How much do you think this will produce


Active Member
guestimate anybody? I have no idea since this is my first female almost ready to harvest. C'mon somebody give me their best estimate.


Well-Known Member
what a cool'll get a good weight oz out of her I expect.....good work......thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
If anyone asks what strain it is, just tell them its e.t. kush (eiffel tower),,, cause you know that they just need a name,, besides,, sounds better than


Well-Known Member
if somebody told me i was buying kush and it didnt taste like kush when i went to smoke it we would have a problem that advice will get you you shot. name it captain krunk or papa smurf dont claim false genetics. 30grams dry...


Well-Known Member
If its way dense maybe 29.6 gr if its kinda larfy 14.7? Looks a little larft buy not bad at all..


Well-Known Member
Everyone should start weighing their pots befor the plants are in them and then at least they could find out how much their plant weighs wet then divide that by like 6 and get the dried weight


Active Member
Everyone should start weighing their pots befor the plants are in them and then at least they could find out how much their plant weighs wet then divide that by like 6 and get the dried weight

if only people would be disciplined enough to keep statistics like that.

LOL "....divide that by like 6...." very scientific, broham.


Well-Known Member
vamp did u use cool or warm bulbs...also what did u use for veggin and flowerin?? by the way good lookin tree, happy tokin


Active Member
I used the blue cfls during veg. And using 4 red 1 blue and 1 uvb during flowering. I only have the red packages left the blue got tossed and the red bulbs say bright white. They are just the regular home depot type.
Ill give everybody an update on weight when I cut it down, then when dried.
Its my only female and this is the first time i actually got one into flowering as my first attempt were all males. Its day 67 and the trichs are still half clear half cloudy how long before I see amber trichs?