Just transplanted not looking so good...


Active Member
Did you water them after u transplanted?and usually when I transplant my plants,I tend to tone my lights back to half strength for a day or two.then back up all the way after that.

kbo ca

Active Member
that leaf curl looks like its from a heat problem. what is your room temp? go to the store and snag some Super Thrive. This product deals with plant stress, which is common during transplanting. on second look your plants definatley have some nute burn. What soil did you use this time? are you adding any nutrients to your water?
yea idk what kind of soil im just afraid they are going to die. from the transplant,,i didnt water after. ill tone down the lights fuck i hope they don't die. but they were root bound in their cups im sure
ive been using miracle grow with water i have to have something to smoke i have no money and no car all i have is cfls some unknown potting soil and miracle grow all purpose.


bud bootlegger
don't use any nutrients on them atleast for another two weeks or so.. for god;s sake, plants that age don't like much if any nutes, take iit easy on the poor girls..


Well-Known Member
Okay go to the store and get you sum perlite and redo the soil you should also get a pool ph kit to check your soils ph runoff just run water thru your soil till you get a bit of run off and collect it drop 5 of those red dye drops in the tester and if its lower than 6.2 or higher than 7.0 your problom is there if its inbetween those then your alright and are you useing tap water its SHITY you need a filter or a RO system. also your soil may be too hot thats where the burn is commin fromngood luck dude!!

kbo ca

Active Member
if your using cfls and miracle grow your probably not gonna drop the coin on an RO filter. Don't mess around with your soil like Hungry is suggesting it will just stress your plants out more. tap water is fine if the ph is close to correct (between 5.5 and 6.5). Just don't add any nutes for a while. you should let the water that you plan to use on your plants, sit out for at least 24 hours. This will help with ph and evaporate any chlorine that may be in the water. Your plants are not dead they just need to recover. Adding a small amount of super thrive to your water will help them recover from their stress. This is bare minimum advice that is cheap and will work.


Well-Known Member
your soil is probably too hot for those babies. no ferts for at least two weeks. flush them 2-3 times over the next day or so. don't use aluminum foil. watch your heat levels...around 82 degrees F is good for them and oh pray!


Well-Known Member
Not watering after a transplant is a quick way to kill them.

Water in well NOW! Work the soil in with your fingertips. Don't worry about the chlorine for the moment, just get them watered.



Well-Known Member
im not a soil grower i use a hydroponic sysems but a couple of my buddies do organics,...but whats happening is definately a combination of under feeding...and some nutrient burn....the plants are drooping beacause there thirsty and the burnt tips are coming from the nutrients in youre soil...like hungry man said...you need to gat you some pearlitle a.s.a.p......and you need a p.h water tester a r.o system is a nice touch.......swicth the soil and try to warter thoroughly one maybe twice a week ....what my buddies do is they put their finger in the soil and if the soil is dry three inches into the pot then its time to water if not then wait.........im not a soil grower so agin this is just an educated guess but my buddies plant are always looking 100 percent!!!
fyi for everyone im just a broke mother fucker with a broken down car got four dollars to his name can't get a ride anywhere , mentally ill cant get a job and i just need to smoke bud by any means..anyway i can get the job done

kbo ca

Active Member
Not watering after a transplant is a quick way to kill them.

Water in well NOW! Work the soil in with your fingertips. Don't worry about the chlorine for the moment, just get them watered.

doesn't matter how much water you give em, if its chlorinated water its going to kill off beneficial bacteria which the plant needs to recover. Where did all that rep come from??

farm dawg

If you start your seedlings in miracle grow soil it will burn your plants. It is too nutrient rich for seedlings. I always germinate my seeds first, and then after they sprout, I plant them in seed starter soil. When my plants are in the vegetative stage of growth, I transplant them into a 1 gallon pot with some good quality organic potting soil. Don't start feeding your plants until the third or fourth week of veg., unless the leaves start yellowing before then. A lot of people like to sart their fertilizer solution at 1/4 strength, and then increase to full strength from there.


Well-Known Member
doesn't matter how much water you give em, if its chlorinated water its going to kill off beneficial bacteria which the plant needs to recover. Where did all that rep come from??
If you water with pool water, THAT might be enough chlorine to knock off the micro herd, but not tap.

The rep comes from experience, NOT repeating misinformation that you read and claim as gospel.
