Mayfly im just north of you in ontario, and it will definately be worth to it grow outdoors this summer, its so easy I dont know how people could not do it. Everything Dr greenthumb has said is great advice, you want atleast 8 hours of direct sunlight the more the better. and good soil and ferts are obviously necessary for any good bud. the bigger you dig the holes for the plants the more youll yield so be ready to dig some big holes. Good genetics is key, and NL seems like one of the best choices for your area. I really agree with the topping idea, i didnt last year but my plants got up to 8ft tall and i was not liking it, youd be better off topping i think, thats wat im gonna do this season anyways.
You definately want to start your plants inside and when they're atleast 1ft tall they'll be good to go outside. Since im further north than you i think you can probably put them outside a little earlier than June 1st, i try to get my plants out for mid may. just make sure you check the 2 week forcast before you move them outside to ensure theres not going to be a freak frost or crazy storm that will hurt your plants.
Your going to have a great summer