Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...


Well-Known Member
Thanks HC. I'm gonna have to do that next time around for sure.

This, apparently, is what Mg deficiency looks like... I'm guessing. I added some epsom salts to my water at 2 tsp/gallon-- hopefully it saves me from destruction.

And this, hopefully, is bud pr0n... soft pr0n, that is lol :lol: :peace:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks HC. I'm gonna have to do that next time around for sure.

This, apparently, is what Mg deficiency looks like... I'm guessing. I added some epsom salts to my water at 2 tsp/gallon-- hopefully it saves me from destruction.
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And this, hopefully, is bud pr0n... soft pr0n, that is lol :lol: :peace:
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What's happenen man. Soft porn?!? Shit bru those are starting to fill out nicely...that's some quality pr0n all the way for sure! How are they smelling lately??

Pic 1 looks like it was caused by your ph being way off, I would guess too high, plus you need to let your tap water sit a day so the chlorine has a chance to evaporate. Couldn't see any probs in pic 3 but number 4 looks a little more like cal/mag deficency and or lock out with the small rust colored spots. To be honest, at this stage in the game your not going to see to much for improvement with the ebsom salt and foliar and actually I would not do either of those things. Maybe a little flush and then the supplements with good ph'd water. >>>>>>>> bongsmilie>>>>>Qleaner


Well-Known Member
Shit dammit, my meter must be outta whack. Thanks for the diagnosis Sir HC. Hope I jus didn't screw myself. Lol. I'll swing by ur thread later to say hey. It's the lady's bday tonight, so I'll b out to dinner most of the night. Peace!


Well-Known Member
hey bro, i didn't catch what you are using for soil.....seems weird to have a Mg dif with cal/mag by GO. but it sure looks like that is what it is. anyways....buds look killer....didn't realize how sativa'd out those cheese leaves many total days flower you think to finish out? Nugs


Well-Known Member
Hey there Nugs. Super sativa looking leaves, eh?? I was surprised, too. The plants didn't stretch as much as I was expecting, tho, which is probably a good thing lol. . .

I'm using Roots Organic soil, with no other amendments (although I'm definitely going to next time around). It has zero Mg in there, so it's all been from the GO so far, plus the epsom I threw in the other day in a moment of weakness/despair/'I'm so scared'. Saturday marked the end of week 6, and Mr West over on the cheese thread said Big Buddha Bheese normally goes about 9.5 weeks. I'm getting some yellowing on my lower fans, as you could tell, which I'm afraid might be coming on a little too early? I'm all for letting buds ripen before harvest, so we'll see what happens. I don't wanna chop 'em too early! In a week and a half I'll do a light molasses mixture flush. . . then give em about 2 weeks and see what the trichs are looking like.

Ya know, come to think of it, maybe I'm getting nute lockout from something else? I fudged and gave them some non organic flower enhancer a few weeks back, and that's right around the time that they started to show deficiency. Hmm... Time for a little bongsmilie Peace, Nugs!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey brudder coming up on the home stretch! Now is the time to pull up a chair, strap maself in and watch the show!! Good karma all the way brobo ; !)


Well-Known Member
Hey brudder coming up on the home stretch! Now is the time to pull up a chair, strap maself in and watch the show!! Good karma all the way brobo ; !)
Thanks brother! I'm so excited, too. They are starting to swell up, and the smell is well... cheesey :) I've learned a lot from this grow, and I can't wait to put that knowledge to good use next round. :peace:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey bro!

I've used Roots once and found it to be a bit weak, all kinds of amendments that you can put in though! Getting about ready to call it a day, just waiting for my girl to come over. Later man!


Well-Known Member
Enjoy your night! ;) Yeah, I'm switching out soils next round. That's one of the things I've learned lol :peace: bro


Well-Known Member
Hey Bro! Just popped on for a quickie this morn. Stressful day at work... glad to be home bongsmilie

Have some cheese updates. Deficiency is still there, and slowly creeping up the plant. I'm kinda sweatin' it right now, not sure if I can hold the yellowing off. Upped the Cal/Mg I'm giving them. We'll see. Not sure if they can last another 3 weeks, assuming this pheno goes that long. Triple checked my pH today. Was storing my meter in 4.0 when the manual called for 7.0 lmao silly me:wall: 6.5 on the nose. Here goes...

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Looking very nice brobo, it wont be long now. Some of that yellowing is just your natural end of flower fade. Maybe green them up just a bit more in veg with some sort of N


Well-Known Member
ok ok ok ok thanks! lol bongsmilie ;) I was making a big mistake by not letting my water sit. Especially w/ the organic nutes. Despite my efforts to feed them heavily, I think a lot of the good stuff was maybe getting killed off? I dunno, was jus doin' some readin up on it all. Oh, time for more bongsmilie Have a good night bro! ;)


Active Member
Those buds are looking great but that doesn't really look like a CalMag problem to me. When is the last time you flushed?

Are you using a Tamron lens?


Well-Known Member
Those buds are looking great but that doesn't really look like a CalMag problem to me. When is the last time you flushed?

Are you using a Tamron lens?
Hey CD. I think it was pH, maybe, too. There are some that I know were Mg, but now the leaves have stopped doing what looked like Mg, and just have that yellowing (which I thought was yellowing from a def, now I think it could be pH related a little, too). I was going all organic until a few weeks back, and still am hardly using anything chemical. Every time I water I let a fair amount come out the bottom, too... Hmm. Just gave em a healthy drink yesterday, so we'll see. . .

The lens I'm using for those shots is a 100mm Canon Macro lens... You can get in pretty darn close with it, too. The trich pr0n was cropped in from a bigger shot, btw-- You'd need a different lens, of course, for that. . . $$$$$$$$$

Cheers Bobotrank my friend, have a great day. Lunch with my daughter in a few hours
Morning HC! What a great dad, taking his girl out for a bite to eat. You enjoy your day, too, brother!


Well-Known Member
Whodat posted this over on the 600 thread, and figured I'd post it here so I don't lose it-- and so anyone else can use it, too. :peace:

Subcool Super Soil

-> Full Batch (12 cubic feet)

8- Large bags (1.5 cubic ft. ea) High quality Organic soil with Mycorrhizae
(i.e. Roots Organic)

25-50 lbs. Organic Worm castings
5 lbs. Steamed Bone Meal
5 lbs. Bloom Bat Guano (Fruit Bat – High P)
5 lbs. Blood Meal
3 lbs. Rock Phoshates
¾ Cup Epsom Salts
1 Cup Sweet Lime (Powdered Dolomite)
1 Cup Azomite (Trace Elements)
2- TBS Powdered Humic Acid

Run off on this mix after a 4 week sitting with 7 ph water is 6.3


-> 1/2 Batch (6 cubic feet)

4 - Large bags (1.5 cubic ft. ea) High quality Organic soil with Mycorrhizae
(i.e. Roots Organic)

12.5-25 lbs. Worm Castings
2.5 lbs. (40 oz) Steamed Bone Meal (0-10-0)
2.5 lbs. (40 oz) Bat Guano (Fruit Bat – High P)
2.5 lbs. (40 oz) Blood Meal
1.5 lbs. (24 oz) Rock Phosphates
3/8 Cup (1/4 cup + 1/8 cup) Epsom Salts
1/2 Cup Sweet Lime (Powdered Dolomite)
1/2 Cup Azomite (Trace Elements)
1 TBS Powdered Humic Acid

Run off on this mix after a 4 week sitting with 7 ph water is 6.3


-> 1/4 Batch (3 cubic feet = 5184 cubic inches)

2 - Large bags (1.5 cubic ft. ea) High quality Organic soil with Mycorrhizae
(i.e. Roots Organic)

6.25-12.5 lbs. Worm Castings
1.25 lbs. (20 oz) Steamed Bone Meal (0-10-0)
1.25 lbs. (20 oz) Bat Guano (Fruit Bat – High P)
1.25 lbs. (20 oz) Blood Meal
.75 lbs. (12 oz) Rock Phosphates
3 TB Epsom Salts
1/4 Cup Sweet Lime (Powdered Dolomite)
1/4 Cup Azomite (Trace Elements)
1.5 tsp Powdered Humic Acid

Run off on this mix after a 4 week sitting with 7 ph water is 6.3

-> 1/8 Batch (1.5 cubic feet = 2592 cubic inches)

1 - Large bag (1.5 cubic ft.) High quality Organic soil with Mycorrhizae
(i.e. Roots Organic)

3-6 lbs. Worm Castings
.625 lbs. (10 oz) Steamed Bone Meal (0-10-0)
.625 lbs. (10 oz) Bat Guano (Fruit Bat – High P)
.625 lbs. (10 oz) Blood Meal
.375 lbs. (6 oz) Rock Phosphates
1 TB + 1.5 tsp. Epsom Salts
1/8 Cup Sweet Lime (Powdered Dolomite)
1/8 Cup Azomite (Trace Elements)
.75 tsp Powdered Humic Acid

Run off on this mix after a 4 week sitting with 7 ph water is 6.3