The Police have a weapon to detect canabis 2013


Active Member
i have got news for everyone be afraid, be very afraid, the police have got their hands on some interesting equipment that detects high frequency
broadband noise from fans when you point it at a house from outside,it will be attached to heat sensitive equipment too, it can detect different fan noises
in different parts of the house, even through a solid 6" concrete wall.
a typical 12.5v 4" fan has a broadband frequency between 2000-5000 hertz from -5 to +5 decibels this may not sound loud but the high frequency
noise makes people aware that it is there, fans also have an anechoic chamber noise, that is the noise of the air rushing through the ducts, and i know for
a fact that if this device can pick up a 12v fan from outside your home then what is it going to pick up from your bedroom or loft when they point it
at a 6" fan, and they are putting this detection theory into practice in 2012-13 depending on where you live, this information was top secret and it comes
from the horses mouth, this was agreed at the last g8 summit by mostly western world leaders due to the huge western world population that is growing and
getting interested in growing canabis, the world leaders were worried about the flagging economy of the western world and had to put in to practice an
emergency plan to generate large sums of capital that could be thrown in to prevent global meltdown and that is where you come in, they are not interested
in jailing anyone it is a way to generate massive amounts of fine money, and the penalties for non payment will be prison and so severe a term that to pay the
fine will be inevitible, you may get a fine of $500 with a jail alternative of three years minimum to serve, why pay for a prisoner, let the offender pay for
himself,which one would you rather serve, and if you have been caught once this will have a double effect on the penalty of the second offence, my god this is an
absolutely brilliant idea to generate huge amounts of money from a world that is growing canabis in every nook and cranny in every town and village in the world
but at the same time i am sad for this will be the final nail in the coffin for home grown canabis.imagine getting caught 4 times the fine will now be £4000 or 3 years jail.
fuck i feel as though i have just been conned out of a great pastime, oh well better look out the home brew kit.


Well-Known Member
So you actually think that the police will be able to obtain a search warrant because their "fan detector" detected a fan?

Do you know how many people (non growers) run ceiling fans, tabletop fans, stand alone fans, heaters, humidifiers, air purifier machines, sleep apnea machines, exhaust fans in the bathroom,exhaust fans in the kitchen, air conditioner units etc. ?


Well-Known Member
I would hope the police have better things to do than drive around and listen for fans in peoples houses.... :lol:
So you actually think that the police will be able to obtain a search warrant because their "fan detector" detected a fan?

Do you know how many people (non growers) run ceiling fans, tabletop fans, stand alone fans, heaters, humidifiers, air purifier machines, sleep apnea machines, exhaust fans in the bathroom,exhaust fans in the kitchen, air conditioner units etc. ?


Well-Known Member
plain and simple if you already have one lookin at your house your already fuckt as they need search warrents alone to peer into your private homes as is

Total Head

Well-Known Member
1. there is nothing suspiscious about running a fan or fans, even in the winter in the north.
2. i live in the USA. police using techy crap to "put an ear to my wall" so to speak is illegal without asking a judge first, and if they don't ask a judge it gets thrown out anyway.

i guess it's bad news if you live someplace with no freedom, buy my guess is those places have worse news than this.


Well-Known Member
And the idea to do this to raise revenue is ridiculous.

The current fines for a felony drug arrest is between $5,000. and $25,000. And you still have to pay whether you just get probation or jail time.

The amount of money they would have to spend on these make believe fan detectors and the cost of the man power to drive around hunting for phantom fan noises would by far out weigh the measly $500.00.


Well-Known Member
And the idea to do this to raise revenue is ridiculous.

The current fines for a felony drug arrest is between $5,000. and $25,000. And you still have to pay whether you just get probation or jail time.

The amount of money they would have to spend on these make believe fan detectors and the cost of the man power to drive around hunting for phantom fan noises would by far out weigh the measly $500.00.
The governments efficient spending habits must be your premise here...............Though I agree with you, they have proven that they don't seem to care the costs, either monetary or other.


Well-Known Member
i believe this falls under the 'warrant only' set of tools, at least in the USA
police were limited years ago from using sophisticated IR imaging tools to peer in at will at suspected grow ops
i would think this is just as invasive, not too mention probably worthless for grow detection


Well-Known Member
can you please cite your source please? "straight from the horses mouth" doesn't mean much to me...i call bullshit on this bit of "info" thanks anyway


Well-Known Member
The governments efficient spending habits must be your premise here...............Though I agree with you, they have proven that they don't seem to care the costs, either monetary or other.
The OP said the reason why the world leaders are going to do this is to raise money for the faultering economy. Not to just bust people because its against the law.


Well-Known Member
The OP said the reason why the world leaders are going to do this is to raise money for the faultering economy. Not to just bust people because its against the law.
I got I'm just being a smart ass. Funny they wouldn't just legalize the shit, tax it.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Haven't you guys heard? They have satellites tuned to listen in on the precise precussion a bong makes when you're taking a gnarly pull off the fucker. Yep. They're watching you right now.