Morning Glory Seeds?..

and all drugs are toxic, ganja is some kind toxic, alcohol is toxic so the seeds are not so toxic than heroin or cocaine or amfetamine or like that kind strong or cynthetic chemicals like LSD or Extacy!! dont be afraid, and i advice dont use every weekend.. ill recom to use once in a while like once in a month is max, i advice to use fwe time in year... my buddy used to use every weekend.. and the tolerans was in about 10-15 seeds at time.. and hes afraid to go to hospial to help.. but thank god hes not have to go to the hospital.... its all okay now so i warning not to use much and every week!
and all drugs are toxic, ganja is some kind toxic, alcohol is toxic so the seeds are not so toxic than heroin or cocaine or amfetamine or like that kind strong or cynthetic chemicals like LSD or Extacy!! dont be afraid, and i advice dont use every weekend.. ill recom to use once in a while like once in a month is max, i advice to use fwe time in year... my buddy used to use every weekend.. and the tolerans was in about 10-15 seeds at time.. and hes afraid to go to hospial to help.. but thank god hes not have to go to the hospital.... its all okay now so i warning not to use much and every week!

:-|Just to get this straight, English isn't your first language.. is it?...

Just to clarify, I'm not trying to offend you or nothing, just wondering where you're from. PS- do morning glories make first-timers throw up as well? oor just HBW's? My girl friend and I are tryna get our homegirl trippin off some shit, but I'd feel bad if I made them throw up.. or if I threw up lol
I was using that as an example. I know it is not true, but a lot of people think it is, just like seeds being treated with poisons for the soul purpose of poisoning anyone who eats them. That would be illegal and is a lie also, now seeds from plants treated with pesticides is a different story.

True about seeds, but not about other OTC drug sources. For instance, in the US and Canada, codeine can only be sold OTC with a very high amount of acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine, so that the side effects would be too strong to make them worthwhile for recreational use. Trust me, I've tried. It's mad easy to extract the codeine though; I'm working on some right now with about 50 .222's.
sorry at first, my late answer.
my first language is finland, and i speak english better than writte ;)
and morning glory dose more nause than HWB seed's because u have to eat more and ur stomache must do more work down there....

i hate to eat mornin glory, so i dont eat it anymore... because u have to eat 350-700 seeds if u want nice feeling... like HWB u need light nice feeling just 4 seeds.. but if u want to know what is LSA or HWB i recommend to eat at least 5-8 seeds depending seed size !!!! and if u have not eat at least 5-6h u dont puke! or if fleelings are like that, like u will puke at anytime, i advice u to fight back and first to stay still and close ur eyez (s) :) it will go away! but everyone is different! so just anybody cant stand it! like anybody cant stand it booz or THC or LSA or LSD.
and remember to wash our seeds very well before! Both seeds make feelings of nause !!! and my experience and my friends.! morning glory dose more nause! if u puke utill at last under 1,5h u may lose to get trip.. or u get bad trip! BE STRONG ! MAY Force be with u!!!
and i advice to dont use morning glory or HWB plant.. use only they seeds there is all that full LSA potent!!! not in leaves or flowers.. u might get some if u smoke theyr flowers.. but not anything suprising and if u eat plant.. i think its VERY TOXIC FOR UR LIVER!! OR KIDNEYS!! (LIVERPOOL ITS FUN CITY NAME !! LOL :) ) lIVER & POOL HEH HEH U GOT IT ;) HEH HEH HEH.. IM DRUNK AND LITTLE TO SMOKE SOME HERB ;)
When I bought morning glory seeds I got them at walmart you want the Heavenly Blue strain. It's been a while so I've forgotten the dosages(I think 300-600 seeds per person) but my buddies and I ground up the seed in the blender with fruit and drank it down. About 2 hours later I started to feel funny and tripped for the whole night. Two of my buddies didn't like the trip and were able to sleep on them. I got about 5 hours of sleep that night. The next morning I woke up feeling funny and decided to smoke a bowl and as soon as I took a hit I was tripping my nuts off for the rest of the day! The best I can describe the trip is an intense body high and a big mindfuck that keeps changing on you, just as you get comfortable with trip. So I tripped for a total of 20 or so hours. They are fun but potent so use caution. I will not take them again as I am partial to shrooms or a 2-CI kind of trip.
I grow some in a container near my other "plants" and was trying to conjure up a way to cross the effects of morning glory with my other "plants" possible? or would genetic rules prevent such an idea?
Genetically impossible because they're completely unrelated. However, both LSA and THC are highly soluble in alcohol....
lol after i puked them up i went to the movie store and then it hit me and i was walkin funny and the cashier was like u ok?!?!! lol and i dont remember much else cuz my bro took me home b4 i got sick again lol
i havnt tried morning glory yet but i have tried Baby Woodrose seeds and this is what i have to say

STAY AWAY i took about 20 of these bastards camping and i ended up puking even though i hadnt eatenin about 2 days of taking them, then i spent about 9 hours in my tent rolling around from just pain!!!

was horrid NEVER AGAIN!!
well they came with this qhite shit on the shell so we scraped it off then put it under a smal flame for about a minute then boiled them for another minute

so they should of been fine

but i dunno i will never forget that day!