cfl's and got over 19 ounces off of the one plant.. he's got a journal on it here if you'd like to see it for inspiration lemme know and i'll get the link for you..


Active Member
hell yeah bro im down with seein a crazy dwc............19 o's ddddaaaammmmnnnn.........one plant.....holy hell man........I cant wait to see the total outcome of this 2-3 month trail & error....not much of a trail and not too much error.....hey tell me bro, do u ever trim to allow light to get to the littler budz under all the fans or no????i did now i think maybe i should not of...
fucking a sweet real.. have i ever told you about one of the biggest grows i've ever seen on here by my boy mind melted?? he did a dwc under a 250 and a few cfl's and got over 19 ounces off of the one plant.. he's got a journal on it here if you'd like to see it for inspiration lemme know and i'll get the link for you..


bud bootlegger
hell yeah bro im down with seein a crazy dwc............19 o's ddddaaaammmmnnnn.........one plant.....holy hell man........I cant wait to see the total outcome of this 2-3 month trail & error....not much of a trail and not too much error.....hey tell me bro, do u ever trim to allow light to get to the littler budz under all the fans or no????i did now i think maybe i should not of...
lol.. my last grow i just cut most of the bottom branches right off.. those bottom nugs never really fill out much any anyhoo's, so i just got rid of them all together.. but i also fucking love supercropping.. it pretty much does what your looking to do by trimming without having to trim anything at all, which i'm not a very big fan of..
anyhoo's, i'll find the link for you.. if i remember right, the good porn starts out around page 42 or so..


Active Member
sweet shit.....im headin out for a few ill tty in a lil bit.......cant wait for that link
lol.. my last grow i just cut most of the bottom branches right off.. those bottom nugs never really fill out much any anyhoo's, so i just got rid of them all together.. but i also fucking love supercropping.. it pretty much does what your looking to do by trimming without having to trim anything at all, which i'm not a very big fan of..
anyhoo's, i'll find the link for you.. if i remember right, the good porn starts out around page 42 or so..


Active Member


bud bootlegger
fuck me.. i had forgotten just how big a 19 zip plant was, and i just went and looked at that link again.. that shit gives me a hard on just looking at her.. holy fucking shit is this nug just ever sooo lovely..

and i was wrong, the nice porn starts at like page 38 or there's about.. good, good stuff for you donkey dick bud fans, and whom of us isn't??