The Church : My first grow


Well-Known Member
She's already been topped twice, so im not going to top again... just the LST, which I might keep tieing her down more and more as she grows... shes starting to she her lady parts so maybe I'll have a little peep show soon... good news is she hasn't died yet
That's great news!
New pictures its almost like kiddy porn cause they're just babies... but still growing well, just a few yellow leaves still but im not worrying to much since its been 5 days since watering and im gunna feed her 1 or 2 drops of schultz mixed with a quart of water, added a few more ties to spread her top alittle more, I want her spread eagle

So, this is a project I kinda started on the side... its a random bag seed I had... the experiment started with me trying to germinate in jiffyblocks (never done it before), well it was successfull so now on to my second test HEMPY POTS... I've mentioned this before and I know some of you didn't know what it was... its a basic EB & FLOW hydro pot....


I took a cup and measured 2 inches up from the bottom and drilled a hole.

Then, fill it up with perlite (Its recommended to use 3/4 perlite 1/4 vermilite, but im broke and only had perlite)

Leave room for your Sprout which needs to be in some type of grow block ( I used jiffyblocks, $2 for 36)

Fill cup up and try to cover grow block as much as possible run two cups the size of your container through your new pot with plant in it

All excess water runs out through the hole in the side ( make sure to have a dish to catch run off), the bottom creates a reservoir where the tap root will grow down too

The perlite helps draw the water up to the superfisial roots... all you have to do wis water ever few days and add nutes...

Heres my pics of the new project


My hempy pot sits in a larger cup to catch run off... let me know what you guys think

Been a few days figure i'd give an update...

Bud sites are growing in strong and getting frosty... minor yellowing on a few leaves, but i'm pretty sure its due to the fact that its been 6 days since i last watered her... what do you guys think the yellowing is? Or how the nugs look? sorry bout the pics only got my cell phone


I guess im just guoing to tack this on to this post... heres my hempy pot experiment and it seems to really be working... Its only been 10 days under my lights on 12/12... this is going to be my first plant from seed, but it seems to be growing pretty fast... anyway nothing else to report, hope all is well with my fellow growers grows... keep up the good work
Im really excited to see on how it grows out... This will be my first actual grow since The Church was given to me as a clone... If all works out I may make a larger "Hempy pot", but its one step at a time...

Heres a little peek at my baby girls sweet parts... shes growing nicely I finally got rid of the yellowing and back on track with my nutes... I've decided to only use the molasses and pass on the shultz...
so far shes still alive getting frosty, I must admit I'm kinda impressed that I haven't killed her yet... any ways let me know what ya think

Heres and update on my side project "Hempy Pot"... its only been 16 days and she seems to be growing like a champ... I'm already planning a lrager scale hempy grow maybe including a scrog, or a perpetual with hempypots... even gave thought to a 5 gallon hempy bucket and grow tree... any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated... and if its a good idea you might see it used in my next grow

Heres my humidity, temp, and over view of my grow room... I'm not to sure about humidity, but its usally around 42% today its down to 35% whats a good humidity for plants???

+rep to anyone able to give help, ideas, or positive feed back....
Had a big fuck up today... was working on a new light fixture and box and acvidently knocked over my hempy pot... put it all back together reaal fast and filled it back up hope everything is ok ill have more pics up later im all flustered after this spill and that my new box has hit a block


Well-Known Member
The pics from the last update look good. I feel you about knocking shit over and dropping shit, etc etc etc. I've learned to never go around my baby when I'm too blazed hahah.
IMAG0165.jpgIMAG0156.jpg < heres my new lights removed my ghetto rigg and added a clip light and a 150 equivalent light...

After 3 days of projectile vomiting im feeling better H pyloria sucks

anyway..... heres my pics my nugs are getting frosty but the leaves are turning purple? is this right?

also i noticed that alot of my pitols are turning redish amber( like 60-70%), but its only been alittle over a month of flowering
heres my church girl looking frosty (sorry bout the shitty cell phone pics)

and quick update on my hempy pot

so after she took her big spill i got her back in her pot and looking good, shes a little dehydrated due to not being watered for a few days, but thats easily cured

anyways off to bed got finals in the am FUCK PHARMACOLOGY!!!!!!
I been looking into LED the buddy I got my clone from has the 250 UFO LED which he's in love with... I've heard good thing they're just a bit expensive for me; I did look into building one, but finding the right wavelength LEDs is really hard.

I have no UV lights in my room only CFL, I had a T5 flurotube grow light that I took out due to my plant only using 1/3rd of the hight (making extra heat for no reason).

Maybe since you have more experience then me with "The Church" you can tell me... my leafs near my nugs are turning a purple color, which looks nice, but not sure if its suppose to be there? I've heard your plant will get a purple hint if your rooms too cold or if you have to much mag. in your plant... I only use molasses for nute's could this create that?

How much did you pay for your LED light? I've looked around and their mostly around $150-$300 and I don't got that kinda dought (poor college kid)

P.S. my plant has seemed to stop getting bigger... I believe its getting frosty'er,but that just be my imagination compensating... any ideas? or do my pictures prove different (this is my first grow so any info helps)


Active Member
I been looking into LED the buddy I got my clone from has the 250 UFO LED which he's in love with... I've heard good thing they're just a bit expensive for me; I did look into building one, but finding the right wavelength LEDs is really hard.

I have no UV lights in my room only CFL, I had a T5 flurotube grow light that I took out due to my plant only using 1/3rd of the hight (making extra heat for no reason).

Maybe since you have more experience then me with "The Church" you can tell me... my leafs near my nugs are turning a purple color, which looks nice, but not sure if its suppose to be there? I've heard your plant will get a purple hint if your rooms too cold or if you have to much mag. in your plant... I only use molasses for nute's could this create that?

How much did you pay for your LED light? I've looked around and their mostly around $150-$300 and I don't got that kinda dought (poor college kid)

P.S. my plant has seemed to stop getting bigger... I believe its getting frosty'er,but that just be my imagination compensating... any ideas? or do my pictures prove different (this is my first grow so any info helps)
possibly but you need to feed the plant its primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and its secondary, using only molasses might have something to do with the purple color, or as you said the day or night temps are low.

i bid on mine at ebay and ended up getting it for $270, its a three spectrum, perfectly fine for all around growth, but from what ive read the most productive band of LED grow light is the 5 spectrum lights, cause the other two spectrum's are not needed for photosynthesis

and your plant is lacking extremly in the nutrient department, molasess has only has trace minerals not the primary and secondary nutes your plant needs to thrive.

hope this hepls