I would Love to Harvest Something Soon!


This has been an on going project, the first few seedlings were stunted due to over nutrienting. Then I started some more seedlings and I finally got a few to grow. Now several months later they are starting to mature and I would really like to harvest some buds as I'm tired of putting yellow leafs in the vaporizor.

How long do you think it is until I can start to flush these plants? I'm not sure on how long it has been since they first flowered but I would say at least 2 months. keep in mind these are just 48w CFL's. I had the natural globes in for vegg but now I only have one and the rest are 2700k cool white.

I only started with 3 bag seeds last year and this year I grew off the seeds I got from those plants :-P

I have been watering them with mainly rain water with a mix of various nutrients with the occasional day of just water. I try to get a 10 - 20 - 10 mix of nutes but it's only guessing as I have to mix 3 different fertilizers to get that mix as I can't buy anything with that mix around here.

anyway, thoughts on when I could harvest would be great.

Also, can I harvest and put them back to vegg, does that work ok?

These pics were taken a couple of weeks ago:


These pics taken a couple of days ago:


I just had a smoke of a tiny bud I dried out over 4 days, tasted fine and smoked as good.


Well-Known Member
i agree, ur leaves r just starting to yellow, & with some strains upon finishing, most all of the fan leaves r yellow. u should judge harvest on a couple of things, first ur trichs, u have to check them with a magnifying glass & has the bud growth slowed? when it does over the course of a few days, when ur trichs are at least 20% cloudy & the rest clear, u can harvest for a more uplifting high, or u can wait until ur trichs are mostly all cloudy for a combination of uplifting, yet body stone high. be patient, obviously with ur CFL's it takes longer, but u have waited this long already so u should want the best possible yield in the end :)


Well-Known Member
Also, be careful with spraying your foliage, especially since your buds are beginning to develop.


ok thanks for the tips. It seems they still have a fair way to go which I guess is a good thing. I also think they need to shed more leaves and become more compact plus they should turn amber as well. I will do that procedure of checking the trichs.

One problem is that some of the buds are going to be ready before other smaller ones like the ones where I bent the plant and new buds started growing on the stems. So Might have to just slow down on the nutes without a proper flush so I can harvest those more mature buds when they are ready while leaving the plant to continue to grow.

One important question I have, can I put the plant back into vegg after all the buds are taken off and start again or will it not produce anymore? If that is the case can I start a new batch with cuttings or is it too late to take cuttings?


I'd say that it's a couple weeks too late to take cuttings. You generally want to take clones as closely to recognizing the sex of the plant as possible. It is also a rule of thumb for me that once the plant stretches and hardens it should be left alone until it's done. Positive thing about it is that you're almost done. So now you can start taking into account all of the things you wished you did with this grow and plan them for your next one. To summarize, your plants need more time, don't cut anything off of them, just let them finish and enjoy your harvest. And there's always next time.


Well-Known Member
I'd say that it's a couple weeks too late to take cuttings. You generally want to take clones as closely to recognizing the sex of the plant as possible. It is also a rule of thumb for me that once the plant stretches and hardens it should be left alone until it's done. Positive thing about it is that you're almost done. So now you can start taking into account all of the things you wished you did with this grow and plan them for your next one. To summarize, your plants need more time, don't cut anything off of them, just let them finish and enjoy your harvest. And there's always next time.

thats not 100% accurate. He could try to monster crop but that is usually taken 2 weeks into flowering.

You can monster crop.

And op I seriously doubt you you are 2 months into flower. Looks more along into 4-5 weeks deep

cannabis love

Well-Known Member

One important question I have, can I put the plant back into vegg after all the buds are taken off and start again or will it not produce anymore? If that is the case can I start a new batch with cuttings or is it too late to take cuttings?
Yes, once you have harvested, leave a few buds at the bottom along with a few fan leaves, and the plant will reveg. I have a very nice girl who's revegging now :)


thats not 100% accurate. He could try to monster crop but that is usually taken 2 weeks into flowering.
touche. I honestly never heard of monster cropping but after reading that I might try it one time. In his case though it doesn't look like there is strong enough side growth to take a budding clone from. That's just what I'm seeing and my perspective is sometimes skewed. It looks like they weren't vegged all that long. My recommendation for next time, since you're using CFLs is to do some LST. You get more light to more of your plant that way IMO. And if you want to monster crop I can't think of a better plant to take a flowering cutting off of then one with 8-10 strong rapidly growing light pampered colas!


I'm glad I can continue on with a new vegg after harvest. It might not look like it has been flowing that long but this was not a fast grow, just very relaxed without a lot of chemistry. At least the bud will be very matured :) nice tips thanks, will look into monster crop too....