Marijuana Stalks


Well-Known Member
Hi im new to this site, but ive already gotten lots of good pointers on growing a healthy pot plant. But anyways im about 4 days since my plant has sprouted from the little glass i have in it. Im using only window light, and i do bring it out for a few hours(5-6) when i can and leave it in direct light, it basically just came out of the soil. But my main concern is the stalk of the plant. Like the brance part thats coming out of the dirt, How long does it take for that to thicken so that platn doesnt seem so frail and flimsy? Anyways any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks :joint:


Well-Known Member
Depends man, its probably not getting enough light and that's why it's all flimsy. It will never get better if it doesn't get enough light.


Well-Known Member
Well i mean its not sagging like it cant stand its own weight at all, its just a little curved, i put a small toothpick beside it just for support. But i think its going to be fine, just i gotta definitly give it more light, its hard since im secretly growing around my parents and such. Anyways thanks, if you have any other advice let me know. lol im all ears...or eyes..HHAHAH peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid your plant may be doomed on only 5-6 hours of window light :( I believe 18 hrs is the min light a plant needs during veg. Try and find a way to get your lil one some light.


Well-Known Member
also, if it is in a glass that is see-through I believe that is bad. You don't want the roots to get any light. You should move it to different pot that won't let light through.


Well-Known Member
nice thanks guys, well i mean the lighting isn't exactly timed, its staggered since i'm hiding it too, it gets periods of darkness. Right now im using a regular light bulb, 60 watt at night time when my doors locked and closed directly above the plant. During day hours it sits in a window behind my dresser, so it cant be seen. for a few hours, then if my parents leave ill bring it to the back deck in direct sunlight. So i mean it needs more, so i gotta think of seomthing...i mean any ideas? and can a 60 watt light grow one plant if its real close to it? for cheap growing purposes? I think i might have to start guerrilla growing, which i am kind of already, but outside actually >< peace


Well-Known Member
dude. there is no way that will grow. not enough light, not stable light, way too much stress. i think you should restart



Well-Known Member
dude they look pretty healthy, theyre a little tall (strectched) but as far as the co lor and texture they're really strong. they stand real tall, and as soon as it warms here in like 4 weeks, im hoping i can bring them u have any pointers?


New Member
Dude that plant will stretch and stretch till it gets correct lighting. It will die. A 60 watt regular bulb is not helping it at all. Get a couple of cfls set up in a closet and start over the right way. It does not take much to grow decent weed. Just Lights, Nutes, Water, and Air that is done correctly.


Well-Known Member
i wish i could do that. Believe me i understand the techniques, its just im also with my parents hahah im still in high school, so im trying the best i can while keping it under wraps ya kno? but... i mean do u have any other ideas? lol peace


New Member
Here is my advice Wait untill you have your own place and are not risking your parents home. Get them outta there.... It's not cool to risk your parents home unless they are ok with you doing it in the first place. Focus on school, while you can.

Just My two Cents.


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! dude im bringing them outside. believe me its not jeporadizing my parents place, but good advice. but im very active in school and everything so yea. peace :joint:
you may be in high school im only 11 and i wanna no if i can grow a decent smokable piece of :leaf:that i can :joint:



Active Member
By all means experiment. That's good. Just don't expect any smoke off it. Maybe try a guerrilla grow if you can hide it in the garden or the woods somewhere if you want something out of it.