Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
You too buddy! Going to start trimming those girls in a little while, very frosty and pretty but I'm not overly fond of the smell or taste and the potency could be better. After these come down that pheno is no more lol. NE seems to be getting hit with a massive snow storm today...everywhere but here so far. That's fine with me lol!


Well-Known Member
you must get sick of that snow i guess, we had a couple of white weeks last year, it gets annoying fast, then again we are not equipped to deal with it, you probably are.

sorry what strain again?, looks lovely for sure

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
you must get sick of that snow i guess, we had a couple of white weeks last year, it gets annoying fast, then again we are not equipped to deal with it, you probably are.

sorry what strain again?, looks lovely for sure
What's going on ghb. I don't mind the snow in the winter, but I'm about ready for spring though lol!

Those girls are one of the Calizhar phenos. I have some of the keeper pheno coming down today too, I'll take a pic of it for you

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I think I'm addicted............

To growing. I'm supposed to be slowing things down lol.

Day 5 today for these Zhar keepers. I took 30 nice cuttings last night and I'll keep the best 24 and do a single cola sog under the 400. Today I'll take 30 cuttings off the C-4 keeper SB cut (super barbie) and do the same thing. The original stoner barbie cut is coming up on 8.5 weeks and looks dank dank dank!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i like it 24 under one 400 is brave but doable for sure, ever tried it?
I have with other strains, just trying to dial these in as far as veg time. Those up above got bigger than I wanted them to before I was able to flip em. I have 12 C-4 and Zhars that went under the 400 today. they are about a third of the size of the ones above and are in one gal bags. In a few weeks when the cuttings are ready I'll move those twelve into the other flower room and put the 24 in


Well-Known Member
good morning sugar! nice update! hope your having a good morning, looks like it. just getting ready to make a vid and then clean the house like mad so that its not compleatly trashed when i get back from denver. lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I envy you SB. Nice that you have a hook up over there ; !) I'll look for your vid later! See ya later my Super girl :)

God I got clones coming out of my ears, no room in the schedule for a couple of months at least and my grower buddy whom I have supplied countless clones over the years for his outside op, is having personal problems and has turned into kind of a dick so he's not getting them lol. Besides I've already set him up with a few dozen this year anyways. Sooo...say good by 30+ fully rooted cuttings. Need the room in the chamber.

edit...none of my new yins, Qleaner and C-4 are the clones hitting the trash to make room

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I had already decided to forgo my outdoor op this year in favor of getting my veggie garden up and going again. Really don't have the time and energy for both lol


Well-Known Member
Morning brother! Shame about all the clones. I'm semi in the same position, but obviously not to such an extent. Still, I've got about 20 and I'm not sure I have room for that many. In 3 more weeks, if they aren't TREES, I might put them all in 1 gallon pots and see if I can squeeze them all into the party ;)

Those buds are looking awesome btw... know they're not keepers, but I'd certainly smoke them from here. Good luck with the trimming my friend!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey SB pulling a long one today, still at it too lol. Lil tired. You must be soo excited for tomorrow,,,,have a blast!! Pics???

The long one near my thumb? Snake bite.


Well-Known Member
Whoop! Looking bomb HC! I almost forgot Barbie was coming out to my hood! I got Sunday off work Barbie if you're still gonna be around. I probably won't be able to make the competiton. Enjoy Kid Cudi

A snakebite? Seriously?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there CLove, thanks for the complement man. Hey I think that the cup is a two day event? Maybe you guys can hook up on Sun. And yup, that's a snakebite lol. Running on a couple of hours sleep this morning, my chick came over bout 230 in the mornin and I guess we made up