how much could i expect to yield growing outdoors.


I've never grown outdoors. Grown northern lights inside in soil for years. done well so far.
I live in michigan and have a good outdoor spot but it'll cost me a bit. Will it be worth it?


Well-Known Member
absolutely. If you start the plants indoors and get them to be a good size, then move them outside they will be monsters! Especially if you're growing a sativa dominant strain. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Iiii would probably plant a mostly indica hybrid.. or if you can find a very fast finishing sativa.. for michigan that is


Well-Known Member
Ive grown outdoors in michigan for some years now and we can grow some monsters trust me ivee grown them, but you gotta be carefull if you dont get a strain that will finish before the first frost your plants could have to get pulled early or risk getting ruined, now i have let them go a couple frosts if it got warm during the day.

There are guide lines to growing big plants in michigan annd they are, getting as much sun as you can get during the day so make sure to have a really good spot, next add good soil to ur plot and good fertilizers also i really recomend topping your outdoor plants after about 2 to 3 weeks old... strain has a huge thing to do with it also because if you have good strong genetics your starting off very strong when tryin to grow heavy yeilding buds...and with topping ive grown huge monsters and have had heavy yeilds around a half of a pound, not a monster or a huge yeilder forreal but a handfull of half pound weed plants add up. Also make sure to start them off indoors about 3 weeks to a month before june 1st then plant on june 1st.


Well-Known Member
Ive grown outdoors in michigan for some years now and we can grow some monsters trust me ivee grown them, but you gotta be carefull if you dont get a strain that will finish before the first frost your plants could have to get pulled early or risk getting ruined, now i have let them go a couple frosts if it got warm during the day.

There are guide lines to growing big plants in michigan annd they are, getting as much sun as you can get during the day so make sure to have a really good spot, next add good soil to ur plot and good fertilizers also i really recomend topping your outdoor plants after about 2 to 3 weeks old... strain has a huge thing to do with it also because if you have good strong genetics your starting off very strong when tryin to grow heavy yeilding buds...and with topping ive grown huge monsters and have had heavy yeilds around a half of a pound, not a monster or a huge yeilder forreal but a handfull of half pound weed plants add up. Also make sure to start them off indoors about 3 weeks to a month before june 1st then plant on june 1st.
this is good info. I am from pennsylvania but I want to be putting my plants ouside around june 1st and was wondering when I need to start them by. I won't have a lot of room but i was hoping i could start them 4 to 6 weeks early.


Well-Known Member
I'm from Minnesota and i imagine that our climates are very similar, i planted my seeds in my indoor stealth box on the 15th of March and hope to get them outside by mid may.

If you treat them well it isnt unheard of to yield a pound per plant with an outdoor grow but about a half pound is a pretty reasonable estimate if the conditions are just right


Well-Known Member
i dont want it to sound likee im set in my ways because as a grower i understand there are different views on how a plant is grown indoors and outdoors so you nneed to find your way of doing and see what what works best for you so when i say get it out by junne 1st and start them 3 weeks early and get full sunlight etc. im just giving you my basic guidelines that have worked greatly for years, now i know my info is also geatly vauge and not specific but it woulde be to much to write down if i wanted to direct you on how i grow in every im just giving basic guide lines of how i do things, a rough outline if you will.

And again i kno my info is not into detail but those basic princibles of getting them started early and getting them in the ground by a certian time with good soil and lots of sunlight always have worked for me and i hope it does for everybody else as well.


Active Member
I've never grown outdoors. Grown northern lights inside in soil for years. done well so far.
I live in michigan and have a good outdoor spot but it'll cost me a bit. Will it be worth it?
Outdoor yields are always better.
My first grow was bagseed, and outdoor, in 1993.
I got between 2oz and 6oz a plant, and this was in Wisconsin.
NL should yield better, faster, and should be more potent.
Be careful though, they will get very tall outside. I am well over 6',
and some of the plants were way taller than me.

Some strains will yield 2 LBS+ outdoors. Probably even as north as
your area.


Well-Known Member
To anwser your question mayfly yes it would be worth it to grow outside in your spot if its gonna be done right and with good genetics like northern lights you should have no problems at all making money even if you spot is costly there is pontential for big plants that make alot of money and it hardly takes anymoney to grow them outdoors

Diesel D

Hey everybody this is gonna be my first grow, I'm in mayland and I was wondering what would be the best strain to use in the area. Also I can start it indoors for a really short amount of time, like a week cause I still live with the rents. But ya when's the best time to plant and all that jaz? Any advice is welcome thanks

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
Mayfly im just north of you in ontario, and it will definately be worth to it grow outdoors this summer, its so easy I dont know how people could not do it. Everything Dr greenthumb has said is great advice, you want atleast 8 hours of direct sunlight the more the better. and good soil and ferts are obviously necessary for any good bud. the bigger you dig the holes for the plants the more youll yield so be ready to dig some big holes. Good genetics is key, and NL seems like one of the best choices for your area. I really agree with the topping idea, i didnt last year but my plants got up to 8ft tall and i was not liking it, youd be better off topping i think, thats wat im gonna do this season anyways.

You definately want to start your plants inside and when they're atleast 1ft tall they'll be good to go outside. Since im further north than you i think you can probably put them outside a little earlier than June 1st, i try to get my plants out for mid may. just make sure you check the 2 week forcast before you move them outside to ensure theres not going to be a freak frost or crazy storm that will hurt your plants.

Your going to have a great summer