Well if you all remember back towards the beginning of this journal, I mentioned that my ballast that was supposed to fire both MH & HPS would only run the HPS. Yesterday I check on the girls and what the F? No lights, so off to the store I go to get another ballast. Good old fashioned magnetic Hydrofarms ballast that will run bot MH/HPS. A hit in the pocket I didn't want to take but am very happy that What I needed was in stock. Also, the POS old ballast wasn't generating any heat in the reflector because it was barely firing the bulb, hence my super orange shade of light and not the bright orangeish white I was used to when I used to run 1000's. So I guess another Busch League move for me. I should have known better as long as I have had reef tanks and from previous grows, but apparently not. Anyway, the girls are a little pissed as the intensity is MUCH greater than they have been used to. I'll post up pics in s few once they get used to it.