No need to get personal-- take a toke and relax. Your views are justified based on your experience-- let me just throw some interesting info out there for consideration.
With the sentencing differentials, I was only pointing out what is common knowledge in policy circles. Laws like those are being currently being challenged in courts and are being legislatively changed because they are recognized as discriminatory. It is anything but propaganda.
As for who does the crime: The incarceration rate 2006 for white men was 736 per 100,000, for black men 4,789 per 100,000, for Hispanic men 1,862 per 100,000. Thats a big difference, and everyone agrees it is a problem. The thing is, that it is a complicated problem.
First, the majority of folks in prison are there because of drugs:
Drug use is nearly as frequent among whites as blacks (
BUT In every year from 1980 to 2007, blacks were arrested nationwide on drug charges at rates relative to population that were 2.8 to 5.5 times higher than white arrest rates. (
No magic here. The fact is that police arrest and incarcerate blacks more frequently for a crime whites are guilty of nearly as often.