I'm planting my seedlings outside right now. When can I harvest??


Well-Known Member
I don't want to have to wait til end of year Id like it to be the same schedule as If I was growing indoors btw. Their indica and I'm in florida


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else when the plant is ready. Since you are outside I would say you can harvest depending on strain September October. Good Luck dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I don't want to have to wait til end of year Id like it to be the same schedule as If I was growing indoors btw.
I'm afraid you might need to change solar systems... :roll:

Maybe move to Africa or some where along the equator :confused:


Well-Known Member
You can't pick them until they have buds on them. It is the buds that get you high. They will not start budding until Augustish, and from then 7-10 weeks, usually early-mid October. If you want a really early harvest you could try an auto strain next year.


Well-Known Member
yeah.. no matter what your going to wait until the end of the year.. it would just hurt your plants more to put them out this early..


Active Member
Some of these people have no idea what they are talking about.

Youcan put your plants out now with no problem. I am close by and put my plants out last wkend. They are doing just fine. Your hours of daylight should b something like 13 right now. Not perfect but close enough.

You will harvest in September maybe early October.


Well-Known Member
Some of these people have no idea what they are talking about.

Youcan put your plants out now with no problem. I am close by and put my plants out last wkend. They are doing just fine. Your hours of daylight should b something like 13 right now. Not perfect but close enough.

You will harvest in September maybe early October.

UGA; I hope you didn't cut down that tree.:sad::clap::hug:


Active Member
it might depend on the location you grow them. if its against a east wall or north wall. they would probably flower faster against a south wall dont ask me though im not smart.<>