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Scary shit went down just now. I was at home chillin, my sister and her 2 friends came home and went to the basement. I left to go get some food then 15 minutes after leaving the crib i get a call from my dad asking wheres my sister and saying that somebody told him they were going to shoot my sister, i brush it off thought it was a joke because i just saw her 15 minutes prior. Then about 2 minutes later i get a call from my mom saying that one my sisters friend called her and said she got shot and died. Now it hits me that this might be real, i just did see her with her i rush back driving home and call 911, tell them everything that just happened. I get home in about 10 minutes and theres police officers waiting. I opened the door for them and they go in and low and behold my sister is safe and sound. But now i have police in my crib and i have about 24 cuttings that i just cloned the other day in a humidity dome with desk lamp on them. The lamp and the humidity dome is in a corner of a closet with not doors on it so you can almost see it in plain sight at the entrance of my room. The police casual look through the basement to make sure no one was there, then they checked the first floor. Then i hear one of the officers say "did you check upstairs" im thinkin Oh Shit. I thought to myself theyll have to open my door and theres a %75 chance theyll see it and %25 chance they wont (im giving these numbers because they were casually checking the house and peeking in the rooms) so after they look at the other rooms up stairs they get to my room, my room is always locked. I gave them a story about how i just lost my key this morning to the room so i cant open it, if they had to check the room that they would have to kick in my door. One of the officers says to the srg. thats on the first floor "srg we have a locked door" i tried to insist it was okay and nobody was in there. Srg. says Either way were going to have to check that room. So one of the police officers grab a knife on a table by my room that i always use to pry into my room when i dont have the key and prys the door for about a minute and it like shitttttt i hope he doesnt take more than 2-3 steps into my room or he will definitely see it. He takes about a step in my room, looks around and shines his flash light at my other closet then he shines it at the OPEN closet where i had my clones and he takes a look for about 1 second, and i swear if he 2nd guessed at what he was looking at he woulda known. Well then the other officer standing at the entrance of my room said "thats enough" and they left my room. SHIT SONNN, now i feel like john Dillinger and have a cool story to tell now. ill update with some pics of my room just to show you how crazy that shit was for the cops to miss.