April 1, 34 Years Old Today,


Active Member
I'm so happy to be alive. I've got love for the whole world. I love everybody. I'm so thankful for the Creator of this universe and all the magnificent glorious miracles of life surrounding us on every inch of this planet. We are loved and we are called to love.

I love you all.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter. Your birthday happens when Merica says it does.. got it? (kidding) ¡Feliz Cumpleaños Señor!


Moderatrix of Journals
hippy barfday~!! (hope it's from coughing too much...;))


...watch where you step in this thread...

.... i think i just got love-splatter on me...


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday! You are exactly 2 months older than me. You should make yourself a large gravity bong and take bong hits all night until you pass out. Lay on the beach and stare at the stars.


Pickle Queen
Happy birthday!! ya it's only 510pm march 31 here in Canada

All my snow is melted and my garden has been turned, i hate snow after March!!!!!


Active Member
time zones are crazy its already hella fucking hot today in cali it was cold as fuck last week
happy birthday